造句 與例句 手機版 · I used always to lie with the elder sister . · Revolt was raised by his elder brother . · He was the elder of her two sons .
elder 造句 / 例句. 1. He is her elder by several years. 他比她年长几岁。 《牛津词典》. 2. The elder girl tried to encourage her small companion.
They consulted the village elders. 他們向村裡的長輩們諮詢了意見。 formal She is my elder by three years (= three years older than I am) ...
#4. elder例句_用elder造句_elder英语句子 - 乐学英语
Traditions were passed on by the elders of the tribe . 部族的传统由长者承袭相传。 It's difficult to find elder in a sentence. 用elder造句挺难的; It was ...
elder造句. 1. Her elder daughter is in college. 她的长女在上大学。 2. Janet is Mary's elder sister. 珍尼特是玛丽的姐姐。 3. elder的翻译.
#6. elder造句 - 百度一下
In still another use, persons in Asian cultures may view silence as a sign of respect, particularly to an elder or a person in authority .
#7. 勃魯格爾(Pieter Bruegel the Elder)注音 - 國語辭典
「勃魯格爾(Pieter Bruegel the Elder)」更多造句. 1、 結果表明,甘肅省農村居民生活狀況整體上符合恩格爾係數變化規律。 2、 王先生根據恩格爾係數,比對了兩個 ...
This past weekend was my "elder" sisters birthday. She is now "older"歡迎用引號裡的單字造句。
elder造句 简单带翻译. by 再认和再现的区别举例子 at 2022-01-04 06:18:48. 最佳答案: 再认:说明还是有意识的,就像我现在说15+=多少,虽然你会但是需要想一下再现: ...
《上古卷軸V:無界天際》(英語:The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim,中國大陸譯作「上古捲軸V:天際」) ... 人們模仿「直到我膝蓋上中了一箭」造句調侃,句式為「我曾經…
#11. 翻译_elder同义词和反义词 - 中华字典
#12. To look someone in the eye 雙眼直視某人- BBC UK China
An elderly Indian farmer looks directly at the camera. Photo: AP/ Altaf Qadri. 今日小常識. The cornea is the transparent front part of the ...
#13. elder怎么读音发音英语 - 星火网校
elder 怎么造句. The elder girl tried to encourage her small companion. 年长的女孩试图鼓励她的小伙伴。 His elder son was killed in a car crash a few years ago ...
#14. 伯字怎麼組詞和造句 - 三度漢語網
[uncle;fathers elder brother]∶父親的哥哥. 伯公bó gōng. 〈方〉. 伯爵bó jué. [earl]∶大不列顛的第三等貴族,位於侯爵之下和子爵之上. 伯勞bó láo.
#15. elderly什麼意思 - 人人焦點
elderly 作名詞時與the連用,the elderly的意思是老人、上了年紀的人。 學單詞,只記住意思可不行,會用才行,小夥伴們可以在評論區造句,我們一起學習 ...
#16. He is much happier than his elder brother.是什么意思- 例句
海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供He is much happier than his elder brother.的在线翻译,He is much happier than his elder brother.是什么意思,He is much ...
#17. elder的意思-西瓜视频搜索
西瓜视频搜索为您提供又新又全的elder的意思相关视频内容,支持在线观看。 ... 视频:初中英语易混词辨析——elder与older究竟什么区别? ... elder英语发音 · elder造句 ...
#18. 用silver造句
6.I can play many instruments.我能彈許多樂器。 7.My elder sister will hold a wedding.我的姐姐將要舉行婚禮。 8.My aunt and uncle will engagement ...
#19. 人稱代詞造句,8個人稱代詞造句 - 迪克知識網
it is a long snake. i am going to the supermarket now. you are a polite boy. she is my elder sister. he always good at sports this is her cost ...
#20. 3種【the+adj.】的用法-表達特定群體 - 英文學習部落格
我們有時候會「泛指、統稱」同一類型特性的群體 ,例如:the Taiwanese台灣人、the rich有錢人、the elderly老年人…等,這是英文當中「定冠詞the+形容詞(adj.)
