【2020多倫多影展 完整片單公布】
第 45 屆 #多倫多影展(#TIFF)日前公布本屆官方片單,除了喜見台灣電影《#逃出立法院》入選,整體片單也不乏亮點。
受疫情影響,本屆多倫多影展的規模縮編為放映 50 部作品(往年皆放映約 300 部電影)。這些作品中有高達 46% 為女性執導作品(去年 36%),整體片單的類型/地區/族裔/原住民族代表性也非常多元(包含11部紀錄片和3部影集作品),這正是多倫多影展引以為傲的特色之一。
本屆開幕片為史派克李(Spike Lee)於百老匯執導拍攝的舞台劇作品——“David Byrne’s American Utopia",閉幕則是 BBC 與 Netflix 共同出品、由印度裔導演 Mira Nair 執導的六集迷你劇集 “A Suitable Boy”。今年片單中也可看到三位知名演員「演而優則導」的首部執導作品,包含荷莉貝瑞、維果莫天森,與瑞吉納金。
往年各影展都會互相競爭各電影的全球首映,然而在今年各影展縮編或取消、電影製作阻礙重重的狀態下,便會看到許多影展重複選片的狀況。多倫多影展就選入了不少今年坎城影展的片子(這部分比威尼斯大方的多),像是河瀨直美的《朝が来る》、歐容的 "Summer of 85",以及再度集結《謊言的烙印》導演 Thomas Vinterberg 和男星麥斯米克森(Mads Mikkelsen)的 “Another Round" 等。
而《春光之境》導演 Francis Lee 的新片 “Ammonite" 也同時入選坎城和多倫多。該片由瑟夏羅南與凱特溫絲蕾聯合演出一齣令人醉心的女女之戀,被多倫多影展的藝術總監譽為是他所看過「凱特溫絲蕾最傑出的表演」。凱特同時也獲選為本屆多倫多影展傑出演員特別獎得主(TIFF Tribute Actor Award)。
另一方面,與威尼斯影展重疊的片則包含由王晶執導、賈樟柯監製的《不止不休》、由趙婷執導、法蘭西絲麥朵曼主演的 "Nomadland"、《忠犬追殺令》匈牙利導演 Kornél Mundruczó 的第一部英語長片 "Pieces of a Woman" (凡內莎克比&西亞李畢福主演)等。
本屆多倫多影展將於 9/10-19 舉行。囿於加拿大邊境管制,今年大部分的實體活動皆取消,包含紅毯首映會等影人出席活動。除了少數幾場開放給當地影迷的汽車電影院放映會和其他採取安全措施的實體活動之外,其他的放映場次、記者會、映後座談等都會在線上舉行。
「今年的片單正好反映了今年的變動時局——你所熟悉的影人紛紛嘗試新的東西,而同時也有令人興奮的一批新秀正等著你去發掘。」—— 共同主席/藝術總監卡麥隆貝利(Cameron Bailey)
「2020的特別版多倫多影展正好象徵了當合作、巧思和熱情匯聚,就可以誕生新的可能性。而較小而美的片單也讓每一部片可以得到更多關注,我們希望每個人都能在其中找到所愛。」—— 共同主席/執行總監喬安娜文森特(Joana Vincente)
第 45 屆多倫多影展官方片單如下:
【開幕片】“David Byrne’s American Utopia"(紀錄片)
Spike Lee|美國
【閉幕片】“A Suitable Boy"(迷你劇集)
Mira Nair|英國/印度
“The Third Day"(影集)
Felix Barrett, Dennis Kelly|英國
Michelle Latimer|加拿大
“76 Days"(紀錄片)
Hao Wu, Anonymous, Weixi Chen|美國
“City Hall"(紀錄片)
Frederick Wiseman|美國
“Enemies of the State"(紀錄片)
Sonia Kennebeck|美國
“Fireball: Visitors from Darker Worlds"(紀錄片)
Werner Herzog, Clive Oppenheimer|英國/美國
“Inconvenient Indian"(紀錄片)
Michelle Latimer|加拿大
“Lift Like a Girl (Ashya Captain)"(紀錄片)
Mayye Zayed|埃及/德國/丹麥
Sam Pollard|美國
“The New Corporation: An Unfortunately Necessary Sequel"(紀錄片)
Joel Bakan; Jennifer Abbott|加拿大
“No Ordinary Man"(紀錄片)
Aisling Chin-Yee, Chase Joynt|加拿大
Gianfranco Rosi|義大利/法國/德國
“180 Degree Rule”
Farnoosh Samadi|伊朗
Francis Lee|英國
“Another Round (Druk)"
Thomas Vinterberg|丹麥
“Bandar Band"
Manijeh Hekmat|伊朗/德國
Tracey Deer|加拿大
“Beginning (Dasatskisi)"
Dea Kulumbegashvili|喬治亞/法國
《不止不休》(The Best is Yet to Come)
Halle Berry|美國
“Concrete Cowboy"
Ricky Staub|美國
“The Disciple"
Chaitanya Tamhane(艾方索柯朗監製)|印度
Viggo Mortensen|加拿大/英國
“The Father"
Florian Zeller|英國/法國
Nicolás Pereda|墨西哥/加拿大
Tarzan Nasser, Arab Nasser|法國/德國/葡萄牙/巴勒斯坦/卡達
《逃出立法院》(Get the Hell Out)
“Good Joe Bell"
Reinaldo Marcus Green|美國
“I Care A Lot"
J Blakeson|英國
“The Inheritance"
Ephraim Asili|美國
Ben Sharrock|英國
“Memory House (Casade Antiguidades)"
João Paulo, Miranda Maria|巴西/法國
“New Order (Nuevo orden)"
Michel Franco|墨西哥
“Night of the Kings (La Nuit des rois)"
Philippe Lacôte|象牙海岸/法國/加拿大/塞內加爾
趙婷 Chloé Zhao|美國
“One Night in Miami"
Regina King|美國
“Penguin Bloom"
Glendyn Ivin|澳洲/美國
“Pieces of a Woman"
Kornél Mundruczó|美國/加拿大/匈牙利
“Preparations to Be Together For an Unknown Period of Time"
Lili Horvát|匈牙利
“Quo Vadis, Aïda?"
