來讀 #華爾街日報 趕走腦內負能量
💐How to Stop the Negative Chatter in Your Head
🧸Did you make your New Year’s resolutions? I hope you put “cognitive reappraisal” on the list. Psychologists use this term to refer to the practice of replacing negative thoughts with ones that are both more positive and true. People who control their self-talk in this manner have better mental health, more life satisfaction, and even better-functioning hearts, research shows. Experts say the technique, which is central to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, is an important skill to master during difficult times. The good news is that you can do it at home.
-cognitive reappraisal: 認知重評
-psychologist: 心理學家
-master: 精通
🌞Ethan Kross is an experimental psychologist and neuroscientist who specializes in emotion regulation. He is a professor of psychology and management at the University of Michigan and director of the Emotion & Self Control Laboratory, where he studies the science of introspection, or the silent conversations people have with themselves. He has a new book coming out this month called “Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why it Matters, and How to Harness It.”
實驗心理學家、神經科學家伊桑·克洛斯(Ethan Kross)是情緒控制方面的專家,他目前在密歇根大學擔任心理學及管理學教授,同時還兼任情緒及自我控制實驗室(Emotion & Self Control Laboratory)的主任。在這家實驗室裡,克洛斯主要研究與自省相關的課題,所謂自省,就是人們與自己進行的一場無聲對話。今年1月,他的新書《碎碎念:腦中的聲音、它的重要性以及如何掌控它》(Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why it Matters, and How to Harness It)出版。
-specialize in sth: 精通某事
-introspection: 自我省察、自省
-chatter: 碎碎念
-harness: 運用、掌控
🍀Does everyone talk to themselves?
Dr. Kross: Yes. There are lots of ways we use language internally. We use it to keep things fresh in our heads, like repeating a phone number. We try to simulate what we are planning to say, like when we go on an interview or a date. We talk to ourselves when we’re trying to or when we are trying to solve a problem. When we are doing something difficult, we mentally walk ourselves through the steps we need to take. Self-talk helps us to author the stories of our life, to capture stories that explain what we have gone through. Even if our self-talk is negative, that doesn’t always mean it’s bad. We can learn things from painful experiences that help us grow and improve.
-capture: 捕捉
-painful: 痛苦的
#告訴我✍🏻 「 你如何趕走壞心情 」