#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂產業國際要聞揀1加2條
│Star Trek 宇宙的真正艦長 Alex Kurtzman 與 CBS 簽下9位數新合約繼續探索串流世界5年│
• ViacomCBS 旗下的 CBS Studios 上週五和《Star Trek 星際爭霸戰》系列劇集的製作人 Alex Kurtzman 簽訂新的5年合作協議,繼續為該集團的電視頻道和串流服務製作更多節目。
• Alex Kurtzman 因為在 J. J. Abrams 的 Paramount 重開機版《星際爭霸戰》系列電影中擔任編劇的經驗,因而成為 CBS 重開機電視版《星際爭霸戰》的人選。早在星戰和漫威節目開始像複製人大軍一樣湧入串流宇宙之前,Alex Kurtzman 已經用短短不到幾年時間替 CBS 開發了七個《星際爭霸戰》延伸節目:《Star Trek: Discovery 星際爭霸戰:發現號》、《Star Trek: Picard 星際爭霸戰:畢凱》、動畫節目《Star Trek: Lower Decks 星際爭霸戰:底層甲板》、還未上檔的動畫節目《Star Trek: Prodigy》、仍在策劃中的《Star Trek: Strange New Worlds》和《Star Trek: Section 31》。相較於擁有電影版權的 Paramount 星艦宇宙近幾年的持續擱淺,CBS 電視版宇宙的遍地開花成了星艦宇宙半世紀來最大勝利。這使得 Kurtzman 如今的角色越來越接近 Marvel 影視宇宙的總舵手 Kevin Feige 或是星戰宇宙的總舵手 Kathleen Kennedy。唯二的差別是 Kurtzman 同時有編劇、導演、節目統籌的三重身份,以及他的製作公司 Secret Hideout 還沒有被片廠買下來。
• Alex Kurtzman 和他的製作公司 Secret Hideout 2018年才跟 CBS 簽訂5年的總體合作協議。按道理要到2023年合約才會期滿。但這3年整個世界已經天翻地覆:串流大戰和 COVID-19 使產業重心完全移轉到串流之上,而合約的其中一方當事人 CBS 甚至也為了強化串流競爭體質而與同屬 Redstone 家族擁有的另一個集團 Viacom 合併為 ViacomCBS,而且原來播出《星際爭霸戰:發現號》的串流服務 CBS All Access 也因此升格為 Paramount+。
• 在此同時,生意腦袋清楚的 Alex Kurtzman 也看到他的同行已經在串流大戰中得到完全不一樣的新待遇:《Grey's Anatomy 實習醫生》的 Shonda Rhimes、《American Horror Story 美國恐怖故事》的 Ryan Murphy、《Westworld 西方極樂園》的 Jonathan Nolan 都已經跟不同的串流業者簽下費用驚人的合作協議。顯然 Kurtzman 意識到自己在串流大戰中的關鍵角色已經不同以往,因此提早兩年向 CBS 提出重新談判續約的請求。除了大幅提高合作費用之外,也新增了更多的製作提案和人員的參與,讓 Alex Kurtzman 跟整個 ViacomCBS 的串流戰略夥伴關係越來越不可分割。
• CBS 當然不是笨蛋隨便人家在合約中途就地起價,和 Alex Kurtzman 建立更緊密的合作關係原本就是他們策略上的第一優先 。「從我跟 Alex 第一次開會,我就立刻體悟到他會是我們的未來所在」CBS 總裁 George Cheeks 大力稱讚 Kurtzman 在橫跨電影、電視、串流的縝密商業思考和劇情佈局能力:「當你要投這麼多錢在這些案子上的時候,你必須確保你找來的創作者確實能同時掌握跨平台、跨節目的千絲萬縷。」
