8 天前 — asylum的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. protection or safety, especially that given by a government to people who have been forced to…。了解更多。
#2. Asylum Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
1 : a place of protection and shelter They sought asylum from the storm. · 2 : protection given especially to political refugees · 3 : a place for ...
#3. Asylum Definition & Meaning |
asylum · a refuge granted an alien by a sovereign state on its own territory. · a temporary refuge granted political offenders, especially in a foreign embassy.
#4. Asylum definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
asylum in American English · 1. (esp formerly). an institution for the maintenance and care of persons requiring specialized assistance, such as orphans or ...
#5. Asylum Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
ASYLUM meaning : 1 : protection given by a government to someone who has left another country in order to escape being harmed; 2 : a hospital where people ...
#6. ASYLUM | Meaning & Definition for UK English |
1also political asylummass noun The protection granted by a state to someone who has left their home country as a political refugee. 'she applied for asylum and ...
#7. asylum noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage ...
. (also formal political asylum) · [countable] (old use) a hospital where people who were mentally ill could be cared for, often for a long time. Oxford ...
#8. Asylum - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms |
When someone needs a refuge from a difficult or dangerous situation, they need asylum. If a government offers to protect people who have fled war or ...
#9. Best 16 Definitions of Asylum - YourDictionary
The definition of asylum is protection, a place of rest or safety, or a place where people go when their mental condition keeps them from being able to live ...
#10. asylum - Longman Dictionary
asylum a‧sy‧lum /əˈsaɪləm/ ○○○ noun · 1 [uncountable]PROTECT protection given to someone by a government because they have escaped from fighting or political ...
#11. ASYLUM (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary
Definition of ASYLUM (noun): right to stay somewhere to escape danger; hospital for people with mental illness.
#12. Refugees, Asylum-seekers and Migrants - Amnesty International
This means everyone should be allowed to enter another country to seek asylum. Who is a migrant? There is no internationally accepted legal definition of a ...
#13. Asylum - definition of asylum by The Free Dictionary
asylum · 1. a safe or inviolable place of refuge, esp as formerly offered by the Christian Church to criminals, outlaws, etc; sanctuary (often in the phrase give ...
#14. What is a refugee? - UNHCR
Refugees are people who have fled war, violence, conflict or persecution and have crossed an international border to find safety in another country.
#15. Asylum Meaning - YouTube
#16. Asylum seeker - Wikipedia
The refugee definitions of 1951 and 1967 are the strictest and most exclusive and persons who fall within this definition are called Convention refugees and ...
#17. 24 Synonyms & Antonyms for ASYLUM |
Find 24 ways to say ASYLUM, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, ... See definition of asylum on
#18. Temporary protection - European Commission
It applies when there is a risk that the standard asylum system is struggling ... access to accommodation or housing,; access to social welfare or means of ...
#19. asylum - Wiktionary
From Latin asylum, from Ancient Greek ἄσυλον (ásulon). PronunciationEdit. Audio (US). (file) ...
#20. The truth about asylum - Refugee Council
In the UK, a person becomes a refugee when government agrees that an individual who has applied for asylum meets the definition in the Refugee Convention ...
#21. Asylum seekers and refugees: what are the facts? - Parliament ...
What is the difference between an asylum seeker and a refugee? ... does not mean that asylum seekers have committed a criminal offence.
#22. Refugees | USCIS
For the legal definition of refugee, see section 101(a)(42) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Close All Open All ...
#23. Refugees and Asylees | Homeland Security
An asylee is a person who meets the definition of refugee and is ... may apply for green card status one year after their grant of asylum.
#24. What is Asylum? - Right to Remain
By claiming asylum, you are asking the UK government to give you protection. ... falling within the grounds for exclusion (meaning a crime against peace, ...
#25. Asylum support: Overview - GOV.UK
You may be able to get housing and money to support you and your family while you're waiting to find out if you'll be given asylum. This also means your ...
#26. Refugee Status & Asylum - Department of Home Affairs
He is a person who has been granted asylum status and protection in terms of ... However, Convention refugees and persons in need of protection based on a ...
#27. International protection terms explained - Citizens Information
Introduction · Asylum seeker · What does 'refugee' mean? · Subsidiary protection · Permission to remain · Dublin Regulations · Safe country of origin ...
