Perhaps an epidemic which threatens to decimate humanity should be treated as Well’s story turned around: the “Martian invaders” ruthlessly exploiting and destroying life on earth are we, humanity, ourselves; and after all devices of highly developed primates to defend themselves from us have failed, we are now threatened “by the humblest thing that God, in his wisdom, has put upon this earth,” stupid virus which just blindly reproduce themselves – and mutate (13).
The really difficult thing to accept is the fact that the ongoing epidemic is a result of natural contingency at its purest, that is just happened and hides no deeper meaning. In the larger order of things, we are just a species with no special importance (14).
In the last days, we hear repeatedly that each of us is personally responsible and has to follow the new rules. Media are full of stories about people who misbehaved and put themselves and others in danger, an infected man enters a store and coughs on everyone, that sort of thing. The problem with this is the same as the journalism dealing with the environmental crisis: the media over-emphasize our personal responsibility for the problem, demanding that we pay more attention to recycling and other behavioral issues. Such a focus on individual responsibility, necessary as it is to some degree, functions as ideology the moment it serves to obfuscate the bigger questions of how to change our entire economic and social system. The struggle against coronavirus can only be fought together with the struggle against ideological mystification, and as part of a general ecological struggle (88-89).
There is a key difference between the coronavirus epidemic and the ecological crisis. In the health crisis, it may be true that humans as a whole are “fighting” against – even if they have no interest in us and go their way from throat to throat killing us without meaning to it (111-112).
Materiality, usually conceived as inert substance, should be rethought as a plethora of things that from assemblages of human and nonhuman actors (actants)-humans are but one force in a potentially unbounded network of forces (113).
★ The coronavirus epidemic can be seen as an assemblage of a (potentially) pathogenic viral mechanism, industrialized, agriculture, fast global economic development, cultural habits, exploding internal communication, and so on. The epidemic is a mixture in which natural, economic, and cultural processes are inextricably bound together . . . as humans, we are one among the actants in a complex assemblage; however, it is only and precisely as subjects that we are able to adopt the “inhuman view” from which we are (partially, at least) grasp the assemblage of which we are part” 117).
importance of agriculture 在 鄉民挺起來 Facebook 的最佳貼文
酥湖~ #台灣代表處
【#台灣駐索馬利蘭共和國代表處 揭牌禮成🎊】
係滴❗️就是今天❗️就是辣個「#台灣 代表處」
在索馬利蘭掛牌營運啦 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
是由我 #羅震華代表 及索國 #穆雅辛外長 共同主持
👉🏻 https://reurl.cc/7oXDq9
在台灣 #魔法部 這一頭
#JW部長 也同步透過視訊
與 #穆雅辛 外長異地簽署兩國技術合作協定
當時雙方就已在 #醫衛 #教育 #海事安全 領域進行合作
現在將進一步在索國設立 #技術團
持續擴大與深化兩國友好合作關係 🤝
隨著 #非洲之角 #紅海 及 #亞丁灣地區
現在正是台索 #互利互惠 強化經貿關係的最佳時刻 👊🏻
台灣和索馬利蘭都擁抱並捍衛 #自由民主 價值✨
未來將攜手與更多 #理念相近國家
#這塊牌子就寫台灣沒有多餘贅字 (酥胡~
We’re extremely happy to announce the opening of the "Taiwan Representative Office in the Republic of Somaliland!" Representative Lou Chen-hwa and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Yasin Hagi Mohamoud oversaw the opening ceremony, which was attended by diplomatic staff from various countries. President 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen also recorded a video message to express her good wishes for the ceremony (https://reurl.cc/7oXDq9).
Our office in the country will work to strengthen relations with African nations, particularly in #EastAfrica. The establishment of representative offices was part of a protocol signed in February of this year. The two countries will launch cooperative initiatives on fisheries, agriculture, energy, mining, public health, education and ICT.
Minister Yasin Hagi Mohamoud stated that given the growing geopolitical importance of the #HornOfAfrica, the #RedSea and the #AdenGulf, now is a great time to strengthen trade relations between our two countries. #StrongerTogether 💪🏻
importance of agriculture 在 粘拔的幸福碎碎念 Facebook 的精選貼文
【#台灣駐索馬利蘭共和國代表處 揭牌禮成🎊】
係滴❗️就是今天❗️就是辣個「#台灣 代表處」
在索馬利蘭掛牌營運啦 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
是由我 #羅震華代表 及索國 #穆雅辛外長 共同主持
👉🏻 https://reurl.cc/7oXDq9
在台灣 #魔法部 這一頭
#JW部長 也同步透過視訊
與 #穆雅辛 外長異地簽署兩國技術合作協定
當時雙方就已在 #醫衛 #教育 #海事安全 領域進行合作
現在將進一步在索國設立 #技術團
持續擴大與深化兩國友好合作關係 🤝
隨著 #非洲之角 #紅海 及 #亞丁灣地區
現在正是台索 #互利互惠 強化經貿關係的最佳時刻 👊🏻
台灣和索馬利蘭都擁抱並捍衛 #自由民主 價值✨
未來將攜手與更多 #理念相近國家
#這塊牌子就寫台灣沒有多餘贅字 (酥胡~
We’re extremely happy to announce the opening of the "Taiwan Representative Office in the Republic of Somaliland!" Representative Lou Chen-hwa and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Yasin Hagi Mohamoud oversaw the opening ceremony, which was attended by diplomatic staff from various countries. President 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen also recorded a video message to express her good wishes for the ceremony (https://reurl.cc/7oXDq9).
Our office in the country will work to strengthen relations with African nations, particularly in #EastAfrica. The establishment of representative offices was part of a protocol signed in February of this year. The two countries will launch cooperative initiatives on fisheries, agriculture, energy, mining, public health, education and ICT.
Minister Yasin Hagi Mohamoud stated that given the growing geopolitical importance of the #HornOfAfrica, the #RedSea and the #AdenGulf, now is a great time to strengthen trade relations between our two countries. #StrongerTogether 💪🏻
importance of agriculture 在 Why Agriculture is Important - YouTube 的必吃
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