Song list of last Monday (2021.05.03). See u all tonite~~
1. Any dream will do-Connie Talbot
2. Big Big World-Emilia
3. The windmills of your mind-Swing out sister
4. I sing body electric-various artists
5. I’d like to teach the world to sing 9in perfect harmony)- The new seekers
6. Please Mr. Please-Olivia Newton John
7. Solitaire-Carpenters
8. You light up my life-Westlife
9. The power of love-Gabrielle Aplin
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過334的網紅羣島ARCPLG,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Official video for "Body Electric" by ARCPLG 羣島 from the album "REEFS 珊瑚礁". "REEFS 珊瑚礁" will official release on 4/4/2019. Director - Eric Xu Camera...
「i sing the body electric」的推薦目錄:
- 關於i sing the body electric 在 劉倩怡 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於i sing the body electric 在 林生祥 Lin Sheng Xiang Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於i sing the body electric 在 劉倩怡 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於i sing the body electric 在 羣島ARCPLG Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於i sing the body electric 在 羣島ARCPLG Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於i sing the body electric 在 JR Lee Radio Youtube 的最讚貼文
i sing the body electric 在 林生祥 Lin Sheng Xiang Facebook 的最讚貼文
Keith Jarrett在ECM唱片發行的第一張錄音室專輯就是鋼琴獨奏專輯《Facing You》。而當時正萌芽發展的新世紀音樂,那群音樂人聽到Keith Jarrett的一系列鋼琴獨奏專輯和獨奏會音樂,特別是科隆音樂會,便起而效尤模仿而形成現在我們看到的新世紀音樂的樣貌。所以可以很容易地在新世紀音樂中聽到Keith Jarrett獨奏的片段或碎屑,國外有一本專書《Keith Jarrett's The Köln Concert》,便是對此有詳細的介紹及討論。總之,又是一個爵士樂影響啟發後來的音樂類型發展的例子。
然而,這場名留青史的爵士鋼琴獨奏會,是由一位十七歲的女孩維拉・布蘭德絲(Vera Brandes)所策劃主辦!而Keith Jarrett當天並沒有彈到原本預定的Bösendorfer 290 Imperial旗艦平台鋼琴,而這些並沒有被ECM唱片記載在專輯中。一直到了幾年前在BBC製作的「For One Night Only」廣播節目中,才將這段幕後故事讓世人知道,這是科隆音樂會最重要的一段歷史檔案。
廣播中訪問了當年籌辦「The Köln Concert」的Vera Brandes女士,她現在是奧地利薩爾茲堡Paracelsus Private醫學院的音樂醫療研究系主任,不過1975年時,她只是一個十七高中生,熱愛爵士樂的女孩。那時她因為瘋狂熱愛爵士樂,在爵士音樂節中認識了不少樂手。一次在柏林一間酒吧中,Vera遇見了當時在歐洲頗有名氣的吉他手Ralph Towner(當時因為他在爵士薩克斯風大師韋恩・蕭特Wayne Shorter等音樂家所成立的融合爵士團氣象報告(Weather Report)的「I Sing The Body Electric」專輯中客串演出,而被歐洲樂迷注意) ,相談甚歡之際,藉酒壯膽的Vera竟然誇口要在科隆籌辦Towner的音樂會。沒想到,這個女孩並不只是酒後亂說話,這場演奏會不但真的辦成了,而且還頗受好評。這次成功讓Vera有了強大的信心繼續辦下去,初生之犢不畏虎的她雖然缺乏經驗,但是憑著無比的表現的像是在這行做了多年的老手,當時她所策劃的New Jazz系列音樂會,在當地成功吸引到一批爵士樂迷的支持。
鏡頭回到Vera這邊,要租借到理想的演奏會場地是一個大難題,科隆歌劇院是Vera的首選,但是這裡從未舉辦過爵士鋼琴獨奏會,而且還要把場地交給一位女孩辦音樂會。幾經交涉之後,Vera說服科隆歌劇院,同意把正規歌劇演出後的空檔,星期五半夜十一點讓她舉辦音樂會。不過,借到場地也不表示就沒問題了,排到冷門時段演出,要讓大家進科隆歌劇院聽音樂會是個不容易的任務。所幸Keith Jarrett那時在歐洲有相當的知名度,許多樂迷也好奇科隆歌劇院第一次舉辦爵士鋼琴獨奏會會是什麼情況,所以最後門票完售,當時買票的觀眾與平常聽歌劇的樂迷不太一樣,大多是年輕人。
