近年來,在人工智能(AI)、5G等推動下,以MRAM(磁阻式隨機存取存儲器)、鐵電隨機存取存儲器 (FRAM)、相變隨機存取存儲器(PRAM),以及可變電阻式隨機存取存儲器(RRAM)為代表的新興存儲技術逐漸成為市場熱點。這些新技術吸引各大晶圓廠不斷投入,最具代表性的廠商包括台積電、英特爾、三星和格羅方德(Globalfoundries)。
那麼,這些新興存儲技術為什麼會如此受期待呢?主要原因在於:隨着半導體制造技術持續朝更小的技術節點邁進,傳統的DRAM和NAND Flash面臨越來越嚴峻的微縮挑戰,DRAM已接近微縮極限,而NAND Flash則朝3D方向轉型。
另外,相較於DRAM、SRAM和NAND Flash等技術面臨的微縮困境,MRAM可滿足製程進一步微縮需求。目前,DRAM製程工藝節點為1X nm,已接近極限,而Flash走到20 nm以下後,就朝3D製程轉型了。MRAM製程則可推進至10nm以下。
在過去幾年裏,包括台積電、英特爾、三星、格羅方德等晶圓代工廠和IDM,相繼大力投入MRAM 研發,而且主要着眼於STT-MRAM,也有越來越多的嵌入式解決方案誕生,用以取代Flash、EEPROM和SRAM。
- 台積電
在ISSCC 2020上,台積電發佈了基於ULL 22nm CMOS工藝的32Mb嵌入式STT-MRAM。該技術基於台積電的22nm ULL(Ultra-Low-Leakage)CMOS工藝,具有10ns的極高讀取速度,讀取功率為0.8mA/MHz/bit。對於32Mb數據,它具有100K個循環的寫入耐久性,對於1Mb數據,具有1M個循環的耐久性。
目前,台積電已經完成22nm嵌入式STT-MRAM技術驗證,進入量產階段。在此基礎上,該公司還在推進16 nm 製程的STT-MRAM研發工作。
- 三星
2018年,Arm發佈了基於三星28FDS工藝技術的eMRAM編譯器IP,包括一個支持18FDS (18nm FD-SOI工藝)的eMRAM編譯器。這一平台有助於推動在5G、AI、汽車、物聯網和其它細分市場的功耗敏感應用領域的前沿設計發展。
2019年底,Mentor宣佈將為基於Arm的eMRAM編譯器IP提供IC測試解決方案,該方案基於三星的28FDS工藝技術。據悉,該測試方案利用了Mentor的Tessent Memory BIST,為SRAM和eMRAM提供了一套統一的存儲器測試和修復IP。
- Globalfoundries(格羅方德半導體股份有限公司)
2017年,時任Globalfoundries首席技術官的Gary Patton稱,Globalfoundries已經在其22FDX(22nm製程的FD-SOI工藝技術)製程中提供了MRAM,同時也在研究另一種存儲技術。
今年年初,Globalfoundries宣佈基於22nm FD-SOI 平台的eMRAM投入生產。該eMRAM技術平台可以實現將數據保持在-40°C至+125°C的温度範圍內,壽命週期可以達到100,000,可以將數據保留10年。該公司表示,正在與多個客户合作,計劃在2020年安排多次流片。
- 英特爾
英特爾也是MRAM技術的主要推動者,該公司採用的是基於FinFET技術的22 nm製程。
2018年底,英特爾首次公開介紹了其MRAM的研究成果,推出了一款基於22nm FinFET製程的STT-MRAM,當時,該公司稱,這是首款基於FinFET的MRAM產品,並表示已經具備該技術產品的量產能力。
由於市場需求愈加凸顯,且有各大晶圓廠大力投入支持,加快了以MRAM為代表的新興存儲技術的商業化進程。未來幾年,雖然DRAM和NAND Flash將繼續站穩存儲芯片市場主導地位,但隨着各家半導體大廠相繼投入發展,新興存儲器的成本將逐步下降,可進一步提升 MRAM等技術的市場普及率。
gate leakage 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最讚貼文
The 8 Bullseye Predictions (English version below)
文/劉泳廷 女士 Written by: Mdm Loh Yong Ting
玳瑚師父永遠都會帶給我「驚訝和驚喜」😲, 真的不能不給他一千一萬個贊👍 。師父的「功夫」是越來越厲害!
