#1. What is Ambient Temperature?
Ambient temperature is the air temperature of any object or environment where equipment is stored. The adjective ambient means "relating to the immediate ...
#2. Ambient Temperature: Definition & Range -
Ambient Weather Temperature ... When talking about weather, the ambient temperature is the same as the current air temperature. Another way to say ...
#3. Ambient temperature definition and meaning - Collins Dictionary
Ambient temperature is the temperature of the air surrounding a component. If the ambient temperature is high or low, some line current may be consumed to ...
#4. ambient temperature - 室溫,周圍溫度 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 海事, ambient temperature, 周邊溫度;周圍溫度;環境溫度. 學術名詞 紡織科技, ambient temperature, 室溫,周圍溫度.
#5. What is Ambient Temperature (Data Centers)? - Techopedia
Ambient temperature is a measure of the temperature around a given asset or piece of equipment or other object. In IT, ambient temperature ...
#6. Ambient Temperature Definition in Weather - ThoughtCo
In weather, ambient temperature refers to the current air temperature —the overall temperature of the outdoor air that surrounds us.
#7. Room temperature - Wikipedia
In contrast, ambient temperature is the actual temperature, as measured by a thermometer, of the air (or other medium and surroundings) in any particular place.
#8. What is Ambient Temperature? - Sunpower UK
Ambient temperature is usually the room temperature or the temperature of the air surrounding equipment under consideration such as a computer or power ...
#9. ambient temperature用於句子| 劍橋詞典中的例句
The ambient temperature was recorded using a dry bulb thermometer. 來自Cambridge English Corpus. The embryos were extracted from seeds that were ...
#10. Ambient temperature - Designing Buildings Wiki
The ambient temperature is the average air temperature surrounding something (such as a person) whether inside or outside.
#11. ambient temperature/light etc - Longman Dictionary
ambient temperature /light etc meaning, definition, what is ambient temperature/light etc: the temperature etc of the surrounding a...: Learn more.
#12. definition of ambient temperature by Medical dictionary
The surrounding temperature or that present in the place, site, or location indicated. See also: temperature. Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners.
#13. ambient temperature 中文- 環境溫度;周圍的溫度 - 綫上翻譯
ambient temperature 中文::周圍溫度;環境溫度;周圍的溫度;周圍壓力;外界溫度…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋ambient temperature的中文翻譯,ambient temperature的 ...
#14. What is an Ambient Temperature Range? - Corrosionpedia
Ambient temperature range refers to a scale of hotness or coldness in the immediate atmosphere environment as recorded in a universally accepted unit of ...
#15. ambient temperature翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
片語 ; ambient air temperature周圍空氣溫度 ; environment temperature[環境] 環境溫度;周圍溫度 ; environmental temperature環境溫度;周圍介質溫度.
#16. Ambient Temperature | Petroleum Equipment Institute
Ambient temperature is a term to denote a certain temperature within enclosed space at which humans are accustome Room temperature is thus often indicated ...
#17. What is Ambient Temperature? | Nordic Cold Chain Solutions
As opposed to room temperature, which is a range of air temperatures that most people prefer in indoor settings, ambient temperature is ...
#18. Whats the definition of ambient temperature? - Movie Cultists
Colloquially, room temperature is the range of air temperatures that most people prefer for indoor settings, which feel comfortable when wearing typical ...
#19. Ambient Temperature Definition in Weather | 健康跟著走
Get a definition of ambient air temperature, how to measure it, and how it differs from high, low, heat index, and wind chill temperatures.
#20. ambient temperature - Chinese translation – Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "ambient temperature" – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations.
#21. ambient operating temperature - Glossary index
The allowable range for the ambient temperature in which continued operationis possible. The ambient temperature is the temperature at a location not ...
#22. Definition & Meaning ambient temperature -
What does ambient temperature mean? Here you find 79 meanings of the word ambient temperature. You can also add a definition of ambient temperature yourself ...
