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#more分享 #限量別注版 #LexusUX #MadderRed #LexusHK #ExperienceAmazing
同時也有49部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過19萬的網紅Mateusz Urbanowicz,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Ian Sideway's website: http://iansidaway.co.uk/ The second collaboration piece with @呉竹Kuretake , this time painted using their Kuretake Gansai Tamb...
madder 在 雪莉畫日誌 Facebook 的最佳貼文
🌑Alizarin Crimson 茜草紅:很深的紅色,偏一點點紫紅的冷紅。
[Alizarin 翻譯:茜草素]
[Crimson 翻譯:深紅、暗紅]
🌑Carmine 洋紅:也是冷紅。
🌑Cadmium Red 鎘紅:明亮,明度較高的暖紅。
🌑Rose Madder 玫瑰紅:原色就超美的冷紅色調。
📌 因為我畫食物類居多,所以大都以深、冷色調的紅色為主色。
📌 另外補充,色卡內除了義大利Zecchi水彩台灣沒有代理,其他台灣都買得到。
📌 難得寫專業文(其實也還好),希望不會看得想睡覺😂~寫文比畫色卡還有久!如大家喜歡,之後可以再分享綠、藍、黃等等各牌色系!
Sennelier 申內利爾/學生級
Sennelier 申內利爾/專家級
Holbein 好賓
Winsor&Newton 牛頓/專家級
Nevskaya Palitra白夜/專家級
Schmincke 貓頭鷹/專家級
Sonnet 索奈特/學生級
Winsor&Newton 牛頓/學生級
* 顏色因電腦螢幕設定差異有所不同,以實際顏料為準。
* 歡迎轉貼分享,請勿下載、改圖作為商業用途之使用。
madder 在 stu sis Facebook 的最讚貼文
[168231] 35031. 狠愛演:謝謝大家 (2020)★★
[168232] 35032. STR Network:羅時豐也曾經是個風流的羅姓歌手 (2020)★★╍
[168233] 35033. The Twilite Tone - FREEEEEEEEEEE (2020)★★
[168234] 35034. TMG Fre$h & Tee Grizzley - Champagne Cry (2020)★★
[168235] 35035. Seafood Sam & Huey Briss - Pinebox (2013)★★__Seafood Sam
[168236] 35036. Israel Wusu - King (2020)★★
[168237] 35037. Sada Baby - Weezo (2020)★★
[168238] 35038. Payroll Giovanni - It's Around (2020)★★
[168239] 35039. Daniel Blumberg - Minus / Madder (2018)★★✚
[168240] 35040. Panash - El Bañador (1985)★★
madder 在 Mateusz Urbanowicz Youtube 的最佳貼文
Ian Sideway's website: http://iansidaway.co.uk/
The second collaboration piece with @呉竹Kuretake , this time painted using their Kuretake Gansai Tambi 48 "顔彩耽美" colors set! This was an exciting challenge to try - I want to get better at painting trees and especially thick forest-like scenes like this one. This picture had only really light underdrawing and no lines.
- Kuretake Gansai Tambi 48 "顔彩耽美" colors set.
- Waterford White 300g/m cold pressed paper.
This is also my entry to the #worldwatercolormonth2021 ! I will not be doing all the prompts, but let's say that this piece is for the "breathe" prompt.
We were recently able to go to a Japanese garden that's located really close to our house. It was temporarily closed due to the pandemic, but it opened when the stricter rules were lifted (now, if you want to go, you have to reserve a ticket - this prevents crowds.) On the day we went, it rained a lot in the morning - we had an excellent storm for the first time this summer - so the green of the plants was intensive! I took a lot of photos and tried my best to recreate this humid and green atmosphere.
Thanks to Kuretake for sending me these awesome tools to play with 👍
=== Gansai Tambi lightfastness
⇒Blue scale: Grade 4 or higher
However, red colors such as 034 ROSE MADDER and 014 CHERRY BLOSSOM PINK, and light colors such as 013 LILAC and 012 ROSE BEIGE are equivalent to or lower than blue scale grade 3.
WWM official website: https://doodlewash.com/world-watercolor-month-july/
Kuretake + World Watercolor Month special page: https://www.kuretakezig.us/world-watercolor-month
Feel free to check out my other stuff:
Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/mateusz_urbanowicz
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mateuszurbanowicz
Website: http://mateuszurbanowicz.com
Blog: http://mattjabbar.tumblr.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gommatt
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mateusz_urbanowicz
madder 在 肥貓丸 FatCatBall Youtube 的精選貼文
戰吼:重複你在本賽局中打出的其他 戰吼 效果(隨機選擇目標)
Battlecry: Repeat all other Battlecries from cards you played this game (targets chosen randomly).
Madder Bomber
Battlecry: Deal 6 damage randomly split between all other characters.
1x (1) 腐化水域
2x (2) 先祖知識
2x (2) 年輕的釀酒大師
2x (2) 瘋狂炸彈客
1x (3) 法力之潮圖騰
2x (3) 狗頭人學徒
2x (3) 視界術
1x (4) 博識者普克爾特
2x (4) 妖術
2x (4) 食人妖蝙蝠騎士
2x (4) 黑巫森林吹笛手
2x (5) 古董治療機器人
2x (5) 更瘋狂的炸彈客
1x (5) 火山爆發
1x (6) 『世界震動者』葛蘭柏
2x (6) 拾荒的希瓦拉
1x (6) 索瑞森大帝
1x (7) 地震術
1x (9) 哮斗龍
madder 在 Mateusz Urbanowicz Youtube 的最佳解答
Another drawing I did as a part of the Patreon reference project I'm trying. If you want to participate, follow me on Patreon for a review of submitted works at the end of next month.
The MD Paper video I mentioned:
Caran dAche supracolor 2
* 010 Yellow
* 016 Khaki green
* 031 Orangish yellow
* 060 Vermilion
* 063 English red
* 089 Dark carmine
* 159 Prussian blue
* 169 Marine blue
* 180 Malachite green
* 225 Moss green
* 239 Spruce green
* 270 Raspberry red
* 290 Empire green
* 071 Salmon pink
* 171 Turquoise blue
Faber Castell Albrecht Durer
* 106 Light Chrome Yellow
* 119 Light Magenta
* 104 Light yellow glaze
* 142 Madder
* 152 Middle Phthalo Blue
* 154 Light Cobalt Turquoise
* 155 Hello Turquoise
* 162 Light Phthalo Green
* 165 Jasper Green
* 188 Sanguine
* 199 Black
* 230 Cold Grey I
* 231 Cold Grey II
* 232 Cold Grey III
* 235 Cold Grey VI
* 246 Prussian Blue
Feel free to check out my other stuff:
Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/mateusz_urbanowicz
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mateuszurbanowicz
Website: http://mateuszurbanowicz.com
Blog: http://mattjabbar.tumblr.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gommatt
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mateusz_urbanowicz