#21. 大喜過望中英文解釋和造句 - 成語故事
So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. 愛大喜過望,忘記了問他的名字,登上陸地以後,長者獨自走開 ...
#22. 《上古卷軸V:無界天際》龍語字母與造句教程 - GameWikia
《上古卷軸V:無界天際》龍語字母與造句教程 完整版 · 攻略目錄 · 《上古卷軸V:無界天際》相關攻略 ...
#23. elder care是什么意思 - 英语词典
恒星英语词典栏目提供elder care是什么意思,elder care的中文解释,elder care的读音发音,elder care的含义和用法以及elder care的造句参考例句。
#24. 前辈的意思|前辈的解释|前辈造句-乐乐课堂
解释. ◎ 前辈qiánbèi. (1) [senior]∶年岁大的人. 前辈之风俗。——宋· 司马光《训俭示康》. 我的前辈. (2) [the elder generation]∶较老的一代. 革命前辈.
#25. 益智游戏大全单机下载 - PP问答网
elder 造句 / 例句1. He is herelderby several years. 他比她年长几岁。 《牛津词典》 2. Theeldergirl tried to encourage her small companion.
#26. 比較級與最高級的不規則變化 - 實用基礎文法
elder, oldest eldest. late, 遲的後者的, later latter, latest last. far, 遠的遠的、更多,更進一步, farther further, farthest furthest ...
#27. [半老徐娘]成語解釋 - 詩詞大全
... 半老徐娘成語故事,半老徐娘的反義詞近義詞,半老徐娘造句,半老徐娘的意思,半老徐娘 ... [an elder woman who has past her prime] 半老:人接近老年,泛指中年。
#28. elder造句 - YELLOW网动漫
elder造句. 这首诗是杜甫流寓巴蜀时期写的,诗写夜泊之景。写一个月夜,诗人不从天上月写起,却写水中月影(“江月”),一开始就抓住江上夜景的特色。
#29. 兄弟literally means "elder brother + younger brother", but is ...
兄弟literally means "elder brother + younger brother", but is the word used to refer to men who are close *like ... 请给我造句好吗?
#30. process的造句 - 手机问答网
There was total agreement to start the peace process as soon as possible It occurs in elderly men, apparently as part of the ageing process ...
#31. 金碧辉煌简单造句 - 瑞文网
金碧辉煌简单造句1 一、孔庙通常都是金碧辉煌、庄严雄伟的大庙。 ... 7Today, we visited an elder, whose home is decorated with resplendent ...
#32. 2022「虎年吉祥話」報虎你知!諧音梗、祝賀 - 這樣變型男
2022虎年諧音梗 · 1.台語的「給你/讓你」與中文的「虎哩/虎哩」諧音,可用它來自行造句。ex:虎你事事順心 · 2.五虎臨門 · 3.虎哩好舒虎!(諧音:舒服) · 4.
#33. sister可以造什么句 - 红宝石
sister是什么意思在造句这句话- …… 姐姐,妹妹都可以表示.要是你想更仔细的区分的话,elder sister代表姐姐,younger sister代表妹妹.I love my sister.
#34. potato造句-ข่าวล่าสุด
... Need for Speed Carbon, Rainbow 6 Vegas, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Ninja Gaiden Sigma และอีกมากมายnnnnต่อกันที่เกมใหม่น่าสนใจในระบบ PlayStation Network ...
#35. compete简单造句 - 帮博知识网
compete简单造句. by cheat简单造句 at 2022-01-11 10:10:51. compete的用法1:compete的基本意思是“力图取胜”,指在比赛、辩论等有竞争活动中为征服或取胜而进行的 ...
#36. the elderly的意思_正和科技网
elderly造句 简单,the elderly的意思的详细内容,正和科技网有更多关于elderly造句简单,the elderly的意思的文章.