師父預言(一): 難產
不久後,外婆的憂鬱症就有好轉!這是連醫生也無法解釋的! 現在我還是一直在幫外婆報名,外婆也相信是有用!我真的很感謝玳瑚師父的提點。
不止這些,師父還提點我,不要給我女兒喝牛奶,因為會導致她有皮膚問題,她也不愛喝牛奶,可以給她吃雞蛋,是她喜歡也旺她的。我聽了後,不停地給師父鼓掌 。👏 沒想到她的皮膚敏感,是我給她喝牛奶而造成的。但只要我加了可可粉,她就肯喝了,而且她真的很喜歡吃雞蛋!!只要有雞蛋,她就能下飯。
玳瑚師父也有提醒我要小心我會滑倒,玳瑚師父真的很關心我們。玳瑚師父說我會因為鞋底下的紋路已沒有了,一不小心就會滑倒。這你們真的要鼓掌了! 就在師父這番話的一星期前,我真的在艾伯特市集(Albert market) 差點滑倒!我看了看我的鞋底下的紋路已沒有了,我還覺得沒事遲些才換。🙊 可當師父講了後,我立即去換了,因為我相信玳瑚師父的話。不聽玳瑚師父言,吃虧在眼前!
跟玳瑚師父提到,我女兒不喜歡去沖涼。玳瑚師父說:「去買rubber ducky,她必定乖乖跟你去沖涼。”」隔天,我就去買。果然!不費吹灰之力,女兒就跟我去沖涼。太神奇了!
謝謝玳瑚師父! 🙏
Amitabha, everyone!
Let me briefly introduce myself.
I am Yong Ting. I had written two testimonials for Master Dai Hu a few years ago.
The Chinese names of my daughter and I were carefully selected of by Master Dai Hu.
I had also sought Master Dai Hu help to audit my office cubicle Feng Shui, home Feng Shui, and analyse my Bazi, and so on.
Master Dai Hu will always bring me " many surprises". 😲 I have to give him 11 million Likes. 👍 Master Dai Hu "kung fu" is getting more and more powerful!
Let me share with you one by one. Don't get me wrong. These are all real-life stories!
Master Dai Hu’s Prediction #1: My Difficult Labor
Four years ago, Master Dai Hu helped me choose a good day for my giving birth. Master said that although he has chosen a day, that was still not the best day because the birth period was restricted, and while the time and date were not bad, they were not most ideal.
Master also highlighted to me that I would have difficulty in giving birth. He taught me to recite The High King Avalokitesvara Sutra a thousand times, to fulfil a wish. Master also taught me to recite the long mantra of my Root Guru, Living Buddha Lian-Sheng: Om Ah Hom. Guru Bei. Ah He Sa Sa Maha. Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.
Since the day I knew this, I started to recite The High King Avalokitesvara Sutra. I completed the 1000 recitations before my labour day. I made a wish and dedicated all the merits to the safety of my daughter and I.
Before entering the operating room, I also visualised my Root Guru and recited His long mantra repeatedly. That calmed me down, and made me feel less nervous and worried. When the doctor did a caesarean section, he found that the child was still too high. He hurriedly called me to push my child out, just like how I would push my stools out. But because I was under anesthesia, I had no sensation to be able to push my child out. I could only rely on the anaesthetist and midwife to help me push my stomach area to get the child out. Fortunately, I had listened to Master, and recited The High King Avalokitesvara Sutra 1000 times, or I would not be able to give birth smoothly.
Master Dai Hu’s Prediction #2: The Reunion With My Brother Who Left Home
It should be around four or five years ago, that my younger brother left home after doing something wrong. My mother had always been worried about her son's safety. When Master knew that my mother was worried, he was very compassionate and helped my mother to do a divination.
Master said, "Don't worry about your son, you will meet him at Singapore True Buddha Shi Cheng Temple." My mother had been looking forward to it. When my daughter turned full month, I took her and my mother to Singapore True Buddha Shi Cheng Association. What Master had predicted really came true! My brother sent me a text, saying that he was nearby. He asked if my mother had forgiven him, and if he could see us? We really reunited in tears with my brother, whom we had not seen for a few years, right outside the gate of Singapore True Buddha Shi Cheng Temple!
Master Dai Hu’s Prediction #3: Granny is going to be in trouble!
