We are seeing some old faces at COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual! 👋
As one of the top three manufacturers of motherboards in the world, ASRock explores the limits of motherboard manufacturing while strives to provide more environmental-friendly products. ASRock’s mission is to deliver more reliable solutions by providing consumers with innovative products and great services. 💪 ASRock is showcasing a variety of products at COMPUTEX, including motherboards, graphics cards, and mini PCs. 🤓
👉 https://pse.is/ASRock_en
Top power supplier, FSP Global, offers high efficiency and long lasting power supply products in gaming, edge computing, AIoT, and 5G. FSP is also committed to the cultivation of green energy field in its pursuit of sustainable development.🌱
At this year’s COMPUTEX, visitors have a chance to see FSP’s innovative products in healthcare, data center, and ICT.
See what FSP has to offer!
👉 https://pse.is/FSP_Global_en
You can exchange business cards with representatives at the virtual booths or schedule a time to chat with them. 🏃
Visit now: https://virtual.computextaipei.com.tw/
因應數位轉型浪潮、全線上展出的COMPUTEX 2021 Virtual也有很多老朋友與我們線上相會啦👋
👉 https://pse.is/ASRock_zh
全球電源領導品牌全漢則不斷精進研發技術,將高效率、長壽命及新能源的產品,帶到電競、邊緣運算、AIoT及5G等領域;更持續深耕綠能領域,實踐永續經營的願景🌱 今年的展品中可以看到全漢的硬體設備支援醫療、資料中心、網通等不同產業,快來一窺全漢帶來的前瞻性產品
#COMPUTEXVirtual 攤位裡不僅可以一鍵交換名片,想了解更多展品細節也可以即時發問!快把握機會報名參觀 🏃
green computing 在 台灣應用材料公司 Applied Materials Taiwan Facebook 的精選貼文
【 EarthWorks 特別企劃-修復地球 ABC 🌍 】
發起多項環境教育推廣及實際行動方案 ─ EarthWorks,
台灣應材與員工發起 ABC 系列活動,一起動手修復地球!
Happy Earth Day and make everyday Earth Day !
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▍A - Awareness & Sustainability
☞ 打造綠腦袋!將永續思維內化成個人價值觀。
我們邀請了- 珍古德協會執行長 Kelly Kok,從環保意識、國際永續行動到珍古德博士的精神,豐富員工的綠色思維;也邀請廠務介紹台南顯示器設備廠榮獲黃金級綠建築,以及其他廠區 green projects,深植永續概念。
▍B - Build The Ideal Lifestyle
☞ 串聯知識,打造長久執行的綠生活型態!
內部數十個社團響應 EarthWorks ,自製絲瓜手工皂、從咖啡香中認識綠標章與公平交易、書法社推廣就地取材的環保造紙術 ......。用 #AppliedEarthWorks 與同事分享個人的綠生活態度!
▍C - Call to Action
☞ Think global. Act local. 擁抱理想,從實際在地行動出發!
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▍Beyond ABC action >>>
☞ 應材的「3 X 30」的目標持續進行中!
read more ☞ https://blog.appliedmaterials.com/sustainability-discussion-computing-industry-leaders-seizing-opportunity-innovation?fbclid=IwAR3X0hD0QCKc_P9MeLQ34TZL3ckihEORfsbsRRfZH7UvFbDAJMN4SQb4pgo
green computing 在 eCloudvalley Facebook 的精選貼文
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day!
The green, or eco-friendly, aspect of the cloud is one of the most overlooked, multifaceted advantages of cloud computing.
On average, AWS customers use 77% fewer servers, 84% less power,and utilize a 28% cleaner power mix, for a total reduction in carbon emissions of 88% from using the AWS Cloud instead of operating their own data centers.
Resource: https://aws.amazon.com/tw/blogs/aws/cloud-computing-server-utilization-the-environment/