Vera要敲定Keith的檔期是另一大難題,因為Keith這趟歐洲巡迴演奏的條件是安排間隔一天時間演出,好讓中間有休息時間,但是Vera好不容易借到的科隆歌劇院,卻只有一個星期五晚上的空檔,這前一天之前Keith還在瑞士演出,要叫他隔天就殺到科隆登台演出,實在非常困難。Vera不願就此放棄,於是跟Keith經紀人商量,說她這邊願意負擔交通費用,買機票讓Keith飛來,最後終於敲定演出,Keith並要求演奏要使用Bösendorfer Model 290 Imperial。但是令人意外的是,Keith竟然把機票賣了,在結束瑞士的演出後,自己租了一輛雷諾4小轎車連夜從瑞士開到了科隆,而且車上還載當時才32歲的ECM唱片老闆曼佛瑞德・艾希(Manfred Eicher)。那天下午他們已經到科隆,舟車勞頓的他們原本的計劃是在到劇院確認場館和鋼琴狀況,再回hotel 睡ㄧ覺,然後吃過晚餐之後進行音樂會。
Vera在下午來到演奏廳,沒想到前一場排定的歌劇演出竟然取消,Vera在諾大的舞台昏暗的燈光下看到一架平台鋼琴,認為這就是歌劇院館方跟她掛保證會準備好的貝森朵夫290 Imperial平台鋼琴。稍後Keith來到歌劇院,立刻清楚地認出舞台上的鋼琴不是他要求的鋼琴,Keith與Manfred上台試彈了幾個音之後,不發一語的繞著鋼琴看了好幾回,接著默默走過來告訴Vera,如果不換鋼琴,今晚不可能演出。對原本以為一切就緒的Vera來說是晴天霹靂!這時她才發現,舞台上那架鋼琴非但不是Keith指明要的貝森朵夫,而且狀況慘不忍睹,高音尖銳刺耳,因為其中的所有毛氈都嚴重磨損,踏板卡住,白鍵走音,黑鍵聽起來拖拖拉拉,中央幾個黑鍵甚至發不出聲,也彈不出夠大的音量來讓像科隆歌劇院這麼大空間裡的觀眾都聽到。原來,因為前一場歌劇演出取消,歌劇院館方人員提早下班歡渡週末,隨後來到的負責鋼琴搬運的工作人員找不到人詢問,只好隨便搬了架練習用的貝森朵夫小平台鋼琴放上舞台。
急的像熱鍋上的螞蟻的Vera,只好趕緊聯絡所有可能的管道,試圖借調Keith要求的鋼琴。當她好不容易借到了科隆「唯二」的貝森朵夫290 Imperial,但是專門奔運鋼琴的公司已經下班,正準備招集朋友跑去把這架鋼琴穿越整個科隆市徒手推到科隆歌劇院時,已經來到舞台上準備工作的鋼琴調音師告訴Vera,千萬不可在正在下雨的科隆市冒雨把那架鋼琴推來,因為鋼琴一旦淋雨,絕對整個報銷,音樂會同樣辦不成。接下來,這位調音師拿出材料和工具開始修琴。
鋼琴令人無法接受,似乎音樂會開不成了。Keith於是離開歌劇院回到車上,準備回到hotel,因為他急需得到休息。Vera跟著他來到車旁,她站在雨中,透過他敞開的車窗不斷跟他交涉,懇求他演出。Keith望著這個陷入困境的女孩在雨中的身影,對她感到同情並被她的熱誠打動。沉默片刻後,他說"Never forget ... only for you."。花了好幾個小時,調音師竟然真的把舞台上那架破爛鋼琴修到可以演奏的狀態,但是最高音和最低音的狀態仍不甚理想,原本以為音樂會辦不成的Vera,此時又重新燃起了希望。
回到hotel 後Keith無法得到良好的睡眠,整個巡演都穿著支架來減緩背部慢性疼痛的他,在經過長途車程的疲勞後,並無法好好入睡而得到充分的休息。晚餐時間來到預定的義大利餐廳,餐廳悶熱,而因為服務生的疏忽,Keith的餐點上菜延遲了,只好在不舒適的用餐環境匆匆吃過晚餐。
音樂會即將開場,試彈之後確認鋼琴就緒的Manfred Eicher,叫Vera趕緊把Keith接來。而台下的觀眾在結束一個禮拜工作後的週末夜,用餐完後穿著休閒帶著輕鬆的心情來到歌劇院。因為事前種種差錯而有些不耐,又因為巡迴演出背痛與長途駕駛而身心俱疲的Keith,無法好好休息與用餐的狀態下,在此時竟然沒有發脾氣,反而平靜的步上舞台,在那架鋼琴前坐下,醞釀了一下,手指落在琴鍵上,開頭的四個音是歌劇院提醒觀眾中場休息時間結束的音樂,片刻的幽默中,預示著一場音樂會即將開始,觀眾一陣莞爾,接著就像著了魔一樣被琴音吸過去。Vera屏住呼吸:正如她後來記得的那樣,「當他演奏第一張音符的那一刻,每個人都知道這是神奇的時刻。這裡正在發生著驚人的事情。」魔法持續了一個多小時。觀眾沒有發出一點噪音,好像他們幾乎不敢相信自己所聽到的。他們似乎完全被Keith Jarrett即興演奏施法定住了。布蘭德斯無法待在一個地方,在整個歌劇院觀眾席裡漫遊。她說「我想從各個角度來看它。我在每一個角度,都感受到同樣的魔力。」
Vera從未忘記Keith Jarrett對他說的那句話。當BBC將許多參加音樂會的觀眾帶回科隆重聚時,她說:「這依然讓我熱淚盈眶。」當晚的觀眾有一位受訪者就表示,聽完那場演奏會之後兩、三年,他都不敢把這場錄音的唱片拿出來聽,因為那晚聽到的音樂,對他來說實在太震撼,已經在他的心靈中擁有一個神聖的位子,怕會破壞了停留在那個時刻的美好。
i sing the body electric 在 劉倩怡 Facebook 的最佳貼文
1. Wonderful Life-Black
2. Drive-The Cars
3. Temple of the King-Rainbow
4. A Whiter Shade of Pale-Procol Harum
5. Holiday-Bee Gees
6. You got a nerve-Rod Stewart
7. Wicked game-London Grammar
8. Hero-Mariah Carey
9. I sing the body electric-Various
i sing the body electric 在 羣島ARCPLG Youtube 的最佳解答
Official video for "Body Electric" by ARCPLG 羣島 from the album "REEFS 珊瑚礁".
"REEFS 珊瑚礁" will official release on 4/4/2019.
Director - Eric Xu
Camera - Blasy Haung
Editor - Eric Xu
Colorist - Blasy Haung
Makeup & Hairstylist - Edna Hung
Assitant - BP, Zihji Ni, Terry Sun
Special thanks to: HYPE Taiwan, Dickies Taiwan, Slightly Numb
And so I sing
With something is beating in it
Prejudiced scenes
Even if that erode the body
So I put on a lipstick, and the colors on me
How you dare to take off them
