AR沉浸體驗 帶你遠距探索紐約街區歷史
陳明陽 2020-08-07
Metro ARchive運用沉浸式擴增實境(AR)技術的創新方式展示美國紐約市(NYC)的歷史,讓全球各地的使用者透過智慧型手機,就能遠距探索、體驗紐約市的歷史建築物與街道,App目前為可提供測試的原型,研發團隊希望有機會擴充功能以支援大規模體驗。
根據Immersive Technology報導,Metro ARchive計畫是在紐約時報(New York Times)研發團隊指導下,由McCoy Zhu與Samuel Avery Levin帶領數名紐約大學(NYU)學生,為紐約市媒體實驗室(NYC Media Lab)空間運算新聞挑戰所開發。
Metro ARchive AR應用提供當代、歷史、沉浸式共3種不同的體驗模式,透過AR展示紐約市的特定建築與街道,讓使用者感受到以往風情與歷史變遷,並可切換當代與歷史模式以取得相關的宣傳廣告、旁白解說、新聞條目等資訊,提供關於建築、現況、歷史等有價值的深刻見解。
研發團隊表示未來AR技術對人類的生活有重要影響,由於Metro ARchive AR應用能讓使用者以3D的方式完整探索整座城市的每一個街區、觀察歷史建築物的三度空間立體模型,因此在提供各種適於步行的體驗方面,可望優於連接16個全國性重要歷史景點、全長2.5英里的波士頓自由之路(Freedom Trail of Boston)。
UntApped New York的報導指出,目前已可註冊參與Metro ARchive AR應用的測試,Metro ARchive會提供測試者一份客製化的城市地圖樣張可列印輸出作為參考,使用者將手機的攝影機正對地圖,即可自己控制選擇希望探索的歷史建築物。此外Metro ARchive也規劃將在紐約時報雜誌(New York Times Magazine),以活頁方式為App使用者提供額外的地圖。
研發團隊認為對一座城市的了解越深入,越有助於激發出有趣的話題,也能吸引當地人探索生活環境中的歷史景點,對自己居住的社區有更多認識,例如研發團隊在進行地點研究與數位化時,偶然發現關於1882年排華法案(Chinese Exclusion Act)的資訊,顯示觀察城市規劃與檢視歷史,有助於了解城市目前的細微變化。
Metro ARchive AR應用將由McCoy Zhu與Samuel Avery Levin的團隊持續研發,預計進一步的功能很快就會推出,並在疫情趨緩紐約市解封之後推出更多探索地點。目前要測試Metro ARchive AR應用,首先要有iOS裝置然後從蘋果(Apple)的App商店下載TestFlight App,啟動後再下載Metro ARchive AR應用即可開始體驗。
影片:Metro ARchive AR應用讓使用者透過智慧型手機AR App體驗紐約市。Samuel Avery Levin
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Dumb Ways to Die is the theme song of the public service announcement campaign released by Metro Trains in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia to promote r...
metro cat 在 Dwagie大支 Facebook 的最讚貼文
El #gato salvaje más pequeño de #África es considerado como la especie más mortal del mundo felino.
Se le conoce como gato montés de patas negras, capaz de viajar más de 30 km durante sus cacerías con un éxito del 60% de sus presas, el porcentaje más alto entre cualquier otro felino salvaje, y mucho más que el de los leones, que por ejemplo oscila entre el 25% de éxito.
Este singular gato, habita en las zonas áridas de África y Asia. Tiene pequeñas manchas o rayas negras y pelos claros, que lo hacen capaz de camuflarse entre los arbustos secos de los desiertos, particularmente por las noches.
Resulta difícil imaginar que un animal de apariencia tan inofensiva pueda ser tan letal, incluso matando a más de diez animales pequeños por cacería. Puede dar saltos de más de un metro para atrapar aves y los adultos pueden medir entre 36 y 52 cm, pesando entre uno y tres kilogramos.
Vía: Lugar increíble
The smallest #wildcat in #Africa is considered to be the deadliest species in the feline world.
