🌧Bão Grace đổ bộ vào Quintana Roo, Mexico
Hình ảnh chụp ngày 19/8/2021 cho thấy cơn bão Grace đổ bộ vào Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
#Grace #HurricaneGrace #bão #QuintanaRoo #PuertoMorelos #Mexico #Hurricane #BietlaSHARE
Ảnh: Israel Rosas/Xinhua.
morelos mexico 在 Betty Apple 倍帝愛波 Facebook 的精選貼文
Track 4. BettyApple x Mabe Fratti - Future People P1 (Ying Estacy 0923 Live Set recorded by Eviltapes)
A group of Ibero 90.9 collaborators come together with a group of Mexican and international artists in order to activate music compilation as fundraising instrument, in an effort to help reconstruction and relief duties of the victims and communities affected by the natural phenomena that struck central and southern Mexico during recent times.
More specifically, we seek to help against the social and infrastructural impasses caused by two earthquakes: One on the 8.0 Richter-scale with its epicenter located in Chiapas that occurred in September the 7th and another one of about 7.1 magnitude with an epicenter in the states of Morelos and Guerrero that occurred on September the 19th. Both phenomena have left several villages and towns without any infrastructure or housing and affected several neighborhoods in Mexico City, leaving at least three hundred deceased people and several others without access to habitable shelter or basic services.
This compilation consists entirely of original pieces from various musicians and sound artists focused on electronic music and many of its possible variations. This input seeks to develop a mid to long term fundraising instrument and simultaneously establish a relationship of understanding and support between creative individuals (Mexican and foreign) and society as affected by the recent natural disasters.
We envision a reality in which it is possible to contribute to humanitarian aid through the use of technological advances and the development of the arts.
在 Vernacular Institute 交流期間 恰好碰上9月墨西哥的2次強震。我與來自瓜地馬拉的大提琴音樂家 Mabe Fratti 在強震後的第三天,也是我即將離開的前三天,在錄音室裡以音樂去講述我們所感受的能量。離開後,Mabe 告訴我他們以音樂集結募款希望能夠賑災,於是生產了這張合輯。墨國的電子音樂文化甚有力度,大家有興趣可以網上購買幫助震區。
morelos mexico 在 狼之的背包 Facebook 的最佳貼文
有消息指出 北邊 Ecatepec 的一個 PLAZA 現在正在被搶了(全部人都衝進去了)還有北邊早上的地鐵,幾百人通通人都衝破進去,不付錢坐車 目前這個消息還沒有照片影片傳出
del Valle 區 的Superama 也發生了搶劫事件
市中心外圍 跟Vallejo 也開始了
1月4號下午 群眾湧入市中心
1月5號 市中心各位華人商戶大部分都沒開店
1月6號 剛得知 Puebla 市市中心 也有洗劫的情況
目前情況為 四處都在抗議 有些抗議人群已與警方發生衝突
已得知 星期六及下週一有大規模抗議活動 請各位注意
有人去了市中心,peña y peña街上警察已經比平常少很多了,可能被調到別的地方了。擺路邊攤的今天東西都很少,有傳言今天下午似的會有一批人來搶 請今天有開店的注意安全
據墨西哥當地媒體報導 墨西哥全國共11個州
總統府新南向政策辦公室主任 黃志芳部長 特地對旅墨僑胞 表達慰問關懷之意
台灣駐墨西哥代表處已發出公告 提醒各位國人注意安全 如遇緊急事件 請與代表處聯繫
或者與我聯繫 我會盡力幫忙
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