雖然 Delta 病毒株威脅潛伏,但過去幾個月美國和世界各國疫情的緩和已經使好萊塢進入一種百貨公司周年慶的購物氛圍。檯面上、檯面下許多製片公司甚至中小型發行公司都陸續貼上標價求售。
這個氣氛乍看有幾分像是1918年西班牙流感全球大流行之後的美國電影業。只是當年疫情後求售的多半是受到疫情重傷的映演業和製片業,有點折價出清的哀傷味道。2021年 COVID-19 後的出售潮卻沒有一絲出清拍賣的哀傷,而是價碼越喊越高的慶祝行情。為什麼?
短短一個月內,傳出求售的公司包含:導演 Ron Howard 的製作公司 Imagine Enterainment、以發行藝術電影著稱的 A24、萬達集團擁有的 Legendary Entertainment 、NBA 球星 LeBron James 的製作公司 SpringHill 和女星 Reese Witherspoon 的製作公司 Hello Sunshine。事實上就在本文寫作的過程中,Reese Witherspoon 的公司根本已經賣出。
█ 老公司也來試水溫——Imagine Entertainment
Imagine Entertainment
創辦人:製片 Brian Grazer、導演 Ron Howard
代表性作品:《A Beautiful Mind 美麗境界》、《The Grinch 鬼靈精》、《24 反恐任務》、《The Da Vinci Code 達文西密碼》、《Apollo 阿波羅13》
導演 Ron Howard 的 Imagine Entertainment 是最適合用來說明好萊塢併購市場熱度的案例。
作為一家已經有36年歷史的製作公司,Imagine 在這些洋洋灑灑的賣座大片清單之中並沒有實際擁有作品權利,只有少數 Ron Howard 本人導演的作品如《美麗境界》還有穩定的分紅進到公司帳戶。而且這家老製片公司的兩大支柱——製片 Brain Grazer 已經年屆70,導演 Ron Howard 也邁入67歲的年紀。也就是說將來併購 Imagine 的人既買不到作品權利和 IP,也不能期待這兩位不惑之齡的台柱能繼續為公司帶來長期穩定的創作能量。
出手買下 Imagine 買到的就是一家有穩定現金流,然後持續幫 Netflix、Apple TV+ 和 HBO / HBOMax 拍片的老製片公司。這也說明了該公司的求售價格相對比較務實,只有大概8億美元再多一點。
甚至有人懷疑 Brian Grazer 和 Ron Howard 是否真心想賣他們經營了一輩子的公司。外界猜測他們或許只是看市場熱度太高,純粹把價格丟出來試試水溫,讓子彈飛一會兒再來認真思考要不要。
這樣過熱的市場氛圍來自於串流玩家的焦慮。一般認為最後全球串流市場大概只能容納四到五個超級平台,而屆時規模就是生存與否的關鍵。預計最後留在市場上的串流平台每年的內容投資金額至少都要超過100億美元。此刻不斷搬現金來併購的串流公司只能透過盡可能買現成的人才、公司、內容和 IP,來避免自己的公司在五年內提早淘汰出局。
所以這場好萊塢併購熱潮完全是賣方市場,成為有史以來最適合賣掉好萊塢公司的時機。一名業界高層就跟產業媒體 The Wrap 說:「任何人帶著對的出價上門,你就得果斷做出對的決定。因為你如果現在不與人合併,最終也會被另一家更大的買走。」
下文還有四家等待併購的好萊塢企業——《Godzilla vs Kong 哥吉拉大戰金剛》的 Legendary Entertainment、《The Moring Show 晨間直播秀》的 Hello Sunshine、《Moonlight 月光下的藍色男孩》的 A24 和《Space Jam: A New Legacy 怪物奇兵:全新世代》的 SpringHill,歡迎客官繼續選購。
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💗 Self-Love encourages healthy boundaries so that other people treat us with respect, and so that we treat others with respect.
Whereas, Selfishness pushes us to violate other people's boundaries for our benefit, and it encourages us to violate our own boundaries to feed our addictions and compulsions.
People are having hard time to understand & manage Self-Love, because there is no one teaching them how to do it in a right way.
