In a blink of an eye, I’ve breastfed for 9 months 💛
Was reluctant to share my BF journey initially because I’ve learned that there are others who simply couldn’t!
I’m one of the lucky ones who are able to biologically, but even so, I still had my fair share of hardships.
Spilling all the deets of my BF journey that’s now up on my stories highlight 💛
If you’re expecting and keen to try breastfeeding, please do your research before your due date 🙏🏻
Real life experience can be very different from theory and it varies vastly between individuals.
Learning where to seek for help might be more useful than learning theory alone 💛
Before you give up, try engaging a lactation consultant. It might seem expensive at first, but more economical in the long run 🙌🏻
Don’t let breastfeeding get in the way of your new amazing motherhood journey :)
Discussing at which point you should let go if things didn’t go as planned beforehand with your partner might help to manage expectations 💛
同時也有98部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過13萬的網紅Sunny Huang - IBCLC,也在其Youtube影片中提到,9月份回覆留言內容:剖腹產用搖籃式餵奶可以不用哺乳枕嗎、餵奶一定要餵雙邊嗎、1歲之前的寶寶可能自行離乳嗎、唇臍帶一定要手術處理嗎、如何判斷wet diaper的重量/超過3個月的寶寶也要觀察濕尿布嗎、豎抱或飛機抱會傷害寶寶脊髓或頸部嗎、6個月寶寶可以吃罐裝副食品嗎、dream feed具體該如何操作...
lactation 在 Evelyn Marieta Facebook 的最佳貼文
In a blink of an eye, I’ve breastfed for 9 months 💛
Was reluctant to share my BF journey initially because I’ve learned that there are others who simply couldn’t!
I’m one of the lucky ones who are able to biologically, but even so, I still had my fair share of hardships.
Spilling all the deets of my BF journey that’s now up on my stories highlight 💛
If you’re expecting and keen to try breastfeeding, please do your research before your due date 🙏🏻
Real life experience can be very different from theory and it varies vastly between individuals.
Learning where to seek for help might be more useful than learning theory alone 💛
Before you give up, try engaging a lactation consultant. It might seem expensive at first, but more economical in the long run 🙌🏻
Don’t let breastfeeding get in the way of your new amazing motherhood journey :)
Discussing at which point you should let go if things didn’t go as planned before birth with your partner might help to manage expectations when the baby is here 💛
lactation 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
- 蛋黃蛋白先攪拌均勻
- 蛋液中加少許生粉水拌勻
- 將蛋液加入鍋前先轉小火
- 將蛋液加入湯後不斷攪拌令蛋花更均勻
- 蛋花半凝固時熄火,能保持其嫩滑質感
紫菜 — 清熱化痰、利尿,亦可消暑解熱、消除疲勞,增強記憶力。
蝦皮 — 補腎、壯陽、通乳,因為連殼食用亦可補充鈣質。
番茄 — 生津止渴、健胃消食、涼血平肝
豆腐 — 益氣寬中、生津潤燥
冬瓜 — 清熱祛暑、利水消痰
蝦 — 補腎、壯陽、通乳
味噌 — 補中益氣、滋養心腎
豬肉 — 滋陰潤肌、補腎養胃
留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。
Different ways to prepare egg drop soup
Since eggs are nutritious and delicious, can we use them to make soup? Of course! We can use them to make egg drop soup!
We can make different types of egg drop soups by mixing it with different ingredients based on our body constitutions. For instance, tomatoes can strengthen the stomach and aid digestion, tofu can induce salivation and moisten the body, seaweed can clear the heat and reduce phlegm, and miso can nourish the qi.
Egg drop soup might seem like a simple dish, but to ensure the egg is fluffy, do note of the tips below:
- whisk until the yolks and whites are blended
- add a little cornstarch water into the mixture and continue to stir well
- before adding the mixture to the pot, make sure to reduce to low heat first
- add the mixture into the pot and continue to stir well
- once the mixture turns half opaque, turn off the heat to ensure its fluffiness
Some creative ways to prepare egg drop soup:
Seaweed and dried shrimp egg drop soup
Seaweed - clears heat, reduces phlegm, induces urination, relieves summer-heat, clear toxins, relieves fatigue, and strengthens memory.
Dried shrimp - nourishes the kidney, promotes lactation; when eaten with its shell, can replenish the calcium the body needs.
Tomato and tofu egg drop soup
Tomato - promotes fluid promotion, quenches thirst, strengthens the stomach, aids digestion, cools blood and calms the liver.
Tofu - nourishes qi, relieves qi stagnation, promotes fluid production and relieves dryness.
Meshed winter gourd and shrimp egg drop soup
Winter gourd - clears heat and dispels summer-heat, promotes urination.
Shrimp - nourishes the kidney, promotes lactation
Miso and pork egg drop soup
Miso - replenishes vital energy and qi, nourishes heart and kidney.
Pork - nourishes yin and moistens muscles, nourishes the kidneys and stomach
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#男 #女 #我煩躁 #我疲憊 #濕熱
lactation 在 Sunny Huang - IBCLC Youtube 的精選貼文
9月份回覆留言內容:剖腹產用搖籃式餵奶可以不用哺乳枕嗎、餵奶一定要餵雙邊嗎、1歲之前的寶寶可能自行離乳嗎、唇臍帶一定要手術處理嗎、如何判斷wet diaper的重量/超過3個月的寶寶也要觀察濕尿布嗎、豎抱或飛機抱會傷害寶寶脊髓或頸部嗎、6個月寶寶可以吃罐裝副食品嗎、dream feed具體該如何操作、乳房按摩要產前37週或產後做、寶寶吃魚後會有紅疹搔癢是否該停止或繼續嘗試、有殼海鮮算過敏原嗎、寶寶血液測試食物過敏是否由母乳導致、擔心寶寶去Daycare不吃奶瓶/建議在母乳裡添加香草精讓寶寶愛喝嗎、為什麼寶寶1週只洗兩三次澡、瓶餵媽媽如何判斷寶寶是否經歷猛長期/EASY的方法可以用到寶寶多大、1歲寶寶睡前儀式包含喝奶該如何刷牙、5個半月寶寶下午小睡時間很長是否應該叫醒、寶寶把異物吞到胃裡可否使用異物哽塞急救、配方奶泡好可否在室溫放半小時之後再喝或泡好放冰箱半小時之後再喝可以嗎、為什麼不能用濕紙巾擦寶寶的口水、寶寶1歲擔心喝鮮奶沒有配方奶吸收得好該怎麼辦、寶寶長牙期咬磨牙硅膠玩具會否影響牙齒發育、9個月寶寶去托嬰中心跟老師換手時就哭正常嗎、寶寶學步時跌倒該觀察還是立馬上前安撫、有可能小時候對某個食物沒有過敏但長大後突然過敏嗎、寶寶滿6個月後想自己練站大人應該阻止嗎、寶寶親餵或用nipple shield都找不到乳頭正常嗎、2個月寶寶適合用the hold安撫嗎、乳頭上有黑點且哺乳後有刺痛會引起塞奶嗎、寶寶小睡超過兩小時是否要叫醒、不論寶寶長牙快慢都不影響給副食品的時間嗎、異物哽塞急救對硬幣哽塞有用嗎、自行入睡時哭3分鐘需要馬上抱嗎、食物過敏品嚐測試只要三天或者依研究裡長時間嘗試、退奶過程大概需要多久、一直持續做power pumping奶水會持續增加嗎/網路上各種版本的power pumping都可以嘗試嗎、塞奶後奶量差很多怎麼辦/奶量逐漸減少正常嗎、職業婦女如何讓寶寶跟自己親一點、懷第二胎若斷掉第一胎餵奶是否產後會再一次經歷開奶巨痛。📢 快來訂閱我的頻道:
立即預約「 Sunny老師線上泌乳門診/孕產哺育諮詢 」
無論妳在國內或海外,透過線上視訊互動方式諮詢(Video Chat),讓Sunny老師即時專業輔導,解決妳遇到的孕產哺育問題!預約視訊諮詢服務:
Sunny老師的Amazon Store (推薦清單不定期更新)