Jasmila Žbanic|波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納/挪威/尼德蘭/奧地利/羅馬尼亞/法國/德國/波蘭/土耳其
“Shadow In The Cloud"
Roseanne Liang|美國/紐西蘭
“Shiva Baby"
Emma Seligman|美國/加拿大
“Spring Blossom (16 Printemps)"
Suzanne Lindon|法國
“Summer of 85 (Été 85)"
François Ozon|法國
《朝が来る》(True Mothers)
河瀨直美 Naomi Kawase|日本
《すばらしき世界》(Under the Open Sky)
西川美和 Miwa Nishikawa|日本
Madeleine Sims-Fewer|Dusty Mancinelli|加拿大
Cathy Brady|英國/愛爾蘭
disciple band 在 喬寶寶 Qbobo Facebook 的最佳貼文
White Sun's Grammy win puts glow on Sikh faith
Adam Berry (L) Gurujas and Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa of White Sun pose with the award for best new age album for 'White Sun II' at the Grammy Awards.
White Sun music group is attracting a huge fanbase from Punjab.
Their album has compositions from Guru Granth Sahib which is appealing to the Punjabi listeners.
White Sun's album White Sun II won the Best New Age Album at the Grammys.
A day after they won a Grammy for its latest eponymous album, music group White Sun found a fresh fanbase in Punjab as listeners tuned into their website to find words they had counted on their entire lives.
As many as 10 compositions in the album, 'White Sun II', are either from the Guru Granth Sahib or have been penned by the 10th Sikh master, Guru Gobind Singh, and a part of daily prayers. The 11th composition is an instrumental based on the Sikh expression for God - Akaal.
The award was received by lead singer Gurujas Khalsa, a turbaned Sikh of American origin, alongside band co-founder and two-time Emmy-winning music composer Adam Berry and instrumentalist Harjiwan, a turbaned disciple of the late Harbhajan Singh Yogi aka Yogi Bhajan, who started propagating Sikhism among Americans half a century ago.
disciple band 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最讚貼文
【玳瑚師父佛學論】 改命由心起
Fate alteration begins from your heart (English version below)
祂對著弟弟問: “我給你選。你要投胎做一輩子拿人好處的人,還是要做一輩子給人好處的人?”
弟弟答: “哥哥輩份比較大,我給哥哥先選。”
哥哥性格好勝,即刻就說: “我要做一輩子拿人好處的人!”
弟弟無所謂地說: “那我就做一輩子給人好處的人。”
更有客人說: “我每年都繳交所得稅,捐給新加坡政府!”
我講的善,不只是出錢。有錢,當然應該出,蓋廟、醫院、學校、蓋橋鋪路、振災等都是大善。這樣子為生命投資,包賺!好過每個星期‘捐’給新加坡博彩公司。 沒有錢,可以出力,幫忙派米給老人院,唱歌給老人聼,為寺廟教堂做翻譯等。連力都不可以,就用嘴巴來勸善,勸人不要墮胎、不要邪淫、不要偷公司的物品等。在服務業的,對客人要禮貌、周到、真誠也是一個善。
師父: “不要哭,不要哭。可以幫師父做件事嗎?”
弟子擦拭眼淚說: “師父要我幫你做什麽?”
師父拿出一些錢遞給他: “這裡有$500。你拿這些錢去幫我買一輛車。”
弟子看著師父說: “$500哪裏夠買車啊?”
師父微笑說: “就是啊!你說你做了很多,可是你要的比你做的還多。哪裏夠啊?”