#23. What are the regulatory Definitions for "Ambient", "Room
Ambient temperature : Store at the surrounding temperature. This term is not widely used due to significant variation in ambient temperatures. It ...
#24. Ambient Temperature - Electrician Schools
Ambient Temperature. Definition: The temperature surrounding an object. Related Links. | Define at · What is ambient temperature?
#25. What is the difference between ambient temperature and ...
Ambient temperature is the air temperature of an environment or object. In computing, ambient temperature refers to the air temperature surrounding ...
#26. Junction Temperature vs. Ambient Temperature: Transistor
Although maintaining junction temperature is essential, ambient ... Also, the definition of ambient temperature is the measurement of the ...
#27. Ambient Definition & Meaning |
Ambient definition, of the surrounding area or environment: The tape recorder picked up too many ambient noises. The temperature in the display case was 20° ...
#28. Ambient or Room Temperature Specimens - LabCE
It is fair to say that most laboratory specimens will be handled and transported at ambient or room temperature. Laboratory professionals are taught that room ...
#29. ambient temperature - Translation into Chinese - Reverso ...
Translations in context of "ambient temperature" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: Higher ambient temperature at the same current possible compared ...
#30. Ambient Temperature Guide | EIC Solutions
Accurate ambient temperature readings are crucial to properly selecting an air conditioner for your sensitive electronic equipment.
#31. Ambient Temperature - Definition & Significance - Material ...
Definition of Ambient temperature: It is a commonly used term whenever people are talking about applications which involve heat transfer of ...
#32. Ambient Air Temperature - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Variation in ambient air temperature in both the oven and the forming station ... the pavement heat transfer system, can be defined as [168,181][168][181]:.
#33. Definition of ambient temperature (TA) - Chemistry Dictionary
Definition of ambient temperature (TA). the temperature of the surrounding medium, such as air or liquid, that comes into contact with the device or ...
#34. What are the differences between ambient temperature ... - Intel
The storage temperature (Tstg) refers to the temperature at which the device can be safely stored when the device is not powered. The ambient temperature ...
#35. What is Ambient Temperature in IT and Computer Storage?
#36. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE | Meaning & Definition for UK ...
The temperature of the surrounding environment, especially when unaltered by direct human intervention. Origin. Early 19th century; earliest use found in ...
#37. ambient temperature | Oilfield Glossary
1. n. [Well Completions]. The temperature at a point or area expressed as an average of the surrounding areas or materials. Ambient surface temperature is ...
#38. What is Air Temperature? - Fondriest Environmental
Air temperature is a measure of how hot or cold the air is. It is the most commonly measured weather parameter.
#39. Ambient Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Examples of ambient in a Sentence. Adjective Keep the chemicals at an ambient temperature of 70°F. the bright ambient light of the room.
#40. Definition of Ambient Temperature for EPCRA 312 Reporting
Ambient temperature means that the material is stored in the same temperature range as that of the surrounding area. Outdoor storage tanks that ...
#41. Understanding Temperature Specifications: An Introduction
θJA is defined as the difference between the junction temperature and the ambient temperature when the device is dissipating 1 W of power. θJA ( ...
#42. Air Temperature | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Outside Air Temperature (OAT) The ambient temperature measured outside an ... If temperature is measured by means of a sensor positioned in the airflow, ...
#43. What does 'Ambient Temperature' mean? - OzCoolers
Ambient temperature is usually the room temperature or the temperature of the air ... temperature of 3°C. It's a good target to aim for because it means not ...
#44. Relation between Elevated Ambient Temperature and Mortality
A heat wave is an event that provides a well-defined period of extreme temperature with a high risk of adverse health effects and mortality (43) ...
#45. What is another word for "ambient temperature"? - WordHippo
Find more words! Another word for, Opposite of, Meaning of, Rhymes with, Sentences with, Find word forms, Pronounce, Translate from English, Translate to ...