• 當然我們也不能假裝沒看到 Kurtzman 華麗跌跤的時候。2017年 Alex Kurtzman 為 Universal Pictures 規劃了將該片廠過去的經典怪物電影變成一個所謂的 dark universe 闇黑宇宙,結果由 Kurtzman 親自執導的第一部電影——重開機版《The Mummy 神鬼傳奇》就沉沒在難看的票房數字中,讓整個闇黑宇宙提早夭折。
• 對於 ViacomCBS 來說他們的選擇餘地也不多,畢竟星際爭霸戰已經是他們能找得到最接近星戰或漫威的資產。如果以 CBS All Access 開始起算,他們在串流大戰算是起步早的提前入學生,然而真正像 Disney 和 WarnerMedia 那樣傾全集團之力投入串流大戰,還要等今年3月正式改名為 Paramount+ 之後。ViacomCBS 最近一次公佈串流用戶數量是3600萬人,而他們的目標是2024年之前到達7500萬人。這個速度使他們永遠難以追上已經在全球突破2億用戶的 Netflix 和破1億的 Disney+。跟 Paramount+ 一樣處在串流後段班的 NBCUniversal 串流品牌 Peacock 則在前幾天慶祝訂戶數量因為奧運轉播而提升為5400萬人。對 ViacomCBS 和 Paramount+ 來說,他們現在真的非常迫切需要 Alex Kurtzman 艦長帶來的曲速(或是孢子引擎?)幫忙推一把。
• 這次新聞同時還有另一個讓星艦迷終於放心的好消息,Alex Kurtzman 艦長宣佈因為延誤太久而被傳已經胎死腹中的《Star Trek: Section 31》很快就會拍板定案。我們終於可以如願得到更多的楊紫瓊女皇(撒花)!
◇ 新聞來源:
Alex Kurtzman Inks New Nine-Figure Overall Deal With CBS Studios(https://flip.it/xevMko)
Can Paramount+ Succeed? One Producer Hopes to Make It So.(https://flip.it/JBsuUu)
CBS Studios expands and extends Star Trek boss Alex Kurtzman’s deal, plus confirms development of Section 31 show — Daily Star Trek News(https://flip.it/XpR0uP)
│同樣以30美元在 Disney+ 同步上架的《Jungle Cruise 叢林奇航》賣得比預期更好,所以誰說都是串流的錯?│
◇ 新聞來源:‘Jungle Cruise’ Beats Box-Office Expectations as ‘Old’ Plummets. How Is This PVOD’s Fault?(https://flip.it/jakDTN)
│串流大戰造成攝影棚需求暴增,好萊塢著名的 Sunset Studios 攝影棚老闆要在英國投資10億美元的攝影棚│
◇ 新聞來源:Hollywood’s Sunset Studios Heading to U.K.’s Hertfordshire With $1 Billion Facility Investment(https://bit.ly/3zSM6VQ)
同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過120萬的網紅Phê Phim,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Phê Phim News: BLACK WIDOW Dời Lịch | TỬ THẦN Tái Xuất Ở FINAL DESTINATION | Rạp Chiếu Phim ĐÓNG CỬA ? FOLLOW/LIÊN HỆ CHÚNG MÌNH TẠI ? ?WEBSITE ĐỈNH...
