頂級運動員年齡平均值為20多歲[10]。而奧林匹克舉重選手的年齡平均值為26歲 。[9]但我們細心想想,頂級運動員退休的原因通常都是傷患、有關藥物使用的風險(drug-related health risks)、較佳的工作機會等等...
例子:Ronnie Coleman, Phil Heath, Dorian Yates, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jay Cutler...
標題: Association of age with muscle size and strength before and after short-term resistance training in young adults [2]
圖2A, 對象的肱二頭肌經歷12星期的重量訓練後,都有所增長。而各年齡層的肌肉增長沒有實際分別。在成年初期,年齡不會影響肌肉對重量訓練的反應。
標題: Epidemiology of Sarcopenia [1]
在明尼蘇達州的人群研究 (population-based study in Rochester, Minnesota)
年齡層抽樣方式提取數據 (Age stratified sample of men and women from the community)
2️⃣年紀令肌肉機能弱化,不使用(遺棄 disuse)肌肉會加劇這個問題 [8]
3️⃣要點:長期不使用肌肉(chronic disuse),是肌肉量流失和力量下降最主要的成因,並非老化(aging) [6]
4️⃣年紀不影響肌肉對力量訓練的反應 [4]
5️⃣年輕和老年的女性有着差不多的肌肥大及力量增長 [5]
6️⃣年輕和老年的個體有著差不多的肌肥大增長 [3]
CrMenno Henselmanselmans
「年紀是心靈勝於物質的問題,如果你不在乎,就無所謂。」 Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
1. III, L.J.M., Khosla, S., Crowson, C.S., O'Connor, M.K., O'Fallon, W.M. and Riggs, B.L. (2000), Epidemiology of Sarcopenia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 48: 625-630. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1532-5415.2000.tb04719.x
2. Lowndes J, Carpenter RL, Zoeller RF, Seip RL, Moyna NM, Price TB, Clarkson PM, Gordon PM, Pescatello LS, Visich PS, Devaney JM, Gordish-Dressman H, Hoffman EP, Thompson PD, Angelopoulos TJ. Association of age with muscle size and strength before and after short-term resistance training in young adults. J Strength Cond Res. 2009 Oct;23(7):1915-20. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181b94b35. PMID: 19749605; PMCID: PMC4103410.
3. Ivey FM, Roth SM, Ferrell RE, Tracy BL, Lemmer JT, Hurlbut DE, Martel GF, Siegel EL, Fozard JL, Jeffrey Metter E, Fleg JL, Hurley BF. Effects of age, gender, and myostatin genotype on the hypertrophic response to heavy resistance strength training. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2000 Nov;55(11):M641-8. doi: 10.1093/gerona/55.11.m641. PMID: 11078093.
4. Mayhew DL, Kim JS, Cross JM, Ferrando AA, Bamman MM. Translational signaling responses preceding resistance training-mediated myofiber hypertrophy in young and old humans. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2009;107(5):1655-1662. doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.91234.2008
5. Loenneke, J.P., Rossow, L.M., Fahs, C.A., Thiebaud, R.S., Grant Mouser, J. and Bemben, M.G. (2017), Time‐course of muscle growth, and its relationship with muscle strength in both young and older women. Geriatr Gerontol Int, 17: 2000-2007. https://doi.org/10.1111/ggi.13010
6. Andrew P. Wroblewski, Francesca Amati, Mark A. Smiley, Bret Goodpaster & Vonda Wright (2011) Chronic Exercise Preserves Lean Muscle Mass in Masters Athletes, The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 39:3, 172-178, DOI: 10.3810/psm.2011.09.1933
7. Kim JS, Wilson JM, Lee SR. Dietary implications on mechanisms of sarcopenia: roles of protein, amino acids and antioxidants. J Nutr Biochem. 2010 Jan;21(1):1-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2009.06.014. Epub 2009 Oct 1. PMID: 19800212.
8. Venturelli M, Saggin P, Muti E, Naro F, Cancellara L, Toniolo L, Tarperi C, Calabria E, Richardson RS, Reggiani C, Schena F. In vivo and in vitro evidence that intrinsic upper- and lower-limb skeletal muscle function is unaffected by ageing and disuse in oldest-old humans. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2015 Sep;215(1):58-71. doi: 10.1111/apha.12524. Epub 2015 May 28. PMID: 25965867; PMCID: PMC4516639.
9. Huebner M, Perperoglou A. Performance Development From Youth to Senior and Age of Peak Performance in Olympic Weightlifting. Front Physiol. 2019;10:1121. Published 2019 Aug 27. doi:10.3389/fphys.2019.01121
10. Age of Peak Competitive Performance of Elite Athletes: A Systematic Review
11. Peak Age and Performance Progression in World-Class Weightlifting and Powerlifting Athletes
intrinsic muscle 在 農民教主碎碎念 Facebook 的最讚貼文
#Confirmation: Perivascular Adipose Tissue = #FatAroundTheHeart is a Relevant Fat Depot for Cardiovascular Risk in Obesity
Review highlights that "several studies have substantiated that obesity confers an independent and additive risk of all-cause and cardiovascular death, there is significant variability in these associations, with some lean individuals developing diseases and others remaining healthy despite severe obesity, the so-called metabolically healthy obese."
"Part of this variability has been attributed to the heterogeneity in both the distribution of body fat and the intrinsic properties of adipose tissue depots, including developmental origin, adipogenic and proliferative capacity, glucose and lipid metabolism, hormonal control, thermogenic ability, and vascularization. In obesity, these depot-specific differences translate into specific fat distribution patterns, which are closely associated with differential cardiometabolic risks," the authors elaborate and explain: "The adventitial fat layer, also known as perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT), is of major importance. Similar to the visceral adipose tissue, PVAT has a pathophysiological role in CVDs. PVAT influences vascular homeostasis by releasing numerous vasoactive factors, cytokines, and adipokines, which can readily target the underlying smooth muscle cell layers, regulating the vascular tone, distribution of blood flow, as well as angiogenesis, inflammatory processes, and redox status. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge and discuss the role of PVAT within the scope of adipose tissue as a major contributing factor to obesity-associated cardiovascular risk."
In the review, "[r]elevant clinical studies documenting the relationship between PVAT dysfunction and CVD with a focus on potential mechanisms by which PVAT contributes to obesity-related CVDs are pointed out."
suppversity.com | Costa, Rafael M., et al. "Perivascular Adipose Tissue as a Relevant Fat Depot for Cardiovascular Risk in Obesity." Frontiers in Physiology 9 (2018): 253. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/…/fphys.2018.00253/full
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Stretching intrinsic muscles of the hand. ✋ . Dorsal interossei of the hand do abduction of the fingers, so to stretch a dorsal ... ... <看更多>
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... occassionally, short masses of muscle originate from carpal bones or from base of metacarpals on ... Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand. ... <看更多>