NetTuts+ 最近發表了一篇文章,訪問了 15 位世界級的網頁工程師,詢問他們下列四個問題:
1. 你主要的工作是什麼?
2. 你用什麼樣的電腦開發程式?
3. 你用什麼樣的軟體來撰寫程式碼?
4. 哪些軟體你不用會死
結果...清一色全部用 Mac 系統啊!我之前也建議,Mac 有比 Windows 更友善的介面,但又使用 FreeBSD 這顆 Unix 家族的強力引擎,兼具 Linux 的強大。真的是軟體工程師的上上之選哪~(個人也已經使用快一年了)。
另外,寫碼工具也由 Sublime Text 獲得壓倒性勝利!我之前也在這個版推薦過好幾次。真的非常鼓勵程式師們去學啊!
Scott Gonzalez: jQuery UI 主要作者之一
* 主要工作:JavaScript & Node.js
* 硬體平台:MacBook Pro
* 開發工具:Sublime Text + TrailingSpaces, Pretty JSON, GitGutter, Markdown Preview 四個外掛
* 必備軟體:Git/GitHub, Apache, Chrome, Linkinus, Skype, Node
Raymond Camden: Adobe 資深工程師,制定各種網頁標準
* 主要工作:制定各種網頁標準
* 硬體平台:MacBook Pro
* 開發工具:Brackets
* 必備軟體:Chrome, Brackets, Tweetdeck, Evernote
John-David Dalton: jsPerf 與 Benchmark.js 作者,JavaScript 狂熱愛好者
* 主要工作:撰寫各種函式庫
* 硬體平台:MacBook Pro
* 開發工具:Komodo Edit
* 必備軟體:Total Finder, Chrome/Firefox/Opera/Safari/IE, Node, Ringo, Rhino, Narwhal
Stephanie Sullivan Rewis: HOW Design, UI16, An Event Apart, Microsoft’s MIX, Macworld, SXSW, Adobe Max 等大型研討會策展人
* 主要工作:前端網頁開發(HTML/CSS/JavaScript)
* 硬體平台:MacBook Pro
* 開發工具:Sublime Text
* 必備軟體:CodeKit, Tower, HipChat, Fireworks, Chrome
Christian Heilmann: Web 技術專欄作家
* 主要工作:科技文章撰寫
* 硬體平台:MacBook Air
* 開發工具:Sublime Text
* 必備軟體:瀏覽器, Git, IRC, Dropbox, Spotify
Ryan Grove: SmugMug 這個 JavaScript 元件的作者
* 主要工作:JavaScript 函式庫撰寫
* 硬體平台:Mac Pro(桌機,工作站等級)
* 開發工具:Sublime Text
* 必備軟體:Sublime Text, JSHint, Adium, Tower, Dropbox, Rsync, Arg, Gmail, GitHub, Chrome, Google Hangouts...等
Cody Lindley
* 主要工作:前端網頁技術(HTML/CSS/JavaScript)
* 硬體平台:MacBook Pro
* 開發工具:Sublime Text
* 必備軟體:SmartGit, Sublime, Divvy, JumpCut, Skype, Chrome...等。
Luke Smith: YUI 這個 JavaScript 函式庫的主要作者
* 主要工作:JavaScript 函式庫撰寫
* 硬體平台:MacBook Air
* 開發工具:Vim
* 必備軟體:Vim, Git
Chris Williams: SaferAging 副總,JSConf US 與 RobotsConf 會議主席
* 主要工作:各類硬體感知器的程式撰寫
* 硬體平台:Mac Pro, MacBook Air, Mac Mini
* 開發工具:Sublime Text 3
* 必備軟體:Sublime Text, iTerm2, Fish Shell, Wunderlist
Aaron Newton: Thanx 專案經理
* 主要工作:HTML5
* 硬體平台:MacBook Pro
* 開發工具:Sublime Text
* 必備軟體:CloudApp, Jing, Sequel Pro, Jumpcut, Total Terminal, GitX
Ben Cherry: Pushd 工程師
* 主要工作:Ruby, iOS, JavaScript
* 硬體平台:MacBook Pro
* 開發工具:Sublime Text
* 必備軟體:Sublime Text 2, iTerm 2, Chrome, 1Password, Gmail, Flipboard, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit
Jacob Thornton: @medium, Bootstrap, Bower 等知名 JavaScript 函式庫作者
* 主要工作:HTML, CSS, JavaScript
* 硬體平台:MacBook Pro
* 開發工具:Sublime Text 2
* 必備軟體:Rdio
Lea Verou: W3C 委員會開發者
* 主要工作:HTML, CSS, JavaScript
* 硬體平台:MacBook Air
* 開發工具:Espresso
* 必備軟體:Espresso, Transmit, CodeKit, Adobe Illustrator, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, WebKit nightlies, Chrome Canary
Jonathan Snook: Shopify 工程師
* 主要工作:HTML/CSS/JavaScript
* 硬體平台:MacBook Air
* 開發工具:Vim
* 必備軟體:Vim, Chrome,
Peter Wagenet: Ember 這個 JavaScript 函式庫的主要成員
* 主要工作:JavaScript
* 硬體平台:MacBook Air
* 開發工具:Sublime Text 3
* 必備軟體:Chrome, Firefox, Adium, GTalk, Twitter, Divvy, 1Password, Bartender
gmail html css 在 紀老師程式教學網 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[WebTech #67] CSS > 4. CSS 範例 > 4-4 視覺元件 > 4-4-4 進度顯示與圖示
