Why do we need Prenatal Screening in the first trimester?
什麼是染色體?What is chromosome?
染色體是儲存人類遺傳訊息「基因」的結構, 正常嬰兒細胞染色體共有23對46條染色體.,分別來自父母雙方.
Chromosomes are a DNA, it dictates who we are, how we look like and our personality. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, one set from each parent.
前22對叫做體染色體, 最後一對為性染色體(sex chromosomes),乃因決定人類性別. 正常男性帶著XY性染色體,女性為XX
Our 23rd pair of chromosomes dictates if we are male are female. XX being female, XY being male.
染色體異常 Chromosomes abnormality
If there is any mismatch, addition or deletion in any of the 23 pairs chromosomes, mothers may have a miscarriage or infant may be born to have genetic defects, growth retardation or shorter lifespan.
「唐氏綜合症」(T21) 的嬰兒於在第21號染色體多一條所致,故這些嬰兒有47條,影響他們的外觀、身體及智力發展. 大約700人之中有一名會有唐氏綜合症。
Down Syndrome occurs when there is an extra chromosome 21.
除了第21對染色體,第13 「巴陶氏症」和18 「愛德華氏綜合症」對亦常見出現出錯問題,惟對胎兒發展影響更大,此類孩子通常難以生存。
艾德華氏症(Edwards syndrome)即三染色體18症,發生率約為每7,000個活產當中會出現一例,女性患者遠多於男性
Edwards Syndrome occurs when there is an extra chromosome 18.
巴陶氏症(Patau syndrome)即三染色體13症,
Patau syndrome occurs when there is an extra 13 chromosome.
透納氏症(Turner's syndrome)又稱為X單染色體症(monosomy X), 這是唯一失去一整個染色體仍能存活的疾病。即使如此,大多數的X單染色體症胎兒在懷孕早期便自然流產或胎死腹中。
Turner's Syndrome occurs when one X chromosome is missing.
Therefore, it is important to have prenatal screening during the 9th-12th weeks of pregnancy.
Please watch the next video to find out what prenatal screening suits you.
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「down syndrome chromosome 21」的推薦目錄:
down syndrome chromosome 21 在 Bubzvlogz Youtube 的最佳解答
[Read Me]
On 28th February, I probably had one of the hardest days of my life. I was told that our baby was screen positive in the NT scan. Our baby was in the high risk category for down syndrome. I wasn't told much but just that we would have to wait a whole week before we can see a doctor. On that day, I never knew I could cry out so many tears. I suddenly felt the overwhelming love for our baby. I think I realised how it really felt to be a mother. I realised that pregnancy/motherhood is not all rainbows and butterflies. I realised just how lucky I am to have such an amazing husband.
So in this Heart to Heart, I just share my experiences through the past few weeks. It's really tested our hearts and our patience. We held on to our faith and in the end, the Lord saw us through it all. I had never felt His presence like this before. Now I know how much love I have for our baby.
Now 3 weeks onwards with more test results. A rainbow has finally appeared after our storm. We were the 5% who were given with a false positive screening. Our baby went from having a 1/123 to 1/billion chance with Trisomy 21. Did our private doctor scam us into doing the expensive test? We'll never know and it doesn't matter. We're feeling so lucky and blessed right now.
We actually went for a baby check up today. Baby is super healthy and getting stronger by the day. Remember, most screen positive babies are born without down syndrome. Please mummies, don't worry yourself sick like I did. I hate myself for allowing myself to cry so so much... But I will spend the rest of my pregnancy smiling and laughing to make up to Peanut =) They say the mother can telepathically communicate with her baby. I really hope he/she knows how sorry I am.
I want to give a huge shout out to ALL the mothers out there. You are all amazing. I just feel so inspired by you guys out there. I have even more respect to the parents who are bringing up a child with down syndrome. You are absolutely amazing. It was reading your experiences that really helped us remember that no matter what happens, everything will be ok as long as the baby is born safely into the world. Every child is precious. Especially to their own parents. As Tim says, hey! It's just an extra chromosome!
I also want to say, reading your letters has helped me so much during our waiting period. I felt so much love. We receive an overwhelming amount of letters so I can't reply to most of you. However, I read EVERY single letter and I cherish each one. Thank you yet again for helping me pass through a difficult time once again.
Love, your friend Bubz xx
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Much love, Bubz xx