I have gone through soooo many bottles of Estee Lauder’s Advanced Night Repair and I’m so excited for this New Advanced Night Repair. First of all, look at how gorgeous that lit from within effect of the bottle is? (It’s now made of glass and is recyclable!) And now, inspired by the field of epigenetics, it also holds new technology that will do things like repair skin faster, increase collagen production, encourage cell renewal… Because of the New ChronoluxTM Power Signal Technology.
Estee Lauder scientists have been studying micro signalling molecules and their role in skin ageing in years of unprecedented research. What is the significance of this? Ok, lemme try!! Hahaha So. The nature vs nurture debate has been around for so long; there is a belief that our genes pre-determine things (nature), and the belief that things are influenced by our environment (nurture). Which are we a product of? Epigenetics adds another layer to this by saying that both are partly right, and it is about how both those things interact with each other, and that the environment can PHYSICALLY ALTER the genetic expression of your genes, it’s even possible that this can be passed on to offspring! How cool is that??? One of the ways this new serum works on that level is by its youth-generating power to help skin maintain its health and radiance. And another part that I will be doing is to commit to using this everyday (not gonna be difficult haha), and to drinking lots of water (I’m so, so bad at this) and also, pick up my colouring books again to help relief stress. Because epigenetic changes happen throughout our lifetime and our choices, lifestyle and environmental influences such as nutrition, exercise, stress, love, can greatly affect our biology and this can be seen at a DNA level. So, here we go!
Shop online now at https://bit.ly/shulovesanr (Link in Bio)
#EsteeLauderSG | #ILOVEANR | #AdvancedNightRepair | #SkinNatureVsNurture | #GenerationANR
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nature vs nurture 在 Abstract - Nature Vs. Nurture (Official Music Video) - YouTube 的必吃
Abstract - Nature Vs. Nurture (Official Music Video) ... Brand new video for one of my favorite songs on Super Human. The video was created by ... ... <看更多>