#46. High ambient temperature and mortality: a review of ... - NCBI
Exposure to ambient temperature is often defined as some combined metric of temperature and relative humidity or dew point temperature, ...
#47. What is Ambient Temperature and what should my pressure ...
Ambient temperature is simply the temperature of the air surrounding the car. The following automotive A/C chart outlines the proper pressure readings for a ...
#48. Ambient water temperature Definition | Law Insider
Ambient temperature means the temperature surrounding the animal. Ambient air means that portion of the atmosphere, external to buildings, to which the general ...
#49. ambient temperature是什麼意思 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供ambient temperature的在線翻譯,ambient temperature是什麼意思,ambient temperature的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#50. Glossary Definition for Ambient Sensor - Maxim Integrated
Definition : Temperature sensor used to measure the temperature of the air that surrounds a component (the ambient temperature). Synonyms.
#51. Ambient Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary
Ambient. Ambient (Science: ecology) describes the surrounding environment (especially temperature and pressure) of an object or experiment, ...
#52. Room temperature - New World Encyclopedia
Room temperature (also referred to as ambient temperature) is a common term to denote a certain temperature within enclosed space to which human beings are ...
#53. 室溫,周圍溫度英文,ambient temperature中文 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 室溫,周圍溫度 ambient temperature 【紡織科技】 周圍溫度,環境溫度,室溫 ambient temperature 【電力工程】 周圍溫度 ambient temperature 【資訊與通信術語辭典】
#54. ambient temperature 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
Chemical processes carried out at ambient temperature cannot be expected to operate rapidly. 在環境溫度下進行化學過程,不能期望它迅速地發生作用。 Swelling and ...
#55. Understanding Ambient Temperatures for Electrical Enclosures
But what exactly does it mean? In simple terms, it's the temperature of the air surrounding an electrical enclosure. As a concept it's ...
#56. Ambient Meaning | Best 14 Definitions of Ambient
Having to do with the conditions in the immediate environment, esp. conditions outdoors. ambient air temperature. adjective. 3.
#57. Meaning of Ambient temperature in Hindi - Translation - Hinkhoj
Ambient temperature meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and translation of Ambient temperature in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence ...
#58. ambient temperature是什么意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选ambient temperature是什么意思、英语单词推荐、ambient temperature的用法、ambient temperature的中文释义、翻译ambient temperature是什么意思.
#59. What Is Room Temperature? - Science Notes
Some agencies define normal temperatures. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) defines standard ambient temperature ...
#60. ambient temperature; free-air temperature (TA ) | JEDEC
The air temperature measured below a device, in an environment of substantially uniform temperature, cooled only by natural air convection and not ...
#61. Regulatory Definitions for "Ambient", "Room Temperature" and ...
This term is not widely used due to significant variation in ambient temperatures. It means “room temperature” or normal storage conditions, ...
#62. Ambient - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms |
Ambient describes some pervasive quality of the surrounding environment, like the ambient lighting in a movie theater, or the ambient temperature of a room.
#63. A Note on Ambient Temperature and Surface Temperature
Ambient temperature is the temperature of the environment, most commonly the air temperature. Our temperature labels show the temperature that the item's ...
#64. How is ambient temperature defined? -
Ambient temperature is the air temperature of any object or environment where equipment is stored. The adjective ambient means “relating to ...
#65. STP - Standard Temperature and Pressure and NTP - Normal
STP - Standard Temperature and Pressure - is defined by IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) as air at 0 o C (273.15 K, 32 o F) and 10 5 ...
#66. Electric Motor Ambient Temperature & Insulation Systems
The temperature rise of a motor is the change in motor temperature when power is applied to the motor. Generally it is defined as the difference ...
#67. What is Ambient Temperature and How Could It Affect Your ...
Interested in ? Read more exclusively at Portable AC | Florida & Houston HVAC Rental & Sales.