They said no, y'all can't do so
The ring was taken off
They don’t tell, and we know so
Our bodies are we owned
They said no, y'all can't do so
The road was blocked off
They don’t tell, and we know so
So I ink all of my skin, and the colors you see
How you dare to take off them
They said no, y'all can't do so
The ring was taken off
They don’t tell, and we know so
Our bodies are we owned
They said no, y'all can't do so
The road was blocked off
They don’t tell, and we know so
*Front of my chest, between the legs
Through my body electric
There’re no tales in the pants
Sing the body electric
Front of my chest, between the legs
Through your body electric
Body electric
And so I sing
With something is beating in it
Prejudiced scenes
Even if that erode the body
All the stories
Bloodshot eyes
No one be sorry
Hold we tight
Song written and performed by ARCPLG 羣島
Lyric written by Eric 愷中, Zon 允中
Recorded and produced by John Wu 孟諺
Mastered by Liam McMillan at Small Pond Studios, Brighton, UK
More info:
(C) All Right Reserved by ARCPLG 羣島 2019
Published by 過度營造 develoop Co., LTD
#ARCPLG #羣島 #REEFS #BodyElectric #MusicVideo
i sing the body electric 在 羣島ARCPLG Youtube 的最佳貼文
Album: REEFS 珊瑚礁
Release date: Coming soon
And so I sing
With something is beating in it
Prejudiced scenes
Even if that erode the body
So I put on a lipstick, and the colors on me
How you dare to take off them
They said no, y'all can't do so
The ring was taken off
They don’t tell, and we know so
Our bodies are we owned
They said no, y'all can't do so
The road was blocked off
They don’t tell, and we know so
So I ink all of my skin, and the colors you see
How you dare to take off them
They said no, y'all can't do so
The ring was taken off
They don’t tell, and we know so
Our bodies are we owned
They said no, y'all can't do so
The road was blocked off
They don’t tell, and we know so
*Front of my chest, between the legs
Through my body electric
There’re no tales in the pants
Sing the body electric
Front of my chest, between the legs
Through your body electric
Body electric
And so I sing
With something is beating in it
Prejudiced scenes
Even if that erode the body
All the stories
Bloodshot eyes
No one be sorry
Hold we tight
Song written and performed by ARCPLG 羣島
Lyric written by Eric 愷中, Zon 允中
Recorded and produced by John Wu 孟諺
Mastered by Liam McMillan at Small Pond Studios, Brighton, UK
More info:
Streetvoice :
#ARCPLG #羣島 #REEFS #珊瑚礁
i sing the body electric 在 JR Lee Radio Youtube 的最讚貼文
☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎ 記得開CC字幕!!!!!!!! ☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎☀︎
IG :jrleeradio
"Can't Stop The Feeling"
[Verse 1:]
I got this feeling inside my bones
