白麵包 — 「無味」的白麵包加入鹽及酸度調節劑乙酸鈉等製作
麵條 — 杯麵鈉含量高,有些乾麵條鈉含量也不少
燒味 — 燒味製作時加入大量調味料
醬料 — 豉油、蠔油、雞粉、鹵水汁、魚露、蝦醬等都是高鈉調味料
罐頭 — 為延長罐頭保質期製作時添加鹽分
湯 — 湯底味道越濃郁,鈉含量就越高
醃製食品 — 火腿、香腸、午餐肉、榨菜、泡菜、鹹蛋等都是高鈉食物
零食 — 薯片、蝦片、餅乾、魷魚絲等小小一片鈉含量都很高
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Beware of high-sodium foods
Hypertension is a chronic disease related the pressure of blood pushing against the arteries. There are two types of hypertension — primary and secondary. Secondary hypertension has apparent causes, for instance, pregnancy, endocrine disorders, and kidney problems. On the other hand, primary or essential hypertension is associated with hereditary, age, and weight.
If both parents suffer from hypertension, their children have a 60% chance of inheriting it. Chances of having hypertension would also increase with age. If you are at risk, do observe and adjust your lifestyle and dietary habits to keep hypertension at bay.
People always tell us that eating extremely salty food can cause hypertension. The main culprit of hypertension is actually sodium, which does not only exist in salt, but also foods that are not even salty. Therefore, keep an eye on the nutritional label of foods before buying them. The World Health Organization suggests that an adult should consume less than 2000mg of sodium per day. This is equivalent to less than one teaspoon of salt.
Foods that are high in sodium:
White bread — contains salt and acidity regulator like sodium acetates
Noodles — cup noodles and some dried noodles have high sodium content
Roasted foods — spices and seasonings are ingredients used to enrich the flavor of roasted foods
Sauces — soy sauce, oyster sauce, chicken stock powder, braised and brined sauce, fish sauce, and shrimp paste are all high in sodium
Canned foods — sodium is added to canned foods to extend their shelf life
Soup — soup that is rich in flavor normally contains a lot of sodium
Pickled foods — ham, hot dog, luncheon meat, pickled mustard, and salted egg are high-sodium foods
Snacks — potato chips, prawn crackers, biscuits, and even dried shredded squid are high in sodium
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cause of chronic kidney disease 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
☐ 多吃 — 容易感到肚餓,用餐後不到兩小時又餓了。
☐ 多喝 — 經常感到口乾舌燥,不斷想喝水
☐ 多尿 — 小便變得頻密,上廁所的次數增加,特別是夜間尿頻
☐ 體重減少 — 沒有刻意減肥但體重減少
☐ 乏力 — 經常覺得疲倦及昏昏欲睡
☐ 易受感染 — 例如尿道炎反覆發作
☐ 容易煩躁 — 覺得身體燥熱又多汗
☐ 皮膚搔癢 — 手腳容易麻癢刺痛
☐ 視力模糊 — 容易出現頭暈眼花
☐ 傷口不易癒合
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Watch out for diabetes symptoms
One out of ten Hong Kong citizens is diabetic. During the early stages, a person suffering from diabetes might not exhibit any symptoms. It is only when complications begin to occur that the disease is diagnosed!
Early detection, coupled with treatment and dietary adjustment, can reduce the effect diabetes on our lives. If you notice the symptoms below, make sure to go for regular checkups as a preventive measure.
☐ Craving for food— feel hungry easily; start looking for snacks to munch on just two hours after a meal
☐ Feels thirsty easily – mouth feels dry all the time and need to drink water to quench thirst
☐ Frequent urination – going to the toilet all the time; nocturia (frequent urination at night)
☐ Weight loss – when it is not planned
☐ Fatigue – often feel tired and sleepy
☐ Prone to infection – for instance, recurrent urethritis
☐ Irritable – feels warm and sweat all the time
☐ Itchy skin – itchy and tingling sensation on limbs
☐ Blurred vision – become dizzy easily
☐ Wounds take a long time to heal
Diabetes, if not controlled, can cause both acute and chronic complications such as heart diseases, stroke, kidney failure, retinopathy, and cataract, which may cause blindness. To find out more, consult a registered Chinese medicine practitioner.
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cause of chronic kidney disease 在 中醫師 謝旭東 Facebook 的最佳解答
#延緩腎臟老化 #降低洗腎風險
服用中醫師處方中藥能 #延緩腎臟老化、#降低洗腎風險
經統計臺灣超過 45%腎臟病人會尋求中醫診治
1.Lin MY, Chiu YW, Chang JS, Lin HL, Lee CT, Chiu GF, Kuo MC, Wu MT, Chen HC, Hwang SJ. Association of prescribed Chinese herbal medicine use with risk of end-stage renal disease in patients with chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int. 2015 Dec;88(6):1365-1373. doi: 10.1038/ki.2015.226. Epub 2015 Aug 5.
高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院黃尚志副院長分析臺灣健保資料庫的 2 萬 4,971 筆個案,發現中藥對腎臟病癒後有正面地幫助,並將研究成果發表於全球知名的《國際腎臟醫學期刊》
2.Hsieh CF, Huang SL, Chen CL, Chen TW, Chang HC, Yang CC. Non-aristolochic acid
prescribed Chinese herbal medicine and the risk of all-cause mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease: results from a population-based follow-up study. BMJ Open 2014;4:e004033. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004033. (SCI) *correspondent
臺北榮民總醫院臨床毒物與職業醫學科楊振昌主任,分析臺灣健保資料庫,並以 1 萬 3,864 位腎臟病人為研究對象,結果發現服用中醫師處方中藥的病人,比未服用者的死亡率降低四成,並將研究成果發表於英國期刊 BMJ open.
3.PC Hsu, YT Tsai, JN Lai, CT Wu, SK Lin, CY Huang. Integrating traditional Chinese medicine healthcare into diabetes care by reducing the risk of developing kidney failure among type 2 diabetic Patients: A population-based case control study. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2014;156:358-364 (SCI).(Impact factor: 2.939;Rank: 4.55%)
國立陽明大學醫學院賴榮年教授分析臺灣健保資料庫發 現,中西醫合併療法可降低慢性腎病者的洗腎風險、有助糖尿病人控制病情,延緩進入洗腎的時間,並將研究成果發表於《民族藥學期刊》(Journal of Ethnopharmacology)。