告個急先:Ivan已被炒,已成失業人士。未訂嘅記得訂Patreon,積小成多呀。訂咗嘅可以考慮加碼(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。 一星期至少出返六篇文.月頭訂最抵!月費80
1. 仲一雞兩味添,首先係「適用百分比率」(陣間解),超過5%但唔夠25%,所以今次係係「衰乳披露交易」,即係「通知你」,但唔使問你意見。咁事實係丫,大佬,買部水機都要股東投票咩。
2. 但賣部車都搞到變「衰乳披露交易」,就因為個「適用百分比率」高過5%。點計?就有好多計法(請睇「香港上市規則第14.07條」),好多款,計盈利呀資產呀咁,是但中一樣夠5%都要變「衰乳披露交易」。
3. 今次應該因為……間公司得7000萬市值唔夠。咁你賣架車350萬嘛,恭喜你,剛剛超過5%!中咗「適用百分比率」之中嘅「代價比率」。「有關代價除以上市發行人的市值總額」。但點解賣嘢嘅錢會同市值比?點解我股價炒上幾十巴仙時先做,同一單交易就唔係「衰乳披露交易」?就問證監同港交所了。
4. 咁你話,可唔可以好似慳印花稅咁,賣架車叫條友收順啲,甚至陰陽合同,寫300萬啦,暗啞底畀返50萬你?冇話唔得(啩),但根本唔需要。咪又係個Cum Sec(*)做!你估老細自己計咩。
5. 第二,由於個買家,同公司本身,都係同一個股東(唔係渣過半但都重要),德祥地產(199,隻嘢認真199的,比1919或者1199或1999更加199)。所以亦都係關連交易。呢啲就防止啲股東自己左手交右手呀,平價將啲嘢收返自己袋,淘空公司資產之類。但因為個「適用百分比率」唔夠25%,又唔夠1000萬,就又係唔使你批,知會你得了。
6. 咁有乜意思?冇的,志在畀啲無聊人(即係我)寫下文咁。咁但,「呢啲咪良好嘅企業管治」,「賣部車都要出公告」。但講真,唔記得出嘅,就恭喜你,九成都係個Cum Sec孭鑊。冇錯有時會罰埋老細(有啲捉去上再培訓班添呀,好Q好笑的,好似你開車畀人扣分咁),但你搞著老細,老細咪又係拎Cum Sec祭旗
7. 不過食得鹹魚抵得渴啦,Cum Sec呢味嘢,唔易做,但都好丕的。但就睇你老細點了。
8. 至於呢間577嘛,早幾年好似仲有10蚊(定合過股?),而家就係仙股。6000萬市值,你話呢?
9. BTW,仲有個都市傳說,話股票跌到1個仙不能再跌(的確掛牌只能夠掛到1仙,亦冇低過1仙嘅報價),所以只有upside 冇downside,希望呢度啲讀者冇咁弱智走去信。邊個同你講嘅,一巴星佢啦。
10. 同樣類似嘅東西,仲有話叫你買大細,輸咗就double,買到贏為止。或者叫你賭世界盃之類,長買和波,輸咗就加倍。
11. 以上之類嘅東西,相信呢度啲讀者冇咁弱智走去信。但更重要係,總有啲友自以為發現新大陸,好撚神秘咁話你知,「拿埃汾我見你係朋友先話你知」「我有條財世發財好橋」。
12. 呢,呢啲友,真係有樣睇的。我有個朋友就係咁,小學佢已經同人講打Street Fighter 去總統山拎條鎖匙之後會有澳洲佬非洲佬,仲可以自己出一陽指七星大波動。佢堅持有件咁嘅事。然後到中學時我串佢佢就話佢冇講過,但之後呢,「拿埃汾我見你係朋友先話你知」,就話畀我知連續打和十round 就會有終極波士「成龍」出現(日本仔啲英文害人不淺,You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance)。然後?而家,佢就成為咗一個Fake news 撚。
13. 真的,你身邊總有啲咁嘅「秘技撚」「發財撚」。硬係好地地做個Cum Sec唔得的。
(*)當然係我特登打錯,但之前有單醜聞,cum-ex scandal,就唔係走去約咗舊女友咁簡單了。詳情可睇維基(https://bityl.co/6IsB)。
2021比別人知得多。subscribe now。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費80,半年已1400人訂!(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。 年費仲有85折
double chance 意思 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 的精選貼文
[You Never Know! 你永遠不知道有可能!]
Visiting Alaska to see aurora. However, when we booked the trip, the aurora index wasn’t released yet. Before we departed for the trip, the forecast said the index is 2 which is very low as the highest is 9. Even worse is that today is cloudy. When we booked the tour, the hotel staff even double checked with us, “the index today is 2 (meant “are you sure you still wanna go?”)”
We still went and after we ate an instant noodle in the tent, I was thinking we will call it a night. After two hours, someone yelled, “aurora!” We ran out from the tent and saw the green light! You never know! This is life!
I remember that when I was in the elementary school, I participated in a speech contest. It was my first time in speech contest, and I prepared some props which made my speech like a show. Before I gave my speech, I realized that everyone else only gave talk without any props. I realized that I was wired. Therefore, last minute before I got on the stage, I decided to eliminate half of my props.
In the end, the judge announced winners. They said, “This participant used some props and we loved them! Only thing to further improve is that we think there could be more props. The 2nd place winner goes to Anya!” Well, you never know! You just have to give it a try! Merry Christmas and wish you all have magic in 2019 and beyond!
#try #chance #takeachance #giveitatry #嘗試 #勇於嘗試 #機會 #可能 #possibility #possible
double chance 意思 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 的最讚貼文
[You Never Know! 你永遠不知道有可能!]
Visiting Alaska to see aurora. However, when we booked the trip, the aurora index wasn’t released yet. Before we departed for the trip, the forecast said the index is 2 which is very low as the highest is 9. Even worse is that today is cloudy. When we booked the tour, the hotel staff even double checked with us, “the index today is 2 (meant “are you sure you still wanna go?”)”
We still went and after we ate an instant noodle in the tent, I was thinking we will call it a night. After two hours, someone yelled, “aurora!” We ran out from the tent and saw the green light! You never know! This is life!
I remember that when I was in the elementary school, I participated in a speech contest. It was my first time in speech contest, and I prepared some props which made my speech like a show. Before I gave my speech, I realized that everyone else only gave talk without any props. I realized that I was wired. Therefore, last minute before I got on the stage, I decided to eliminate half of my props.
In the end, the judge announced winners. They said, “This participant used some props and we loved them! Only thing to further improve is that we think there could be more props. The 2nd place winner goes to Anya!” Well, you never know! You just have to give it a try! Merry Christmas and wish you all have magic in 2019 and beyond!
#try #chance #takeachance #giveitatry #嘗試 #勇於嘗試 #機會 #可能 #possibility #possible