It goes electric, wavey when I turn it on
All through my city, all through my home
We're flying up, no ceiling, when we're in our zone
[Pre-chorus 1:]
I got that sunshine in my pocket
Got that good soul in my feet
I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops, ooh
I can't take my eyes up off it, moving so phenomenally
Room on lock the way we rock it, so don't stop
And under the lights when everything goes
Nowhere to hide when I'm getting you close
When we move, well, you already know
So just imagine, just imagine, just imagine
Nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance
Feeling good, good, creeping up on you
So just dance, dance, dance, come on
All those things I shouldn't do
But you dance, dance, dance
And ain't nobody leaving soon, so keep dancing
[Post-chorus 1:]
I can't stop the feeling
So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
So just dance, dance, dance, come on
[Verse 2:]
Ooh, it's something magical
It's in the air, it's in my blood, it's rushing on
Don't need no reason, don't need control
I fly so high, no ceiling, when I'm in my zone
[Pre-chorus 2:]
'Cause I got that sunshine in my pocket
Got that good soul in my feet
I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops, ooh
I can't take my eyes up off it, moving so phenomenally
Room on lock the way we rock it, so don't stop
And under the lights when everything goes
Nowhere to hide when I'm getting you close
When we move, well, you already know
So just imagine, just imagine, just imagine
Nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance
Feeling good, good, creeping up on you
So just dance, dance, dance, come on
All those things I shouldn't do
But you dance, dance, dance
And ain't nobody leaving soon, so keep dancing
[Post-chorus 2:]
I can't stop the feeling
So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
So just dance, dance, dance
I can't stop the feeling
So keep dancing, come on
I can't stop the, I can't stop the
I can't stop the, I can't stop the
I can't stop the feeling
Nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance
(I can't stop the feeling)
Feeling good, good, creeping up on you
So just dance, dance, dance, come on
(I can't stop the feeling)
All those things I shouldn't do
But you dance, dance, dance
(I can't stop the feeling)
And ain't nobody leaving soon, so keep dancing
[Post-chorus 3:]
Everybody sing
(I can't stop the feeling)
Got this feeling in my body
(I can't stop the feeling)
Got this feeling in my body
(I can't stop the feeling)
Wanna see you move your body
(I can't stop the feeling)
Got this feeling in my body
Break it down
Got this feeling in my body
Can't stop the feeling
Got this feeling in my body, come on