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#葉郎每日讀報 #娛樂產業國際要聞揀1加2條
│M. Night Shyamalan 新片《Old 詭老》在詭譎多變的災後票房中奪冠 │
• 每一週的票房分析的結論都越來越接近,所以乾脆把結語放在前面:結論是完全恢復常態的日子還非常非常遙遠,電影院和整個電影院仍然必須應付變幻無常、非常不穩定的市場,當然也還必須跟著整個世界一起對抗變幻無常的變種病毒。
• M. Night Shyamalan 新片《Old 詭老》上週末在北美賣出了1650萬美元的票房,成為 Shyamalan 的開票歷史新低。但該片卻以這個數字意外擊敗諸多對手,在慘淡的一週成為北美票房冠軍。推究原因是疫情仍然不穩定,使消費者的行為不像預期中那樣「回來了就回來了」,而是每週都會在「去電影院看電影」和「在家看電影」之間隨機擺盪。運氣不好的話,這很可能變成很長一段期間內的產業常態。
• Forbes 的報導非常詳盡地回顧 M. Night Shyamalan 歷來每部電影的票房表現。作者認為許多失敗來自於其他類型的嘗試,因此回到他最拿手的驚悚類型上而言他仍然是一個非常 bankable 有票房潛力的導演。《詭老》的平庸票房必須考量到該片沒有知名演員、不是現成 IP 以及成本僅只1800萬美元,首週末北美票房1650萬、國際票房650萬的表現仍然算是相當成功。
• 上映第二週的《Space Jam: A New Legacy 怪物奇兵:全新世代》則彰顯了疫情後的票房新常態——第二週票房劇烈下滑,跌幅甚至超越《Black Widow 黑寡婦》第二週的67%,達到69%的驚人下滑幅度。兩片的雪崩式票房表現基本上都歸罪於同步上架串流。《黑寡婦》還必須額外付費才能在 Disney+ 上看到,《怪物奇兵:全新世代》甚至是不用額外付費、只要是 HBO Max 現有訂戶就可以直接在家裡點選收看。顯然未來的新常態是那些仍感受到去電影院觀看的迫切性的觀眾將會集中在第一週出門,並可能使電影停留在電影院檔期上的時間大大縮短。
• 最後,則是《Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins 特種部隊:蛇眼之戰》的慘敗。多年來玩具商 Hasbro 和 Paramount 都衷心寄往這系列玩具可以變成另一個 Marvel 宇宙,或者至少是《Transformers 變形金剛》宇宙。然而該系列前兩部電影票房都差強人意,而這次企圖利用獨立電影的方式重啟該系列電影似乎也踢到鐵板。成本高達8800萬(外加行銷費用很可能近億)美元的《特種部隊:蛇眼之戰》北美首週僅收到1330萬的難看數字。不過串流大戰中既有 IP 宇宙的變現潛力實在太過誘人,這次失敗絕對不會打斷 Hasbro 和 Paramount 一試再試的決心。
◇ 新聞來源:
Box Office Twist: M. Night Shyamalan’s ‘Old’ Beats ‘Space Jam’ and ‘Snake Eyes’(https://flip.it/wXm.2p)
Box Office: ‘Old’ Proves That M. Night Shyamalan Remains A Bankable Horror Director(https://flip.it/_vJbUV)
Why ‘Snake Eyes’ Missed Its Mark at the Box Office — and What It Means for the ‘G.I. Joe’ Franchise(https://flip.it/myoO4b)
◇ 新聞來源:Brands Are Invading Your Favorite Streaming Shows And Movies, Whether You Realize It Or Not(https://flip.it/2ghIf4)
│科技巨頭剉咧等!Joe Biden 集結各路反托拉斯超級英雄的團隊終於到位│
◇ 新聞來源:Biden Assembles Antitrust A-Team(https://flip.it/ekB86h)
old box office 在 Devatip Facebook 的最佳貼文
I want to share two old stories with you,
" *Story* *One*"go -
A certain company has a tradition of holding a party and a lottery every Christmas Eve.
The rules of the lottery draw are as follows: each employee pays ten dollars as a fund. There are three hundred people in the company. In other words, a total of three thousand dollars can be raised. Take all the money home.
On the day of the lottery draw, the office was filled with a lively atmosphere. Everyone wrote their names on the slips of paper and put them in the lottery box.
However, a young man hesitated when he wrote. Because he thought that the company's cleaning aunt's frail and sickly son was going to have an operation recently, but she did not have the money to pay for the operation, which made her very troubled.
So, even though he knew that the chance of winning was slim, with only a three percent chance, the man wrote the name of the cleaner on the note.
