NTHU Sets Up Hotline for University Students in Hong Kong
National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) has recently set up a special phone number for students in Hong Kong and their parents to inquire about transferring to NTHU—the NTHU-Hong Kong Hotline. In Hong Kong, dial 886-3-516-2464; from Taiwan, dial 03-516-2464.
In light of the escalating civil unrest in Hong Kong, special arrangements have been made for Taiwanese university students in Hong Kong to transfer to NTHU, as well as students of all nationality NTHU provides excellent learning environment, quality accommodation, and will facilitate transfer students to complete their studies with minimal interruption. Furthermore, 100 places in the NTHU dormitories are currently available to students coming from Hong Kong.
Late November is the middle of the fall semester in Taiwan, and prospective transfer students for the spring semester are welcome to visit NTHU during the second half of this semester to audit classes and gather information. It’s also possible for transfer students to use NTHU’s computer facilities to participate in distance learning programs run by a school in Hong Kong, such as the one currently run by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Qualified students can enroll for the spring semester, as a special case exchange student. The Ministry of Education is working on a mechanism to help students to obtain a degree in a Taiwanese university.
NTHU has recently received a phone call from the parents of a Taiwanese student at the City University of Hong Kong asking for details on transferring.