#28. Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70: 30 Articles on ...
Article 14 of the UDHR grants the right to seek and enjoy asylum from ... not considered refugees within the definition of the 1951 Refugee Convention, ...
#29. Asylum meaning in Hindi - एसाइलम मतलब हिंदी में - Hinkhoj
ASYLUM MEANING IN HINDI - EXACT MATCHES · Advertisements · OTHER RELATED WORDS · Definition of Asylum · asylum in Word of the Day: · RELATED SIMILAR WORDS (Synonyms):.
#30. Asylum procedure -
Reception of asylum seekers in the Netherlands. International treaties on protection of refugees. The Netherlands admits people who would be in danger if ...
#31. Asylum Act - Gesetze im Internet
(3) Foreigners who were granted asylum status in the territory defined in Article 3 of ... (1) Acts of persecution within the meaning of Section 3 (1) must.
#32. Refugees, Asylum Seekers & Migrants: A Crucial Difference
refugees. What is the difference between a refugee, an asylum seeker and a migrant? Does it really matter to understand their definition? Yes, absolutely.
#33. Apply for asylum in the Netherlands | IND
This means that you are applying for an asylum residence permit in the Netherlands because you need protection. On this page, you can find out what the ...
#34. What is a Refugee? Definition and Meaning | USA for UNHCR
A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution ...
#35. 8 USC 1158: Asylum - U.S. Code
To establish that the applicant is a refugee within the meaning of such section, the applicant must establish that race, religion, nationality, membership in a ...
#36. Asylum - Urban Dictionary
Okay here's the real definition! Its often a bigger treatment center that could be bigger and more secured, and way more staffed then "Behavorial Hospitals" In ...
#37. asylum - Meaning in Hindi - असाइलम मतलब हिंदी में - Shabdkosh
a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person. Synonyms : insane asylum, institution, mental home, mental hospital, mental institution, psychiatric ...
#38. asylum - Translation into Arabic - examples English - Reverso ...
Translations in context of "asylum" in English-Arabic from Reverso Context: asylum-seekers, asylum seekers, refugees and asylum-seekers, asylum-seeking, ...
#39. Definitions | Refugees and Migrants - the United Nations
Refugee Refugees are persons who are outside their country of origin for reasons of feared persecution, conflict, generalized violence, or other ...
#40. Asylum regulations - Swedish Migration Agency
This means, among other things, that Sweden will examine each asylum application individually. The individual examination includes taking the ...
#41. Claiming asylum in Canada – what happens?
From: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada ... the claimant meets the United Nations (UN) definition of a Convention refugee, ...
#42. Refugees Act [No. 130 of 1998] - South African Government
“asylum'* means refugee status recognised in terms of this Act; (iii). “asylum seeker” means a person who is seeking recognition as a refugee in.
#43. Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 - Legislation ...
An Act to make provision about nationality, immigration and asylum; ... Asylum-seeker: appeal against refusal to support ... Meaning of “the Tribunal.
#44. The stages of the German asylum procedure - BAMF
What this means is that, if a “prin cipal person entitled” has been recognised as entitled to asylum, his or her family members who are in Germany are also ...
#45. Asylum meaning: [DJ Switch asylum in Canada] Right of asylum
Pesin wey be asylum-seeker na pesin wey request for sanctuary (protection) dey yet to be processed. Everi year, around one million pipo dey seek ...
#46. Asylum seekers and refugees - Australian Human Rights ...
As a party to the Refugees Convention, Australia has agreed to ensure that people who meet the United Nations definition of refugee are not sent back to a ...
#47. Home - Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP)
ASAP sees a future where the United States welcomes all who seek safety here. We work with our members — over 250,000 asylum seekers — to make that vision a ...
#48. What Does Asylum Mean? (A Short Guide!) |
'Asylum' is the protection offered by a country or state to a refugee who has left their home country because of persecution they have or may suffer.
#49. Palestine refugees | UNRWA
Who are Palestine refugees? ... This means that the refugees in camps do not 'own' the land on which their shelters were built, but have the right to 'use' ...
#50. Child Refugees, Asylum Seekers, Migrants and Immigrants
While the global definition of the word “refugee” was recognized in the Geneva Convention, no such universally accepted definition for “migrant” exists.