The tense moment came. The boss doubled in the lottery box, and finally drew out a note. The man also kept praying in his heart: I hope the cleaning aunt can win the prize...Then the boss carefully announced the winner’s Name, a miracle happened!
The winner turned out to be the cleaner! Cheers broke out in the office, and the cleaning lady hurriedly came to the stage to accept the award. She almost burst into tears and said movedly: I am so lucky! With this money, my son has hope!
At the beginning of the party, while thinking about this "Christmas miracle", the man paced to the lottery box. He took out a piece of paper and opened it casually. The name on it was also the name of Aunt Clean! The man was very surprised. He took out several pieces of paper one after another. Although the handwriting on them was different, the names were all the same, all of them were the names of the cleaning aunt! The man's eyes were red, and he clearly understood that there is a Christmas miracle in the world, but the miracle will not fall from the sky, but people are required to create it by themselves!
" *Story* *Two* "
One afternoon, I went for a walk with a friend in the suburbs. Suddenly, an old man in tattered clothes approached with a bag of green vegetables in his hand. The sales of those vegetables are very poor, the leaves are dehydrated and yellow, and there are holes in them that are bitten by insects. But my friend bought three bags without saying a word. The old man also embarrassedly explained: "I grew this vegetable myself. It rained a while ago, and the vegetable was soaked. It looks ugly. I'm sorry.
After the old man left, I asked my friend: Will you really eat these dishes when you go home?
He didn't want to say: No, these dishes can no longer be eaten.
Then why are you buying?
Because it is impossible for anyone to buy those dishes. If I don't buy it, the old man will probably have no income.
I admired my friend's good deeds, so I caught up with the old man and bought some vegetables from him. The old man said very happily, "I tried to sell it all day, and only you are willing to buy it. Thank you so much.
Several handfuls of green vegetables that I can't eat at all taught me a valuable lesson.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
When we are in a low ebb, we all hope that miracles will happen to us; but when we are capable, are we willing to be the one who creates miracles?
old box office 在 Phê Phim Youtube 的最佳解答
Phê Phim News: BLACK WIDOW Dời Lịch | TỬ THẦN Tái Xuất Ở FINAL DESTINATION | Rạp Chiếu Phim ĐÓNG CỬA
?WEBSITE ĐỈNH ► https://phephim.vn
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?INSTAGRAM ► @phe.team & @phephim.official
?EMAIL ► contact@pheteam.vn
Nội dung: Dương, Linh Ma, Linh
Dẫn: Linh
Edit: Nhân
Tin 1: Hollywood “kiệt quệ sức khỏe” & “thuốc chữa”
BLACK WIDOW: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/black-widow-release-date-moved-coronavirus-concerns-1284288
Tin 2: Final Destination & Mortal Kombat
Điểm tin:
Fantastic Beasts phần 3 và The Batman tạm hoãn sản xuất
Vợ chồng Ryan Reynolds và Blake Lively làm từ thiện
Sonic the Hedgehog chính thức là phim từ game thành công nhất
Tin 4: Rạp phim tại TP. HCM & HN đóng cửa
Bắc Mỹ
Việt Nam
old box office 在 KemushiChan ロレッタ Youtube 的最佳貼文
Showing you what's new with my work life in Japan.
Hoping everyone's hanging in there! The dust will settle soon.
Taylor B: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gm0LHwz1zI&
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Me: https://www.youtube.com/user/kemushichan
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Send me messages or whatever you want via the address below!:
Yummy Japan - KemushiChan
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Yummy Japan - KemushiChan
5F, RKF-EBISU, 2-1-2, Ebisuminami, Shibuya-ku,
Tokyo, 150-0022, Japan
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Hi! My name is Loretta, a girl from the U.S. who moved to Japan! I moved here on the MEXT scholarship program as a graduate student, studying to get a Masters in Business Administration. Here are some answers to common questions:
