很多人都很喜歡我的笑容,所以今年我決定要讓我的笑容更自信 - 去調整牙齒啦!Smilelove HK 是除了隱適美外全港唯一美國FDA認證的公司。早前我預約了初步咨詢,為我的牙齒做牙模,然後再交由他們的專業牙醫團隊給我量身訂製我的療程。在咨詢後一兩個禮拜我就收到我的牙齒3D模擬圖了!
由於我天生只有31 隻牙齒,所以我的下排牙齒長得不是很對稱。他們團隊建議我在考慮種牙前先調整牙齒以達到最佳效果。另外我跟很多人一樣也有蝴蝶型門牙,笑起來有點像土撥鼠😛
I’ve always been complimented on my smile. But this year I want to perfect it with the help of @smilelove_hk! They are the only FDA approved company aside from Invisalign in HK. I met with their staff for an initial consultation on my situation, to get my dental impression, and my case was then passed to their professional team of dentists to design a suitable treatment for me (3D simulation was sent to me 1-2 weeks after the first consultation!)
I was born with 31 teeth🙈 and hence the misalignment on my lower jaw. I was adviced to get the treatment done before doing any tooth planting. I also have butterfly shaped front teeth like most people do.
I like how they optimised the time and cost of both patients and their team of dentists, and that they are transparent about their charges. Can’t wait to share with you the results in 10 months time! 🙂
#smilelovehk #smilelove_hk #smilelove #clearbraces @ Hong Kong
dental impression 在 Vocabno Facebook 的精選貼文
近來大家考完DSE都求職啦,CU Business科interview又要求大家帶CV去,咁今日就講吓CV呢樣嘢啦。
1️⃣ Templates
唔同行業其實都會要求唔同嘅CV,因為CV其實就好似1st interview咁,從你嘅內容同排版都會留低一個唔同嘅first impression俾employer,依家網上好多CV template其實會分埋行業,大家不妨喺揾template時輸入埋行業,揾一個最適合自己嘅CV template啦。
2️⃣ Content
由中學開始,我已經有幾份唔同嘅CV,俾自己apply唔同工/scholarship/大學用,因為每一次用CV嘅目標都可能唔同,識得從employer/assessor角度思考佢揾緊乜嘢人才其實好重要,然後俾佢睇佢想睇到嘅嘢。舉個例,同一個工作經驗都好啦,你喺邊個角度做elaboration, 其實俾人嘅感覺都會唔同,例如我send CV去apply CLP Power嘅PR嗰時,Vocabno嗰項我就會講event management同teamwork方面嘅嘢,近來send信去學校嘅時候就會喺接觸學生同負責教學呢方面寫多少少。如果一開頭冇乜工作經驗,都可以考慮喺ECA/social service入手。寫曬之後,我習慣用employer角度再睇一次自己CV,諗吓究竟吸唔吸引到自己呢?而唔係自己as a candidate覺得好滿足好勁就算。
3️⃣ Length
寫CV唔係多就好,反而係簡潔地帶出自己最有價值嘅經歷先有用。呢幾年我都因為唔同projects請過唔少人,最印象深刻係有個Dental PhD嘅一份CV,我認,我未睇佢CV之前已經知佢係PhD,而作為一個UG要請佢其實我係好淆底好panic😂,到我打開佢CV,冇記錯的話係有最少八頁紙,我都唔太記得佢有啲咩experience啦,不過整體感覺就係好長同幾overwhelming,到interview嗰時,我喺大約八頁度揭嚟揭去去問佢問題,其實都真係打仗咁。其實一份CV真係唔適宜太長,最重要係抽你最有價值嘅部份去講。例如我會控制自己send嘅CV喺三頁內,所以第一二年部分冇乜幫助嘅工作經驗(例如補習社)我已經唔再放入去,主張將最新同最relevant嘅嘢(學校教書工作)放入去。一方面可以幫employer捉到重點,第二方面你自己prep interview都會範圍細啲而得心應手啲,例如我interview之前都知佢哋一定會問到Vocabno同WeLearn,仲有教過嘅學校嘅經歷呢三方面(視乎學校banding就問返我對應嘅past experience啦),都知佢哋會based on我對工作嘅description follow up啲咩問題。第三方面係employers都冇咩興趣知啲陳年往事,你不如留多啲位describe吓啲有幫助嘅工好過。
大致上整理咗三點,應該跟到都已經有份唔錯嘅CV㗎啦👍🏼🤘🏼覺得有用嘅擺低個like/留言啦,受歡迎嘅就講埋Part 2—Application letter點寫啦。😆
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dental impression 在 Zen 俊倩 Facebook 的精選貼文
Smile, is the best thing you can wear! Thanks to Imperial Dental Specialist Centre , I’m more confident with my smile now! Plus, they are having their Invisalign Open day on 25th March 10am!
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Contact 0137230899 Yi Ying for more information! 😍