Kalau diingat lagi keadaan masa tu.. Rasa seriau dan trauma!
Tak boleh nak fikir apa2 waktu tu..mental memang kena kuat. Sentiasa positifkan diri kuat untuk suami dan anak kalau nak pulih cepat.
Itu belum lagi, rasa pening dan nak muntah kesan dari ubat bius. Rasa haus dan lapar yang amat sebab puasa berjam-jam lamanya.
Part nak bangun dari katil tu, memang ambil masa sangat. Berjalan perlahan2 sambil ampu perut.
Inilah pengorbanan isteri yg melahirkan anak 'ikut tingkap'. Hargailah para suami 😊😊
If you remember the situation at that time.. feeling goosebumps and trauma!
Can't think of anything at that time.. Mental must be strong. Always stay strong for your husband and child if you want to recover quickly.
That's not yet, feeling dizzy and want to throw up the effect of anesthesia. Feeling thirsty and hungry because of fasting for hours.
The part that wants to wake up from the bed, it really takes time. Walking slowly while ino the stomach.
This is the sacrifice of the wife who gave birth to the window. Appreciate the husbands 😊😊Translated