That is why people are often confused about self-love vs selfishness.
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brain vs mind 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
益母草 vs 桑寄生
益母草 — 性寒,有活血化瘀、調經止痛、利水消腫功效,適合血瘀型月經不適人士使用,症狀為面色及唇色偏暗、月經期間時有血塊。注意孕婦忌服。
桑寄生 — 性平,具滋補肝腎、養血安胎、祛風濕、通經絡、強筋骨的功效。
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Motherwort vs mulberry mistletoe stem
Many women are troubled by irregular periods. In order to treat this problem, many people would think of motherwort (‘yi mu cao’) and mulberry mistletoe stem (‘sang ji sheng’). The name ‘motherwort’ suggests it is beneficial to women, and is effective in invigorating the blood and removing blood stasis; suitable for women who experience blood stasis-related menstrual pain. Some apparent symptoms include dull and dark facial complexion and lips, and blood clots in the menstrual fluid.
Motherwort can also improve the bleeding (lochia) problem during the postpartum period; relieve water retention, as well as bruises and injuries. Since motherwort is mildly cold in nature, it is suitable for individuals with heat-related conditions, which experience symptoms such as dry mouth, canker sore, acne and constipation.
On the other hand, mulberry mistletoe stem, which is neutral in nature, can nourish the liver and kidney, as well as nourish the blood and the fetus. Many pregnant women love to drink herbal tea that consists of mulberry mistletoe stem, lotus seed and egg, as it can calm the fetus and the mind. Mulberry mistletoe stem can improve the circulation of the meridians, strengthen the bones and joints; relieve pain and numbness caused by rheumatism, as well as soreness and pain on the waist and knees.
Since mulberry mistletoe stem is neutral in nature, it is suitable for most individuals to consume.
Motherwort – cold in nature; can invigorate the blood and remove blood stasis, treat menstrual pain, induce diuresis and relieve water retention; is suitable for individuals who experience blood stasis-related menstrual discomfort, which carries symptoms such as dull and dark facial complexion and lips, and blood clots in the menstrual fluid. Pregnant women should avoid consuming it.
Chinese taxillus herb- Neutral in nature, replenishes the kidneys and liver, nourishes blood and baby. Coupled with lotus seeds which can calm the mind and egg to nourish yin, relieve dryness and strengthen the brain.
Motherwort and Chinese hawthorn tea
Effects: Activates blood and relieves stasis. Suitable for pale complexion and lip color, menstrual blood has blood clots.
Ingredients: 15g motherwort, 4-5 Chinese hawthorn, cane sugar
Preparation: Place all ingredients into thermos, rinse with hot water and add in hot water and steep for 10 minutes until aroma develops. This tea can be re-browed until flavour weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days. Consume 1 week before mensuration.
Chinese taxillus herb tea with mulberry and red date
Effects: Replenishes and nourishes blood. Suitable for those with asthenic weak type of menstrual discomfort. Accompanying symptoms are prone to cold limbs, heart palpitations, dizziness.
Ingredients: 15g Chinese taxillus herb, 10g mulberry, 3 seedless red dates
Preparation: Place all ingredients into thermos, rinse with hot water and add in hot water and steep for 10 minutes until aroma develops. This tea can be re-browed until flavour weakens. For best results, drink consecutively for 2-3 days. Consume 1 week before mensuration.
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brain vs mind 在 Are Brain and Mind the Same Thing? | Closer To Truth 的必吃

If mind and brain are the same thing, then the physical world is likely all that exists. But if mind and brain are not the same thing, ... ... <看更多>
brain vs mind 在 Brain And Mind Centre - Facebook 的必吃
Brain And Mind Centre, Sydney, Australia. 4042 likes · 81 talking about this · 1661 were here. Real-world solutions to mental illness and neurological... ... <看更多>
brain vs mind 在 Rebecca Saxe: The Brain vs. The Mind - YouTube 的必吃
Cognitive neuroscientist Rebecca Saxe tells Piya Chattopadhyay what the difference is between the brain and the mind, and why this matters ... ... <看更多>