#37. elder造句幽默句子 - 江都生活网
一、elder造句幽默句子. 1、如同造句,都有它不得不那样选择的方向。 2、用upset造句,我就知道我和这条长裙结了缘。 3、engineer造句,一个狂妄少年 ...
#38. elderly (【形容詞】年長的, 上了年紀的, 長輩的)意思、用法及發音
"elderly" 例句 ; Modern drugs help elderly people lead healthy lives. 現代藥物幫助老年人健康地生活。 ; Influenza is especially dangerous for the elderly. 流感對年 ...
#39. Marveled synonyms. See more. Having accepted the ...
... Singing in a temple Talking with the elders Tomorrow there's wisdom Amen, ... examples? marveled造句, marveled造句, 用marveled造句, marveled meaning, ...
#40. eider造句是法国还是韩国eider怎么读 - 射手网
济南eider造句分类被覆遮盖,相关应用,爬行两栖,团3寺怼! ... 孟子,昆虫elder造句,然后替我盖上他的羽绒被,秦王复击轲,禹贡连笑都这么像你 ...
#41. 外傭廣東話秘笈 - 第 61 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... 把詞彙代入 就可以造句(Make sentences by substituting vocabulary items in ) Grandfather on father side d502.mp3 Grandmother on father side Elder Uncle ...
#42. old的最高級和比較級(教育) - 常識館
old的最高級和比較級推薦:old的比較級older/elder,old的最高級oldest/eldest。old,英文單詞, ... 用old造句Wemadethecircuitoftheoldcitywalls。
#43. glory翻译造句
glory翻译造句,glory是什么意思_glory在线翻译_英语_读音_用法_例句_海词,翻译结果3复制 ... 23、The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, ...
#44. 過去簡單式| EF | 台灣
過去簡單式的肯定句非常簡單。 I was in Japan last year; She had a headache yesterday. We did our homework last night. 否定句和疑問句.
#45. Cordially antonym. b. The Dressing Room. View American ...
They therefore elect elders, who expound the Scriptures, baptize and hear ... in a sentence and examples? cordially造句, cordially造句, 用cordially造句, ...
#46. 汉英互译基础 - Google 圖書結果
的逻辑语义关系以及英语的遣词造句规律和规则加以重组,把汉语原句的意思忠实流畅地再现 ... 2 It made Zheng Banqiao feel as though she were his elder rather than ...
#47. English and You 10: Transportation - 第 80 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... 6. flight 填空: 1. in 2. at 3. by 4. on 5. in 6. in Page 52 依提示造句: ... 1. decided /week / too 2. car / small 3. elder/ sister/ drive / too 4. young ...
#48. Marveled synonyms. Eros Flees. This word is written in ...
... examples? marveled造句, marveled造句, 用marveled造句, marveled meaning, ... Singing in a temple Talking with the elders Tomorrow there's wisdom Amen, ...
#49. Connect down, the elder brother ambition let all persons who ...
1、But this is Japan, whose age-old belief in nature is at least evenly matched by an unyielding faith. 2、She caught herself wondering whether she had made ...
#50. 老人保護評估系統之研究案
Reports of elder abuse, neglect, and abandonment have been increasing in Taiwan. In a family-oriented society and culture like Taiwan, this.
#51. 你會了嗎?原來常用的older 與elder 的用法差這麼多!
My elder brother is twelve years older than I am. 我的大哥比我大十二歲。 Tom, you need to be polite! They are all our elders. 湯姆,你 ...
#52. [詞彙區別] older 與elder 的用法區別
My elder brother is twelve years older than I am. 我的大哥比我大十二歲。 Tom, you need to be polite! They are all our elders.
#53. 運動安全守則 - 長者健康服務
elder造句 在 英文法: 只是一些規則而已 - Facebook 的必吃
This past weekend was my "elder" sisters birthday. She is now "older"歡迎用引號裡的單字造句。 ... <看更多>