He is known as a black-legged mountain cat, capable of traveling more than 30 km during his hunts with a success of 60 % of his prey, the highest percentage among any other feral cat, and much more than that of lions, which for example ranges from 25 % success.
This unique cat, dwells in the arid areas of Africa and Asia. It has tiny black spots or stripes and clear hairs, which make it able to camouflage through the dry bushes of deserts, particularly at night.
It's hard to imagine that such a harmless looking animal can be so lethal, even killing more than ten small animals for hunting. It can leap more than one meter to catch birds and adults can measure between 36 and 52 cm, weighing between one and three kilograms.
Via: Amazing PlaceTranslated
metro cat 在 Dr34mlucid Facebook 的精選貼文
When I lived in China I would walk past a large out door wild animal meat and dog hot pot
It was opposite the wallmart and the cinema at a large crossroads.
Everynight when I came back from work the place was packed.
This was Shenzhen a first tier city. It was by the Metro entrance. Anyone who tells me that eating dog meat in China is rare... Well that's just not true...
Ten minutes from my house there were two dog meat resaurants. I asked everyone I met what they thought about eating dog meat.
Almost everyone I asked told me they had eaten it and many were very proud of the dog meat eating tradition.
Many people told me it was a must eat while in Guandong.
I made friends with lots of camera fanatics many of whom were extremely wealthy. I was told at every opportunity that dog meat was something I had to try and once I had had it I would never go back.
One of the camera shop owners told me very happily how he had killed many dogs himself.
Cat soup and dog meat were suggested as local delicacies to me at evey opportunity.
I was told that if I left China without eating dog meat it would be such a pity.
太多經驗了.... 以這個影片先這樣,今天先分享到這了。
This video is just some of my experiences while living in China.
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metro cat 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Youtube 的最佳貼文
Dumb Ways to Die is the theme song of the public service announcement campaign released by Metro Trains in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia to promote railway safety. Both the song and the campaign went viral briefly in November 2012 and received worldwide acclaim for its effectiveness, endearing and engaging quality. The song and campaign have grown so well-loved that the characters continue to be recognisable and have come to be featured in a video and mobile games including Dumb Ways to Die, Dumb Ways to Die 2: The Games, and Dumb Ways to Die 3: World Tour.
This video contains the parody I've created for the song Dumb Ways to Die, cover on Dumb Ways to Die, Dumb Ways to Die parody, Dumb Ways to Die cover. My cover and parody have been inspired by the recent global health emergency, global health crisis caused by the rise of coronavirus, the spread of coronavirus in 2019, the spread of coronavirus (also called the Wuhan virus) in 2020 that is said to have originated from Wuhan, China.
Dumb Ways to Die was written by John Mescall with music by Ollie McGill from The Cat Empire, who also produced it. It was performed by Emily Lubitz, the lead vocalist of Tinpan Orange, with McGill providing backing vocals. The band on the recording consists of Gavin Pearce on Bass, Danny Farrugia on drums and Brett Wood on guitar. It was released on iTunes, attributed to the artist "Tangerine Kitty" (a reference to Tinpan Orange and The Cat Empire). I do not own any legal right to the song, I am simply covering it for entertainment and education purposes.
In this song, you’ll learn some useful tips on how to maintain good personal hygiene and avoid contracting the coronavirus / wuhan virus.
