These are not French fries from McDonald's! We bought a match box-like box at a ¥100 store. We're satisfied with the result!
*Recipe* (for 70 matchsticks)
Baking the cookies
1. In a bowl, cream 40g of unsalted butter pre-warmed to room temperature.
2. Add 30g of sugar, mix.
3. Add 15g of milk, mix.
4. Add a few drops of vanilla oil, mix.
5. Sift 45g of cake flour and 45g of corn starch, mix.
6. Bring the dough together, roll it out to 6mm thickness, and rest in a refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
7. Cut into 55mm x 5mm size, and line up on a baking sheet. If the dough becomes soft, chill in a refrigerator for a while, then resume cutting. The dough widens once baked. Therefore, cutting them thinner than its thickness gives them a nice square cross-section after baking.
8. Bake for 10 minutes in a 160-degree Celsius pre-heated oven, then lower the temperature to 150-degree Celsius and bake for additional 10 minutes.
Making baked meringue
9. Whisk 2 egg whites (74g) in a bowl placed over another bowl containing hot water (about 50-degree Celsius). If available, add cream of tartar (about heaping 3 spoonfuls (attached) for 35g of egg white). (As a substitute, use 1 teaspoon of lemon juice for each egg white.)
10. Add powdered sugar that is double the weight of egg white (148g) in several additions. Mix further to make meringue.
11. Add desired food coloring to make a colored meringue.
12. Dip 8 into 11, and line up on a lined baking sheet.
13. Bake for 60 minutes in a 100-degree Celsius pre-heated oven.
14. When cooled, remove from the baking sheet.
15. Finished!
Halving the meringue recipe will yield enough product. Meringue is harder to make with a small amount of egg white. Therefore, make it according to the above recipe, and enjoy the remainder as a standard baked meringue. For this, bake for 90 minutes in a 100-degree pre-heated oven.
Substitute the cookie part with a commercially available stick-shaped snack for convenience.
マクドナルドのフライドポテトではありません。あ、チーたらでもサッポロポテトでもありません( ̄ー ̄)b
*レシピ*(マッチ棒 70本分)
1.ボウルに室温に戻した無塩バター 40 gを泡立て器で混ぜる。
2.砂糖 30gを入れ、混ぜる。
3.牛乳 15gを入れ、混ぜる。
5.薄力粉 45g、コーンスターチ 45gを合わせてふるい入れ、混ぜる。
9.ボウルに入れた2個分の卵白(74g)を 熱めのお湯(50度くらい)で湯煎しながら泡立てる。あれば、クリームターター(卵白1個およそ35gに対し付属スプーン山盛り3杯)を入れる。(クリームターターの代用として、卵白1個に対して、レモン汁 小さじ1強を加えてもよい)