走進「Ooh Cha Cha」,立馬有一股異國風味,因為創辦人是來自美國加州的,食物偏向美式和墨西哥!(vegan後,莫名其妙愛上墨西哥菜,而且常跟朋友在家裡做捲餅 😋)
這裡的「BBQ墨西哥捲餅」(NT40),滿滿的菇菇,小小一個,一口把它吃光,爽!特別喜歡「豆腐好炒拼盆」(NT240),嘩,那個豆腐,怎麼看都是炒蛋啊,吃起來也是炒蛋的味道和口感啊!怎麼會是豆腐呢 🤣 連飲料我也很喜歡,而且你看那顏色,你說,有誰會不喜歡呢
「Ooh Cha Cha」還特別適合聚餐,首先食物一定讓你大開眼界,再來,場地夠大,還有很多桌遊,讓你玩個夠 (我也忍不住玩了一下,捨不得走了 🙈) 對了,這邊拍食物照超美的,每張桌子上都有專業打燈 😂
Taipei │ Reluctant to Leave。Exotic American Cuisine
Entering "Ooh Cha Cha", you will have an exotic feeling immediately, because the founder is from California, and the food is American and Mexican! (After vegan, somehow fell in love with Mexican food, and often make burritos/tacos with friends at home 😋)
The "BBQ Pulled Mushroom Tacos" (NT40) here is full of mushrooms, tiny & cute, eat it all in one bite, it's very refreshing! I especially like the "Tofu Scramble" (NT240). Wow, that tofu, it’s scrambled eggs! Even the taste and texture feel like scrambled eggs! How can it be tofu? 🤣 I also like those drinks, look at the color of the drinks, tell me, who wouldn’t like it?
"Ooh Cha Cha" is also particularly suitable for friends gathering. First of all, the food must be surprisingly delicious. Then, the venue is large enough, and there are many board games for you to play. (I played a bit, and don't wanna leave 🙈) By the way, you can easily take a lot pretty pictures of the food here, because there are professional lighting on each table 😂
Ooh Cha Cha
📍 《古亭店》(Guting Branch)
No. 207, Sec 2, Nan Chang Rd., Zhongzheng District, Taipei 100, Taiwan
⏳ 10:00 - 22:00
📍 《科技大樓店》(Technology Building Branch)
No. 4-1, Sec 2, Heping East Rd., Da'an District, Taipei, 100, Taiwan
⏳ 10:00 - 22:00
#vegan #americanvegan #mexicanvegan