捧花象徵著千百種戀愛話語❤️想把精心準備的相思也送給你們❤️ 今天uplive直播楊楊要做義工例行放假❤️昨天端午節!希望大家都過得開心!逢年過節記得關心家人關心朋友也和善的去對待任何的人事物❤️你的一句隨口的關心話語和你覺得不足掛齒的善心可能是別人記得一輩子的救命稻草。楊做的義工是送餐給獨居老人還有流浪狗美容和散步。每次送餐看到獨居老人帶著微笑等在窗邊,有的連下床都有困難了還硬要走到門口就為了可以和我們聊上一兩句。可以想像一通電話來祝賀端午節快樂會有多開心呢?❤️我們一起每天把愛分享出去吧!
It’s the Dragon Boat Festival in Asia ☺️ I don’t have anything at home remotely symbolizing the event soooo I decided to share a wedding bouquet with you 🤣Bridal bouquets signify new beginnings ❤️ I’ve always adored the intricate work and thought put into each one so it can perfectly symbolize the happy husband and wife to be’s love for each other. May this day be filled with happy times with your loved ones ❤️
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