Just three years ago, Master Dai Hu helped me read my Bazi. Master said, “If anything happen to your grandmother, you must help her to accumulate blessings, and merits. It will bound to come in useful.”
At that moment, Master kept reminding me on that. I felt that it was impossible, as my grandma was so healthy. However, I still gingers took note of what Master had said and recorded it down in my book.
Sure enough, about two years ago, my grandmother had cataracts in her eyes. She was unable to see clearly, and could not go to the market on her own to buy food. She was even afraid of falls during shower.
Every day, she lived with fear. Her emotions became very unstable. She said that she was unable to sleep at night and had strange dreams. My uncle took her to see the psychologist, who diagnosed that she was suffering from depression, but clinic visits over a period of time did not help her. Everyone was worried.
At this time, I recalled what Master Dai Hu had said a year ago. I immediately went to Singapore True Buddha Shi Cheng Temple to register all the activities that to gain merits. I did everything possible for my grandmother, such as making offering to my Root Guru, Grandmaster Lu, donation of coffins, registration for pujas, prayers for blessings, and so on. My visits to Singapore True Buddha Shi Cheng Temple were so frequent, that even the Dharma sisters there could recognise me.
The previous predictions of Master had all came true, so I dared not disbelieve this time. Soon afterwards, my grandmother's depression improved! This was something that even the doctor could not explain! Now I still continue to sign up for meritorious actives for my grandmother. My grandmother also believed that they were useful! I am truly thankful for the advice given by Master Dai Hu.
Master Dai Hu’s Prediction #4: My Daughter’s Skin Allergy
I haven't called Master Dai Hu for three years. I didn’t give any money to Master either. However, three years later, Master still asked about my family with much care, during my phone conversation with him. When he heard about the wound inflammation on my daughter’s feet, Master Dai Hu told me not to let her eat eggs, peanuts and biscuits.
Not only that, Master also asked me not to give my daughter milk because it would cause her skin problems, that she did not like to drink milk either, and I could feed her eggs because she would like them, and eggs bring her luck. After listening, I kept applauding for Master. 👏
I did not know her skin problem was due to the milk that I gave her. But as long as I added cocoa, she would be willing to drink! And she really likes to eat eggs! As long as she has eggs, she can eat them with her rice.
Master Dai Hu’s Prediction #5: My Brother’s Penchant
Master Dai Hu had never seen my younger brother before. When Master asked me for my brother's birth date (I'm not quite sure about his birth day), he could tell that my brother loves having tattoos! Master’s ability to foretell is really divine!
Master Dai Hu’s Prediction #6: Be Careful of Slips!
Master Dai Hu also reminded me to be careful of slipping, Master really cares about us. He said that I would slip because the soles of my shoes would wear off. This time round, you guys really have to applaud! Just a week ago before Master’s words, I almost slipped at Albert Market! I checked my soles and saw that the lines were gone. I still felt it was alright. 🙊 But as soon as Master told me, I immediately changed my shoes, because I believe in Master’s accuracy. Those who do not listen to Master’s words will bound to suffer soon.
Master Dai Hu’s Prediction #7: The Secret Weapon for My Daughter’s Shower
I told Master Dai Hu that my daughter did not like to shower. Master said, "Go and buy a rubber ducky. She will then obey your words to shower.” The next day I went out and bought it. Sure enough, it took me nary any effort to get my girl to go shower. How amazing!
Master Dai Hu’s Prediction #8: The Solution To Period Leaks
Since young, my mother only introduced to me the Laurier's brand of sanitary napkins. I have been using it until now. Just in March this year, I was advised by Master that Laurier wasn’t a suitable brand for me, and I was better suited for Sofy. I immediately changed to Sofy.
When my menstruation came this month, I discovered that something miraculous happened! Ever since puberty, usually the flow would be quite heavy in the first three days, causing leakage sometimes. However, after using this brand, the flow wasn't as much as before, and there was no leakage!
Usually, if I eat or drink “cooling” food, my period flow will definitely increased. That day, I accidentally drank watermelon juice, yet it was all right! I did not have a heavier flow! Every thing has its unique five elements When used right, it will benefit you. But if used wrongly, then I'm sorry.
I am really grateful to Master Dai Hu’s constant recommendations, care, meticulous attention and teaching.
Thank you, Master Dai Hu! 🙏
gate leakage 在 5.4. Leakage in dynamic CMOS - YouTube 的必吃
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