lactation 在 Sunny Huang - IBCLC Youtube 的精選貼文
導致孩子跟媽媽親或不親、黏或不黏的關鍵是什麼呢?Sunny老師分享Harlow的實驗,並回答家長最常問的關於”親餵與親子關係”的5大疑問,包含:親餵的寶寶都很黏媽媽嗎、親餵寶寶就一定要媽媽不然就一直哭、不親餵是否就不黏媽媽了、寶寶黏媽媽旁人很難幫忙照顧、瓶餵媽媽覺得寶寶不愛我怎麼辦。📢 快來訂閱我的頻道:
立即預約「 Sunny老師線上泌乳門診/孕產哺育諮詢 」
無論妳在國內或海外,透過線上視訊互動方式諮詢(Video Chat),讓Sunny老師即時專業輔導,解決妳遇到的孕產哺育問題!預約視訊諮詢服務:
Sunny老師的Amazon Store (推薦清單不定期更新)
「寶寶一哭就抱會寵壞嗎 | 怎麼抱才能培養安全感又不養成壞習慣」影片連結:
#愛的本質小猴子實驗 #Sunny科學育兒

lactation 在 Sunny Huang - IBCLC Youtube 的最讚貼文
0-1歲是寶寶建立安全感最重要的時期,可是一哭就抱又怕養成寶寶愛哭的習慣。Sunny老師根據孩子不同年齡階段,提供給家長2個觀念和3個做法,讓疼愛孩子又希望建立良好原則的家長,順利幫助寶寶建立足夠的安全感又不怕寵壞他。📢 快來訂閱我的頻道:
立即預約「 Sunny老師線上泌乳門診/孕產哺育諮詢 」
無論妳在國內或海外,透過線上視訊互動方式諮詢(Video Chat),讓Sunny老師即時專業輔導,解決妳遇到的孕產哺育問題!預約視訊諮詢服務:
Sunny老師的Amazon Store (推薦清單不定期更新)
#一哭就抱會寵壞嗎 #Sunny科學育兒

lactation 在 lactation | Physiology, Pregnancy, & Hormones | Britannica 的相關結果
lactation, secretion and yielding of milk by females after giving birth. The milk is produced by the mammary glands, which are contained within the breasts. ... <看更多>
lactation 在 Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed) - NCBI Bookshelf 的相關結果
The LactMed® database contains information on drugs and other chemicals to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. It includes information on the levels ... ... <看更多>
lactation 在 Lactation - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Lactation describes the secretion of milk from the mammary glands and the period of time that a mother lactates to feed her young. ... <看更多>