1. Do I Speak Japanese? Yep! I was taught formally in High School and have been speaking now for over 15 years.
2. What are you studying? I'm a recent grad of Yokohama National University's "Masters of Business Administration" Program
3. How old are you?: Year of the dragon. :D The math is up to you.
4. How did you get into Japanese school?: http://tinyurl.com/yb8yylch
5. What camera equipment do you use?: I film my videos with a Canon 60D using a 30mm Sigma Art Lens and I edit with Sony Vegas Pro 10 (with some help from photoshop). Additional cameras include GoPro Hero 7 Black and DJI Majic Air
♪ Featuring Music by YouTube Audio Library ♪
#japanvlog #dayinmylife #japantravel
old box office 在 maco marets Official Youtube 的最佳解答
maco marets『Eyepatch』 from 2nd Album 'KINŌ'
produced, mixed & mastered by Riki Azuma (Small Circle of Friends / Studio75)
Hiroto Oshita(office-saku)
Iori Yamaki
Gold Erika
Taro Imai
Rina Ishii
Lee Yoko(Lightmodels)
Photographer /
Shuya Aoki
Director / Dai Yoshida (Jardin / spicebox,inc.)
Producer / Ryuta Nagano
Assistant director / Daikichi Kawazumi(spicebox,inc.)
Cinematographer / Ryuto Iwabuchi
1st assistant camera / Koya Yokohama
2st assistant camera / Kazuki Endo
Hairmake / Nori
Edit / Keisuke Takahashi
Title design / Miki Tokuchi
Creative director / Dai Yoshida ( Jardin / spicebox,inc.)
Special Thanks / Taiga Nishiwaki & Dosukoi Tanaka
▶︎Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jardin_di/
落ちてゆく 落ちてゆく
真夜中の夢と夢のあいだ ひとり落ちてゆく
裏返る LとR アップサイドダウン・トゥ・ヘル
ダンスホールてらすライト 消えたあとの闇にいる
触れる 指の先のリアリティ
怒りまかせフラリフラリ 踊らされて
虚を実に変える遊び ただのけん玉
突き刺す ヤリの先のするどさ
忘れかけた痛み 思い出したときに
ぼくは知る 君を知る
何があって 何がない
線を引いて ぼくとぼくじゃないそれ以外
それ以外 それ以外
笑ってる 街のざわめきも聞こえないくらいに
フラッシュバック フラッシュバック
*Translation / Michinori Taka
Down, down, I keep on falling down
In between dreams and dreams, I fall down alone in the midnight
The reversing L and R, upside down to hell
I stand in the darkness after the light of dance hall is gone
Touching the reality with the tips of my fingers
I missed the chance to grasp the shape of the mirage
Dancing casually driven by madness
Just like Jack Trance
Shining without understanding, dancing with the shining you
Why we can tell without our voice,
is because our spirit of words spill out from our crooked mouth
It’s just a game of changing lies to truth, it’s just a kendama
A pure red colored ball, the eyeball glaring the core
How sharp the spear is, when it stabs
I remember the pain that I was about to forget
That’s when I know, I know who you are
What’s there and what not there
Draw a line between what’s me and what’s not me, besides me,
besides me, besides me
It’s scary to see, it’s scary not to see too
It’s scary to see, it’s scary not to see too
Me, reflecting onto my eyes, you, looking down
Oh the supreme beauty! The gravity released from the light
Me, reflecting onto my eyes, you, looking down
Oh the supreme beauty! The gravity released from the light!
Somebody who stole the stars from the sky
Is laughing hard that I can’t even hear the buzz of the city
A flash back, flash back
To the silence when my ear was stabbed
Set in silence without any reason
His old worn out film camera
The inside of the black box, with the intestines ripped out
The particles of words that turned into ashes
Cover my eyes and asks me
“Should I see or should I not see?”
It’s scary to see, it’s scary not to see too
It’s scary to see, it’s scary not to see too
【maco marets】
▶Twitter: https://twitter.com/bua_macomarets
▶Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bua_macomarets
▶soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/macomarets