駭客盯上5G智慧製造破口 資安6大建議圍堵
全球網路資安領導廠商趨勢科技 (東京證券交易所股票代碼:4704) 發表一份報告指出 4G/5G 企業專用網路 (以下稱企業專網) 容易被駭客攻入的4大塊破口,也模擬出11種攻擊情境,並提出6項建議來保護 4G/5G 園區網路。
趨勢科技指出,這份報告藉由一個模擬智慧工廠企業專網的測試環境,深入研究企業難以修補關鍵 OT 環境漏洞遭利用的困境,並詳細說明多種攻擊情境以及可行的防範措施。
駭客可能入侵核心 4G/5G 網路的重要破口為:
一、執行核心網路服務的伺服器:攻擊這些標準商用 x86 伺服器的漏洞和強度不足的密碼。
二、虛擬機器 (VM) 或容器:若未套用最新修補更新就可能成為破口。
趨勢科技表示,駭客一旦經由上述任一破口進入核心網路,就能在網路內橫向移動並試圖攔截或篡改網路封包。正如我們的測試環境所示,駭客可經由攻擊智慧製造環境中的工業控制系統 (ICS) 來竊取機敏資訊、破壞生產線,或者向企業勒索。
在報告中所示範的 11 種攻擊情境當中,破壞力最強的是攻擊 IT 和現場工程師經常使用的 Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) 伺服器。升級 5G 並不會讓 RDP 流量自動獲得保護,因此駭客可藉此下載惡意程式或勒索病毒,甚至直接挾持工業控制系統。RDP v 10.0 是目前最安全的版本,提供了一些安全措施來防範這類攻擊,但話說回來,企業要升級到最新版本仍可能存在困難。
趨勢科技提出以下幾項建議來保護 4G/5G 園區網路:
一、使用 VPN 或 IPSec 來保護遠端通訊通道,包括遠端據點與基地台。
二、採用應用程式層次的加密 (HTTPS、MQTTS、LDAPS、加密 VNC、RDP v10 以及像 S7COMM-Plus 這類具備安全性的工業協定)。
三、採用 EDR、XDR 或 MDR 來監控園區與中央核心網路的攻擊與橫向移動活動。
四、採用 VLAN 或 SDN 來進行適當的網路分割。
六、 採用專為 4G/5G 企業專網設計所設計的網路解決方案安全產品如Trend Micro Mobile Network Security(TMMNS) ,可在企業內部網路偵測及防範阻擋網路攻擊威脅及對終端聯網裝置進行零信任 (Zero Trust) 管理,透過資網路與無線網路提供雙層防護,提供最大保護效果。
企業專用行動網路的建置,不僅牽涉到終端使用者,更牽涉其他單位,如:服務供應商與系統整合商。此外,企業專用 4G/5G 行動網路屬於大型基礎架構,而且使用壽命很長,所以一旦建置之後就很難汰換或修改。因此,有必要一開始就內建資安防護,在設計階段就預先找出及預防可能的資安風險。
趨勢科技技術總監戴燊也表示:「製造業正走在工業物聯網 (IIoT) 潮流的尖端,善用 5G 無遠弗屆的連網威力來提升其速度、安全與效率。然而,新的威脅正伴隨著這項新技術而來,而舊的挑戰也需要解決。正如這份報告中提出的警告,許多企業都陷入無法承擔停機修補關鍵系統漏洞的成本,所以只好冒著漏洞遭到攻擊風險的困境。所幸,這份研究提供了多項防範措施與最佳實務原則來協助智慧工廠確保今日與明日的安全。」
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1萬的網紅kormaruR,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Dead Rising 2: Off The Record Perfect Walkthrough from scratch (Lv.1) I will try be as descriptive in the title/description/annotation as much to tea...
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ot security 在 kormaruR Youtube 的最佳解答
Dead Rising 2: Off The Record Perfect Walkthrough from scratch (Lv.1)
I will try be as descriptive in the title/description/annotation as much to teach and let viewers know what the video are going to show, so that s/he won't waste time on any given part that s/he don't want to know about. (Saving your time ;D)
Let's start off on what to expect in this Perfect Walkthrough.
This is my personal goal "Perfect Walkthrough", where I save every saveable survivor and do every side mission in the story mode from scratch (Lv. 1).
There is no Trophy/Achievement for saving all survivors, so just for bragging rights.
I will also kill all boss psychopaths in the game.
Every video, nothing has been cut/edit out except loading/saving screens. If I stand and loiter, you will see me doing so but seriously I won't be doing that. I'll just be killing ZOMBIES! ;D
Instead of saying what Trophies/Achievements I will obtain in this walkthrough, I will list the Trophies/Achievements that I definitely not getting:
- Coop & Sandbox mode Trophies/Achievements: Since this is a solo walkthrough and from scratch, it doesn't make sense to deviate from the goal.
- Killing more than 10,000+ Zombies: Basically "No Time" to do so. Highly recommend on doing this in Sandbox mode.
- PP stickers Trophies/Achievements: Time is quite strict, probably possible during OT but I don't think I want to run around to find it in this walkthrough.
- "Purewal Memorial Cup" Don't consume any meat, dairy or alcohol until the military arrives. : This game is much harder than DR2, thus with my original goal of saving all survivor from scratch (Lv.1), this just too hardcore to do during this walkthrough.
- "Prestigious PP" Get over 2,000 PP from a single zombie kill.: Only a handful or just 1 combo weapon can do this with magazine boost and the combo card can only be obtain from Sandbox mode. Mark this one out.
- "Alpha Vs. Omega" Have Denyce attack and damage Sgt Boykin.: Seriously if I do that, I doubt I can rescue every survivor... Might be possible but this road is the one I'm not taking.
What's in this video:
5:20 - TIR Event: Try earn $20k here, it would help you on a side mission early in the game.
8:33 - "Prom Night" Trophy/Achievement
After the elevator, you can just roam around and earn some pp from guitar's heavy attack. Story timer hasn't start yet, so take your time.
24:18 - Security Box #052
Survivors here in this prologue are scripted to be dead. Thus can't be saved.
Other thoughts on this video:
Recommend to knock the zombie into the grinder more often than to keep lit'ing the stage on fire. You earn alot more money per zombie being grinded.
I'll try highlight the time where I obtain what Trophy/Achievement, but I might miss a few... So saying "Sorry for that" ahead of time.
Did I earn your subscription? ;P
I know some ppl have waited to see this ;D