2014年6月28日,我的一些弟子和客人,召集了他們的家人和朋友,到Taman Jurong 的一老人中心演唱老歌、教健康操、請老人家吃茶點和分派禮包給150名貧困的獨居老人。這是他們第一次做這樣的活動。(弟子啊!教了你們七八年,現在才會用一下腦。)
他們沒有大機構做靠山。自己去聯絡老人中心,向朋友家人同事募款招義工,邀業餘唱歌的朋友來義演和教拳的來教健康操,找賣吃的友人贊助食物,去超市比較產品和價錢, 聯絡代理商問價,安排運輸等。
There was once this story I heard. 2 brothers arrived at the Hades after their death. The King of Hades flipped through His book and said, "There are 2 vacancies in the human realm. You can go for your rebirths."
The King asked the younger brother: "I shall give you a choice. Do you want to be reborn as a person who is always given favours by others throughout his life or be a person who is always dispensing favours to others?"
The younger brother answered, "I will let my elder brother choose first as he is my senior. "
The older brother, being competitive, said immediately, "I want to be born as the person who is always getting favours from others!"
The younger brother, without minding at all, said :"I shall be reborn as a person that's always dispensing favours to others. "
With a command, the King of Hades sent both brothers to their rebirths.
Eventually, the older brother ended up in a family of beggars, often begging at the doorstep of a generous and wealthy household. The younger brother was reborn into this rich family and always providing for the beggar who was his elder brother in previous life.
I often remind my clients to do more good deeds. With good deeds come merits gained, and these merits will help you to ward off disasters, change your life for the better and even lead to riches. If you have insufficient merits, there is nothing to talk about.
It's a simple concept which, sadly, is taken lightly by too many people.
Some clients lamented, "Master, I have no time at all! There's the kid to take care and revise homework with after my work!"
"I will give money if I have! But I'm lacking it now and that's why I am here to seek your help!"
"I do! Every month, my company deduct $10 from my paycheck to the Community Chest!"
One even retorted, "I pay my income tax every year and that is donation to the Singapore government!"
The good deed I am talking about is not just monetary donation. Of course, whenever you can, it is very meritorious to contribute financially to the building of temples, hospitals, schools, roads and bridges and assist in any disaster relief. This is way better than weekly 'donation' to Singapore Pools.
If you are strapped financially, you can volunteer your time to do rice delivery to the old folks home, sing for them, or aid in translation for temples/churches. If you are too lazy to lift a finger, you still have your mouth! You can urge people to refrain from abortion, sexual misconduct, pilfering from the company etc. If you are in the service line, treat your customers with respect and courtesy. Sincerity in itself is a kind deed.
Doing good needs a bit of creative thinking. Leveraging on your abilities and network is a good way to start. Parents should involve their children in charitable works to inculcate the notion that giving to others is always more fortunate than receiving. Otherwise, our next generation, the future pillars of the nation, would end up as a materialistic and unfeeling bunch. Filial piety? It would be thrown out of the window by then.
"Master, I have done some good deeds! Why hasn't my life improved?"
Please use your wisdom to gauge.
One disciple came crying to his master, "Master, I have been reciting the scriptures and chanting the mantras for a long time. Why am I still living such a wretched life?"
The master replied, "Please don't cry. Will you help me do something?"
The disciple wiped his tears and asked. "Master, what is it that you wanted me to do?"
The master took out some money and passed to the disciple, saying, "Here's $500. Please take this money and help me buy a car. "
The disciple looked at his master in disbelief, "Master, $500 is not enough to buy a car!"
The master smiled and replied, "Obviously! You claimed to have done a lot but what you desire is more than what you have done."
Never turn down a chance to do good. Open up your heart and do good with whatever you can. Don't sit around waiting for invitations to do good. You are already a grown-up so take the initiative to do good and proactively earn more 'merits income'. You must self reflect at all times. Don't lose your merits through undesirable behavior before you even start to do more good. You would end up waiting till the Year of the Donkey to change your life for the better!
On 28 June this year, some of my students and clients gathered their family and friends to put together an event for the elderly folks living alone in Taman Jurong. They put up a band performance, an exercise demonstration and provided snacks and goodies bags for the 150 needy old folks. It was their first time doing such an event.
There was no corporate sponsor. They did it all by themselves, from contacting the elderly care centre to canvassing donations from family and friends, and getting volunteers for the band performance and exercise demonstration. Not to mention the sourcing of snacks, doing product and price comparison at the supermarket for the goodie bag items, liaising with the distributor and arranging for delivery.
8-piece band with professional equipment
20 sponsors
21 volunteers
150 goodies bag worth $30 each
160 pcs of Nyona Kueh
160 pcs of cakes
200 packets of Milo drinks
Mission impossible for first-timers? They got it done because of one common wish. They wanted to be the person who gives and improves the lives of others.
Have you been giving your bit to others today? Or have you just taken advantage of another?
* Thank you for the photo montage provided by event volunteers! *
disciple band 在 Disciple Band - Pinterest 的必吃
Oct 10, 2017 - Explore Christopher's board "Disciple Band" on Pinterest. See more ideas about disciple band, disciple, christian rock. ... <看更多>
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Feb 5, 2019 - My favourite band!. See more ideas about disciple band, disciple, christian rock bands. ... <看更多>
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Disciple. 190899 likes · 794 talking about this. We are Disciple. We will, we will, rock you. ... <看更多>