繼上篇聊到誤打誤撞闖入了電影 #從前有個好萊塢 的拍攝場景 @mussoandfrankgrill 除了餐點經典好吃以外,甜點更是讓我無比驚艷啊!一份1919霜淇淋配上一杯不造作的 #義式濃縮 咖啡複雜的苦香味配著香草冰淇淋,裡頭又有香蕉、花生和蜂蜜小脆餅...整個口感味道無比滿足,大快人心!此生一定要再去品嚐一次! @ Musso & Frank Grill
musso frank grill 在 David H. Chiem Facebook 的最佳解答
Porterhouse steak cooked medium rare @mussoandfrankgrill 😋🍴🍖
Established in 1919, Musso and Frank Grill is the oldest restaurant in Hollywood, with a list of famous regulars including Charlie Chaplin, Ernest Hemingway, Greta Garbo and Marilyn Monroe. In the present day, celebrities like @anthonybourdain, Johnny Depp and many others may be seen. Thank you @foodwithkevin for the special event!
musso frank grill 在 出走洛杉磯 Facebook 的最佳解答
#50個讓人覺得住在LA真好的理由 NO. 24:雖然說這年代一切在快速改變中,但是, LA有幸好保存下許多老式酒吧和老餐館:Dal Rae, Musso & Frank, the Dresden, Tam O'Shanter, HMS Bounty,有機會一定要去試試^^
更多證明LA是超棒城市的理由?快去 http://bit.ly/1jJn9Ei 了解
本專題內容取材自LA Weekly
Photo via Dal Rae Restaurant & Musso & Frank Grill