*** 進度顯示 ***
(1) 忙碌等待圖示(Busy Indicator):這類外觀長得像一個圓圈圈,當網頁忙碌時,就會「轉呀轉」,告知你它正在忙碌。
- http://css-tricks.com/css3-loading-spinner/
- http://www.marcofolio.net/css/css3_quickie_the_facebook_loading_animation.html
(2) 進度條(Progress Bar):這種進度顯示,不僅告訴你它在做事,還告訴你它做到 % 幾了。
- http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/html5-progress-bar/
- http://css-tricks.com/css3-progress-bars/
如果您嫌不過癮,這裡有 35 種「進度顯示」的視覺元件供您參考,都是 CSS 做的:
*** 圖示 ***
您知道像 GMail 圖示、RSS 圖示,都可以單憑 CSS 畫出來嗎?這麼做的原因最主要的就是「將低頻寬」。畢竟傳送文字、比傳送圖片到瀏覽器,前者輕鬆多了!以下教您如何用 CSS 繪製圖示。熟了以後,您也可以繪製自己的圖示喔:
- 檔案圖示: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html-css-techniques/create-a-document-icon-with-css3/
- GMail 圖示: http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/gmail-logo-css3/
- RSS 圖示: http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/rss-feed-logo-with-css3/
最棒的 CSS Selector 或 Properties 線上參考手冊:
(進入後,Selector 在中央,Properties 在左下選單)
gmail html css 在 Zoe Chan 陳雪兒 Facebook 的最佳解答
You know you're a fashion blogger when...
- Your friends tell you to blog about something.
- It's 2AM and you're writing a post.
- You're thinking about new post ideas 24 hours a day.
- You have had to learn on your own how to use: HTML, CSS, SEO techniques, Blogger, Google Analytics, Wordpress, Typepad, Livewriter, Photoshop...
- You have to know how to take good photographs too.
- You are your own assistant, editor, writer, photographer, manager, agent and community manager.
- You can't attend the fashion presentations all the journalists go to, because you have to be at your "real" work, or have to be at school or university.
- You follow more than 60 blogs.
- You receive more than 150 emails every day.
- You have four (or more) email accounts: the personal one, the one for work, one for the blog, one that you opened ages ago and don't remember the password...
- You've reached the capacity limit of your email account thanks to the 100MB press releases some PR' agencies send (It happened to me. Yes, there's a limit in Gmail)
- It's September and you receive Christmas shopping ideas on your email.
- You feel guilty when you haven't updated in two days, even though no one tells you to do so.
- Your friends can't understand that you work on something that takes you more than two hours a day, for free.
- You read a fashion magazine and you've already seen 99% of the celebrity pics and trends on other blogs.
- You know what Mary-Kate Olsen, Kate Bosworth or Diane Kruger have worn every day for the last four years.
- Your friends and family ask you about what's "in" this season.
- You can't avoid examining everyone's look and when you see a cool outfit, you feel the urge to photograph them to share it with your readers.
- You already know what's in the stores without going shopping.
- You don't remember what you used to do on your spare time when you didn't have a blog.
- Holidays don't exist. You feel that you have to update your blog even if you're in the North Pole.
- You blog about labels you love, but hardly wear (I wish I could afford Isabel Marant)
- No internet connection: apocalypse