Opening of AI.ROBO Center and Its Cross-Disciplinary Conference a Success
近年來,由於人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence, AI)快速崛起,AI對於人類生活的影響無遠弗屆,人工智慧跨足許多領域並且具有顯著的成就,如結合智慧型機器人,運用於協助老人生活於居家環境或安養中心,以減輕年輕人於老齡化社會的所承受的重擔;經由人工智慧的協助可以對未來發生疾病的風險進行預測或推動精準醫療的發展,許多新技術也大幅度的改變人類的生活形態和產業商樣模式,更直接影響了製造工程未來的運作型態,也因此,世界各國都針這個議題,定義了較明確的中長程推展方向,其中,人工智慧和機器人相關領域為重要的發展關鍵,也是各國大力推展的兩個重點發展領域。
有鑒於此,傅立成教授為凝聚校內對AI理論及應用或對AI機器人領域有興趣之同仁,建立一個跨領域之合作平台,特成立人工智慧與機器人研究中心,一方面希望能讓有興趣之同仁的研究有個出口,二方面可促成不同領域、不同單位同仁的合作火花。本中心下設5個研究小組,分別是1). 人工智慧理論及應用組、2). 前瞻機器人組、3). 生物醫學組、4). 認知與行為科學組、5). 先進工程組,持續推動各項業務及學術活動,打造跨系所、跨領域、跨國際之世界級AI與機器人研究中心。
本次為使校內師生更了解當前AI的發展與前景,中心於107年4月30日以「AI Outlook探究AI的無限可能」為主題,舉辦中心開幕典禮暨臺大研究中心第8次跨領域提升研討會。
欲了解本中心更多資訊,歡迎參考中心網站: http://ai.robo.ntu.edu.tw/
The opening of the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Robotics (AI.ROBO) along with a seminar themed “AI Outlook: Exploring the Infinite Possibility of AI” on April 30 was a success. Seven scholars and experts from industry, academia, and medicine were invited to talk about the potential applications of AI in the future. This event drew 200 participants from more than 20 university-level research centers, colleges, and departments.
The AI.ROBO Center was established to boost the research, development, and application of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics. As a collaborative platform, the AI.ROBO Center involves five research teams individually devoted to: (1) AI theory and application, (2) advanced robotics, (3) biomedicine, (4) cognitive and behavioral sciences, and (5) advanced engineering. The participating faculty members and the center will work together to promote these fields of research and build a world-class AI and robotics center that transcends the boundaries of departments, disciplines, and countries.
AI.ROBO Center: http://ai.robo.ntu.edu.tw/
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Interim President Tei-Wei Kuo Awarded Honorary Fellowship by Social Enterprise Research Academy in Hong Kong
香港社會企業研究院 (Social Enterprise Research Academy) 於2018年5月5日於香港舉行2018年度院士榮譽資格及獎項頒授典禮(Fellowship & Honorary Award Presentation Ceremony 2018),今年為社會企業研究院首次推行院士頒授計畫,本校郭大維代理校長榮獲最高級別的榮譽院士(Honorary Fellowship)名銜。
除了郭大維代理校長之外,2015年諾貝爾物理學獎得主東京大學梶田隆章(Takaaki Kajita)教授亦獲頒榮譽院士,為本屆兩位獲得榮譽院士頭銜得主。院士共分四個等級,分別是榮譽院士(Honorary Fellowship)、資深院士(Senior Fellowship)、院士(Fellowship)及副院士(Associate Fellowship),郭大維代理校長與梶田隆章教授,以及社會企業研究院其他共三十位獲獎資深院士、院士與副院士同台授勳,實為至高榮譽。所有獲獎院士皆來自社會政、商、學各界之賢達和翹楚,未來可望促成多面向跨領域交流。
除院士計畫外,社會企業研究院於2016年起舉辦「諾貝爾獎學人系列︰社會關愛企業計劃頒獎典禮」(Social Caring Pledge Scheme Award Presentation Ceremony),旨在推廣社會關愛精神及企業責任知識,並予以企業及領袖正面鼓勵,表揚企業及領袖為永續發展所作出的貢獻而建立此交流平台,藉以匯聚政商學及社會企業之力量,攜手解決社會問題,達成「凝聚市場力量,推動社會創新」之願景。
香港社會企業研究院為亞洲首間推行社會關愛企業計劃(Social Caring Pledge Scheme)的非營利組織,其起源可追溯至2001年,創辦人深信非營利組織亦可運用良好的商業模式與策略,以發揮人力長才和謀求社會福祉的最大效益。計劃推行至今已獲香港逾三百多個企業及領袖、大專院校以及二十多間國際/香港商會全力支持。香港科技大學陳繁昌(Tony F Chan)校長與香港城市大學郭位(Way Kuo)校長,皆曾獲頒亞洲社會關愛領袖獎。
On May 5, Interim President Tei-Wei Kuo was awarded the Honorary Fellowship by Social Enterprise Research Academy in Hong Kong at the Fellowship & Honorary Award Presentation Ceremony 2018.
Interim President Kuo was one of the two recipients of this honor. The other recipient was Prof. Takaaki Kajita from Tokyo University, winner of 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics.
It was a rare honor to receive the fellowship along with Prof. Kajita as well as the other 30 senior fellows, fellows, and associate fellows at the ceremony. All the fellows are prominent figures from social, political, business, and academic communities, which will in turn facilitate more cross-disciplinary activities in the future.
cross disciplinary research 在 國立臺灣大學 National Taiwan University Facebook 的精選貼文
NTU Hospital Hosts NTU’s 18th Cross-Disciplinary Conference
The NTU Hospital hosted the university’s 18th Cross-Disciplinary Conference at the NTUH International Convention Center on March 26. In the opening address, Interim President Tei-Wei Kuo appreciated all the faculty of the hospital for committing themselves to academic development and innovation. Dean of Medicine Shan-Chwen Chang expressed hopes to see more collaboration between the College of Medicine and the other colleges after the conference. NTU Hospital’s Superintendent Hong-Nerng Hong thanked Vice Superintendent Bor-Luen Chiang for organizing this conference.
In particular, the middle-aged generation of doctors at the hospital were also invited to attend the conference to facilitate more research collaborations and boost the hospital’s research capacity. The four presentations at the conference were about neurodevelopmental disorder in children, Parkinson's disease, hearing impairment, and polycystic ovary syndrome.
Full article (in Chinese): https://goo.gl/aejXL2
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