Dumb Ways to Die (笨笨的死法 或 蠢蠢的死法)是一首2012年由澳洲都市鐵路推出的一首廣告歌,在2012年這首歌一炮而紅,網民瘋狂分享這段影片,因為歌曲好聽,動畫也非常可愛。這首笨笨的死法的改歌是我受最近武漢肺炎時間啟發而創作的,推出除了希望幫助我的學生透過歌詞學習英文外,也能提高公眾的衛生意識,同心抗疫。
Lyrics 歌詞:
Cover up that toilet seat 把廁所蓋起來
Pour water in the bathroom drain 把水倒進廁所去水渠
Wear facial masks when you go out 出外時戴口罩
Change to a different one the second time around 第二次戴就要換個新的
Coronavirus 冠狀病毒
Don’t catch the coronavirus 別染上冠狀病毒
Coronavirus 冠狀病毒
Don’t catch the coronavirus 別染上冠狀病毒
Rub your two hands with alcohol 用酒精搓手
Stay at home n watch videos 留在家看影片
Keep your household sparkling clean 保持家居清潔
Don’t hang around in any overcrowded place 不要在人多擠逼處流連
Coronavirus 冠狀病毒
Don’t catch the coronavirus 別染上冠狀病毒
Coronavirus 冠狀病毒
Don’t catch the Coronavirus 別染上冠狀病毒
Take a walk in the hospital 到醫院走一轉
Share a lift with a feverish man 和發燒的人乘同一架電梯
Take your face mask off in public space 在公眾地方除口罩
Use a steamed mask as if it's just unboxed 把蒸過的口罩當成全新的使用
If you’ve done them all 如果你都做過以上的每一件事
You might as well catch the virus 你很可能會染上冠狀病毒
Coronavirus 冠狀病毒
Don’t catch the coronavirus 別染上冠狀病毒
Get plenty of good sleep 要有充足睡眠
Stay updated with the news on Internet 在網上留意最新消息
Stuff yourself with vitamin C 多吃維他命C
I wonder if the vaccine’d work? 我在想,那疫苗有效嗎?
Coronavirus 冠狀病毒
Don’t catch the coronavirus 別染上冠狀病毒
Coronavirus 冠狀病毒
Don’t catch the coronavirus 別染上冠狀病毒
Stop the high-speed train from Wuhan, China 別讓中國武漢的高鐵列車進來
Stop the flood of tourists from coming in 別讓旅客擁進來
Never Eat beavers, porcupine, and wild bats 不要吃河狸,刺蝟和野蝙蝠
Wash your two hands with soap for 20 seconds 洗手洗足二十秒
Wash them after you go to the loo 去完廁所後要洗手
They may not rhyme, but they quite possibly 這些方法也許不押韻,但它們很可能可以⋯⋯
Will help you stay alive 幫助你生存下去
Will help you stay alive 幫助你生存下去
Stay healthy and alive 幫助你健康生存下去
So many ways, so many ways to stay alive 有很多方法,有很多方法生存下去
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metro cat 在 Metro Vocal Group Youtube 的最佳解答
Kevin & Eric give tips that help them with MVG’s social Media, and Sean talks about Corporate Gigs!
#metrovocalgroup #mvg #metrovocalgroupmvg #acappella #hongkong #music #hk #fun #vocalist #singer #performer #vocals #offtherecord #OTR #howtos #corporategigs #socialmedia #youtube #facebook #canon #iphone #zoomrecorder #instagram #twitter
Special thanks:
Annmarie Leung
Schtung Music
Press Start HK
Vince Liu
Steph Lau
Xander “the cat”

metro cat 在 Lok Cheung Youtube 的最讚貼文
Big thanks to Metro Gallery for arranging all these!
My workshop was sponsored by:
Sony New Zealand
Røde Microphone
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Full list of gear that I use on this channel: /
-------- Gears that I used in this video --------
[ Main camera and accessories ] ?
Sony a7S II
Amazon B&H
Sony 16-35mm f/4 Zeiss FE
Amazon B&H
SLR Magic 82mm Fixed ND 1-5 Stops Filter Set
X-Rite ColorChecker Passport Video
Amazon B&H
[ Audio ] ?
Røde VideoMic Pro+
Amazon B&H
Røde RødeLink Filmmaker Kit
Amazon B&H
[ Support ] ?
Manfrotto Pocket Tripod
Amazon B&H
[ Camera bag ] ?
Billingham Hadley Pro
Amazon B&H
[ Other ]
DJI Spark Fly More Combo
Amazon DJI
GoPro Hero 6 Black /
GoPro Karma
* I may earn a bit of commission if you use the links above to help me keep on making videos for you, so thank you!
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Music credits:
"Sleepyface" by Birocratic (
Music by Chillhop:
saib. - West Lake:
Listen on Spotify:
"Dead Cat in the Parking Lot" by Birocratic (CC BY-ND 3.0)
For business enquiry:
#LokVlog #LokCheung