#51. Information for asylum seekers | Immigration New Zealand
How to make a claim for refugee or protection status in New Zealand, and information about services for claimants.
#52. The meaning and mental health consequences of long-term ...
The meaning and mental health consequences of long-term immigration detention for people seeking asylum. Soc Sci Med. 2010 Jun;70(12):2070-2079. doi: ...
#53. Asylum Seeker - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Asylum is a means to remedy on an individual level misconduct by foreign states that, if sufficiently widespread, would justify one of these more intrusive ...
#54. What is the legal definition of a "refugee"? - Free Movement
To mark Refugee Week, Colin Yeo answers the question "what is a refugee?" in asylum law.
#55. Refugee vs. Asylum Seeker: What's the Difference?
Let's explore what it means to be a refugee, what it means to be an asylum seeker, and the difference between the two.
#56. After you get refugee status - Citizens Advice
This means you'll: stop getting your cash allowance. have to move house - if you've been given somewhere to live as an asylum seeker.
#57. asylum在线翻译_英语_读音 - 海词词典
词义辨析 · 这组词都有“能躲避威胁或打扰的安全地方或状态”的意思。其区别是: · asylum特指为躲避抓捕或掠劫的人提供庇护的避难所。shelter常指可以暂时受到保护、可防止 ...
#58. Erosion of Meaning in Life: African Asylum Seekers ...
Abstract. The narratives of 16 African asylum seekers indicated that the asylum system in Ireland eroded the various sources from which they ...
#59. 11. The concept of first country of asylum (Article 26) - Refworld
Criteria for designating a country as a first country of asylum ... e) The person has access to means of subsistence sufficient to maintain an adequate.
#60. The Federal Budget: What it means for refugees
What are the implications of the Federal Budget for refugees and peope seeking asylum? This summary sets out the implications for Australian ...
#61. Refugee and asylum seeker facts | Australian Red Cross
What you need to have an informed conversation about refugees and people seeking asylum. A father and son from Myanmar share a moment of happy relief after ...
#62. Etymology of Great Legal Words: Asylum - FindLaw
The term asylum comes from the Ancient Greek "asylos." That term derives from "a-" meaning "without," and "sylon" or "syle" meaning "right of ...
#63. Is it legal to cross the US border to seek asylum?
Congress adopted key provisions of the Geneva Refugee Convention (including the international definition of a refugee) into U.S. immigration law ...
#64. COVID-19: Information translated for foreigners - Q&A Asylum ...
The registration of asylum applications will resume on May 6, 2020, ... When the time comes, meaning 180 days after the expiry date mentioned on your ...
#65. Asylum Policy Instruction Assessing credibility and refugee ...
Refugees 'sur place' and activities in the UK. 22. 6.8. Definition of persecution. 24. 6.9. Link to Refugee Convention. 25. 6.10 Prosecution.
... desirous of concluding a Convention regarding Territorial Asylum, ... We affirm, likewise, that the term "internment" in Article IX means merely ...
#67. Asylum Law and Procedure | Human Rights First
This definition is based on international law, specifically the 1951 UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. The U.S. is not a signatory to this ...
#68. Fact Sheet: U.S. Asylum Process - National Immigration Forum
An asylee is an individual who meets the international definition of refugee – a person with well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of ...
#69. Facts about refugees
The definition of an asylum seeker is someone who has arrived in a country and ... In the UK, this means they do not have the same rights as a refugee or a ...
#70. Mexican Asylum System for U.S. Immigration Lawyers FAQ
Mexico has adopted a broader refugee definition than the U.S. and grants a higher percentage of asylum applications. Recognized refugees in Mexico can ...
#71. What a "Particular Social Group" Means for Asylum Purposes
In order to apply for asylum, you must meet the definition of a “refugee” – that is, you must have suffered persecution (or fear future persecution) ...
#72. Refugee Admissions - United States Department of State
Individuals who meet this definition may be considered for either refugee status under Section 207 of the INA if they are outside the United States, or asylum ...
#73. What is asylum? More than protection, less than citizenship
What justifies and necessitates a theoretical reflection on the notion of asylum is the lack of a definition of the term in current refugee law ...
#74. Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) - London ...
Spontaneous Arrivals – most UASC arrive in the UK by their own means and are encountered at their port of entry, at the Asylum Intake Unit in Croydon, or are ...
