// 香港早期的街道係有英文名先,再由師爺譯中文,而當年嘅官員(莫非叫阿Chirs? ) 的英語程度參差,擺咗唔少烏龍。經我地絕對唔烏龍嘅求證,發現呢啲錯誤可分幾個Level﹕
...烏龍超錯嘅終極,一定要數呢個列拿士地台(Rednaxela Terrace),其實本應為紀念地主 Alexander而命名,但登記的官員懷疑用左中文由右至左嘅讀法睇英文字,將 Alexander 誤寫成 Rednaxela,仲變成個呢個蹺口嘅街名!
Does this street name not look very weird, yet strangely familiar at the same time? It is indeed “Alexander”, but spelt backwards! The mistake is probably because Chinese was traditionally written right to left, and the translator decided to do the same with English, and voila, Rednexela it is!
#香港街名 #列拿士地台 #Rednaxela_Terrace #Lost_in_translation
backwards translator 在 How to do reverse translation - YouTube 的必吃
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