跟大家分享一些線上免費資源,我附加上中英文說明給大家參考喔! 很適合停課和居家上班的大小朋友在家多看多學喔🥰歡迎大家多多分享~希望大家都平平安安,肺炎疫情趕緊好轉!
📍紐約公共圖書館 超過30萬本書可免費下載 https://bit.ly/39bwvCU
👉先在ios或android系統下載圖書館app SimplyE,即可從裡面下載免費電子書。
Over 300,000 ebooks from New York Public Library NYPL for free.
Just download their app SimplyE from an iOS or Android phone!
📍亞馬遜全球聽書免費開放~ 這超棒的! 所有有聲書免費收聽,內容超豐富從學齡前到經典文學,無需下載app,點進去之後按下"Start Listening" 即可撥放👌 這超實用~很豐富💯
Free audible stories from Amazon. You don't need to download any apps. Just choose a book and hit "start listening". Enjoy!
📍在家沒事做的大學生們看過來~ Ivy League常春藤聯盟的免費線上課程,自行在家上進吧💪
Free online courses from Ivy League. Enjoy knowledge at home.
📍Google Arts & Culture 各國博物館美術館線上看展品♥️
Enjoy virtual tours of museums around the world.
📍Supercoloring 著色本 可以線上著色也可以列印出來畫~🖍這超療癒又殺時間😂😂😂
You could print or coloring online.
📍 美國大都會歌劇院 東岸時間每晚7:30線上播映完整歌劇,每齣劇開放23小時免費線上收看 https://www.metopera.org/
Each day, a different encore presentation from the company’s Live in HD series is being made available for free streaming on the Met website, with each performance available for a period of 23 hours, from 7:30 p.m. EDT until 6:30 p.m. the following day.
Explore the universe with NASA. 🚀
📍IDFA online 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片節 免費資源 https://bit.ly/2Wyrgut
點入"Free Collection"即可從中挑選免費影片~ 也可點選付費影片收看。
Watch IDFA films for free from their free collection. You can also pay a small fee to watch other films.
「new york public library ebooks」的推薦目錄:
new york public library ebooks 在 楊草莓的超級流水帳 Facebook 的最佳貼文
跟大家分享紐約圖書館的免費線上資源之後,有粉絲私訊分享了更多線上免費資源喔! 部分轉載自文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News ✌️我自己整理了一下其中的各種連結並附加上中英文說明給大家參考喔! 另外加入一些我自己覺得不錯的免費資源。歡迎大家多多分享~ 附上幾張紐約圖書館聖誕節時的照片,希望大家都平平安安,肺炎疫情趕緊好轉!
📍紐約公共圖書館 超過30萬本書可免費下載 https://bit.ly/39bwvCU
先在ios或android系統下載圖書館app SimplyE,即可從裡面下載免費電子書。
Over 300,000 ebooks from New York Public Library NYPL for free.
Just download their app SimplyE from an iOS or Android phone!
📍亞馬遜全球聽書免費開放~ 這超棒的! 所有有聲書免費收聽,內容覆蓋學齡前到經典文學,無需下載app無需登錄無廣告,英/德/法/西/意/日六種語言。點進去之後按下"Start Listening" 即可撥放👌
Free audible stories from Amazon. You don't need to download any apps. Just choose a book and hit "start listening". Enjoy!
📍居家隔離的大學生們看過來~ Ivy League常春藤聯盟的免費線上課程來了。自行在家上進吧💪
Free online courses from Ivy League. Enjoy knowledge at home.
📍Google Arts & Culture 超過70國1200間博物館美術館線上看展品♥️
Enjoy virtual tours of museums around the world.
📍Supercoloring 著色本 可以線上著色也可以列印出來畫~🖍
You could print or coloring online.
📍 美國大都會歌劇院 東岸時間每晚7:30線上播映完整歌劇,每齣劇開放23小時免費線上收看 https://www.metopera.org/
Each day, a different encore presentation from the company’s Live in HD series is being made available for free streaming on the Met website, with each performance available for a period of 23 hours, from 7:30 p.m. EDT until 6:30 p.m. the following day.
📍溫哥華水族館 即時影音 超療癒💙
Live cams from Vancouver Aquarium. Very soothing!
📍NASA線上影音圖書館 https://www.nasa.gov/
Explore the universe with NASA. 🚀
📍IDFA online 阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片節 免費資源 https://bit.ly/2Wyrgut
點入"Free Collection"即可從中挑選免費影片~ 也可點選付費影片收看。
Watch IDFA films for free from their free collection. You can also pay a small fee to watch other films.