Travel ☀️舊照分享
巴厘島酒店:Fivelements Puri
#旅遊分享 #巴厘島 #bali
fivelements bali 在 Wota Lifestyle Facebook 的最讚貼文
【Wota Travel|年假放鬆人氣目的地-峇里島🇮🇩】
距離年假只剩不到短短的兩個月,這時候安排一切正是最好時機,但若是你還沒有想法,不妨鎖定Wota Lifestyle 要帶你的「#年假旅遊人氣系列🧧」!第一站,就要帶大家脫離冷冷的天氣,飛到大家都很熟悉的 #峇里島,接受陽光的活力洗禮🌞!
想要享受亞熱帶風情,峇里島可說是人氣首選之一,距離台灣近,氣溫也相對溫暖,加上島上文化豐富,不管是要海上活動,還是帶有人文特色的特殊體驗,都能一網打盡。Wota Lifestyle 也特別要推薦你峇里島頂級住宿,像是靠近火山,坐擁 #黑色沙灘的Soori Bali、強調養生放鬆的 #全素主題度假 Fivelements Puri Ahimsa Restreat、或是大家很愛的 #網美熱點野奢度假Capella Ubud,全都可以讓Wota Lifestyle 為你打點好!
/ 立即預訂 👉 👉 👉立即預訂度假酒店 🧧
ℹ️ 峇里島年假旅遊亮點推薦
📍Soori Bali
📍Fivelements Puri Ahimsa Retreat
📍Capella Ubud
頂級野奢樂園,冒險風格 #帳篷房型。
📍Hoshinoya Bali
📍Amandari �
獨落宅院設計,盡享 #峇里豪門人家格局!
🎉 眾多度假村房型,透過Wota Lifestyle預訂可享 #飯店特別禮遇,如每日免費雙人早餐、免費升級房型、提前入住與延遲退房、100美元消費折扣等,詳細資訊請洽Wota Lifestyle。
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* #Wota_私人訂製 🛎️
Wota Lifestyle 邀您一起探索獨特非凡的品味!
fivelements bali 在 陳雅思 Bonnie Chan Facebook 的最讚貼文
Stepping into August and looking back on my month of July:
From girls Bali yoga trip ✈️ —>
Spain taking a Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course 📚—>
Starting to teach yoga classes at Adidas and Fivelements Hong Kong🧘♀️.
It’s been a super busy, but very fulfilling month.
What I have noticed is that many of you following my page are health conscious & positive individuals, which is exciting to know!!! I am so happy that many of you are understanding the importance of mental & physical health, and living life holistically.
I feel blessed to have the opportunity to do what I am passionate about & love. Thank you for all the support, I will work harder to spread awareness. Remember you are responsible for your own health & happiness 💖💪🏻💛~
Ps. Let me know what you’d like to see more of in the comments (I read all of them 😄).
Stepping into August with motivation 😊💃🏻💫
#MindBodySoul #Health #Fitness #Wellness #Nutrition
#StayPassionate 🔥