#75. The many uses of the term 'asylum' - Columbia Journalism ...
See how a two-letter article changes the meaning of a sentence: ... That definition in the OED adds: “e.g. an asylum for the mentally ill ...
#76. The facts about people seeking asylum in the UK
Channel crossings: Refugees, asylum seekers or migrants? ... An asylum seeker is someone who has applied for asylum, meaning they are seeking ...
#77. What Is Asylum? Who Is Eligible? Why Do Recent Changes ...
It means that the right to at least apply for asylum is enshrined in U.S. law. And, according to the above provision, that application process ...
#78. Burden-sharing in the New Age of Immigration - Migration ...
The notion of "burden-sharing" in relation to refugees has a ... as a means of ensuring a more equitable distribution of asylum seekers ...
#79. asylum meaning - definition of asylum by Mnemonic Dictionary - Meaning of asylum and a memory aid (called Mnemonic) to retain that meaning for long time in our memory.
#80. 3. Elements of Asylum Law - Immigration Equality
In order to be eligible for asylum, an applicant must meet the definition of refugee in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The INA defines refugee ...
#81. Introduction to the asylum context in Turkey
Persons who fall within the refugee definition of the 1951 Convention ... For refugees from Syria, Turkey implements a temporary protection ...
#82. Temporary Protection Visas - Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
Meaning someone found to be a refugee in Australia, but is yet to have their claim finalised with security and health checks, would only be granted a TPV.
#83. What Is the Definition of an Asylum Seeker? - Newsweek
Amnesty International says: "Seeking asylum is a human right. This means everyone should be allowed to enter another country to seek asylum.
#84. Asylum Definition and Meaning - Bible Dictionary
What is Asylum? Definition and meaning:ASYLUM a-si'-lum: The custom of fleeing to specially sacred places to obtain the protection of a deity is found all ...
#85. Section 95 asylum support - NRPF Network
The Home Office can provide housing and financial support to a person who has claimed asylum if they do not have accommodation and/ or cannot afford to meet ...
#86. Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) - Department ...
Asylum and Withholding of Removal Relief. Convention Against Torture Protections. Relief and Protections Based on Fear of Persecution or ...
#87. Asylum and the Three Little Words that Can Spell Life or Death
To receive asylum in the United States, one must be a “refugee. ... By “immutable,” they mean those that either the individual cannot change ...
#88. Ayslum Support & Advice | Bryson Intercultural
Bryson Care/Migrant Help provides advice and support to asylum seekers in a ... a breach of your rights within the meaning of the Human Rights Act 1998.
#89. The length of asylum procedures in Europe - European ...
Common European Asylum System (CEAS) and Member States' migration management efforts. The ... “Efficiency” Mean in the Context of the Global Refugee Regime?
#90. Metering and Asylum Turnbacks | American Immigration Council
Once an individual's number was called, they could then travel to the port of entry and begin the asylum process. However, this did not mean ...
#91. What Is Asylum And Humanitarian Protection? - WH Solicitors
Asylum means permitting a person to live in another country because they are at risk of persecution in their own country.
#92. asylum - APA Dictionary of Psychology
asylum. n. 1. originally, a refuge for criminals (from Greek asylon, “sanctuary”). From the 19th century, the terms asylum or insane asylum were applied to ...
#93. Asylum & the Rights of Refugees - International Justice ...
Although the 1951 Convention definition remains the dominant definition, regional human rights treaties have since modified the definition of a refugee in ...
#94. What's the difference between a refugee and an asylum seeker?
The refugees will usually be granted asylum or some other form of long-term resident rights and, in many cases, will have the opportunity to ...
#95. UNHCR, Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Organize a ...
... of refugees and asylum-seekers. During the second day, Dr. Daraji provided a refresher session on the definition of a refugee and the ...
#96. 8 US Code § 1158 - Asylum
To establish that the applicant is a refugee within the meaning of such section, the applicant must establish that race, religion, nationality, membership in a ...
#97. Key Migration Terms
Asylum seeker – An individual who is seeking international protection. ... Biometrics – Automated means of identifying an individual through ...
#98. Asylum Application, Interview, and Employment Authorization
D. Employment Authorization for Asylees and Asylum Applicants ... of refugees into the United States, which means helping refugees to become ...
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