#68. Climate Data Online - definition of temperature statistics
Specific definitions. Mean maximum temperature (°C): The average daily maximum air temperature, for each month and as an annual statistic, ...
#69. Temperatures - Dry Bulb/Web Bulb/Dew Point
By definition that implies a very high temperature so the ELR is positive. In reality, the air is not "hot to the touch" since there is so little air ...
#70. non-ambient temperature mode - Glosbe
Learn the definition of 'non-ambient temperature mode'. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Browse the use examples 'non-ambient temperature ...
#71. How does the ambient temperature sensor work? - Yummly ...
Most ovens heat using a wave pattern, meaning they continuously turn themselves on and off so it gets warmer and cooler in the oven, causing ...
#72. Case Temperature versus Ambient Temperature | DigiKey
Also, measuring case temperature allows for a specific location on the case to be designated as a test point, which means that unlike ambient ...
#73. 9 W, High Ambient Temperature Supply for Oven Control
DI-177 - 9 W, High Ambient Temperature Supply for Oven Control. 檢視PDF 下載PDF. 應用. Appliances Icon. 產品. TinySwitch-III. 產品規格.
#74. Définition ambient temperature - Actualité Informatique
La ambient temperature est la température de l'air de tout objet ou environnement dans lequel l'équipement est stocké. L'adjectif « ambiant » signifie ...
#75. c Table of Content - Tridonic
Rated maximum ambient temperature t :a. The controlgear standard IEC/EN 61347 contains no definition of t and its measurement for luminaire inbuilt.
#76. Difference in Canopy and Air Temperature as an Indicator of ...
Vapour pressure deficit is another important evaluation criterion con- tributing to the definition of water stress on the basis of the difference between canopy ...
#77. What is the definition of Heat Index? - Ambient Weather
Heat Index (definition). The Heat Index, sometimes referred to as the apparent temperature, is a measure of how hot it really feels when relative humidity ...
#78. The Relationship between Body and Ambient Temperature ...
Exposure to elevated ambient temperatures has been mentioned as a risk factor for common eye diseases, primarily presbyopia and cataract.
#79. What Is Ambient Pressure and Why Is It Important? - Quincy ...
Proper Temperature for Air Compressors · Colder is better: Lower temperatures mean higher air density, and higher density means greater outputs ...
#80. (PDF) Ambient Temperature and Morbidity: A Review of ...
Objectives: To describe how clinicians approach prognostication for older adults, defined broadly as making projections about patients' future health METHODS: ...
#81. VLT® AutomationDrive FC 300 Ambient temperature and ...
Ambient temperature for operation and derating. Ambient temperature – general terms n The definition of ambient and cooling temperature is according to.
#82. Ambient temperature reading - Support
If you are only seeing a dash for your ambient temperature, it likely means one of these conditions is not currently being met. Once a cook is underway and ...
#83. Pharmacy Ambient Temperature and Medication Efficacy
(1) If no storage requirements are established for a prescription drug, the drug may be held at "controlled" room temperature, as defined in an ...
#84. Near Surface Air Temperature - IMPACT2C web-atlas
The ambient temperature is essential in determining the climate condition in which we are living. Changes in temperature affects directly the human well ...
#85. High ambient temperature and mortality: a review of ...
Exposure to ambient temperature is often defined as some combined metric of temperature and relative humidity or dew point temperature, ...
#86. Junction Temperature <Calculating Transistor Chip ...
How to Calculate Junction Temperature (From Ambient Temperature) ... This means, the junction temperature becomes 150 deg. when the current consumption is ...
#87. Ambient Temperature Profile Analysis - Cold Chain ...
Ambient temperature profiles are a critical design constraint, as defined in PDA Technical Report 39, when developing and qualifying insulated shipping ...
#88. The Effect of Ambient Temperature on Brachypodium ...
The seed set time is defined from heading to seed physiological maturity. To measure seed weight, 150 seeds from each temperature condition were ...
#89. What you'll see on a Nest thermostat - Google Support
Google Nest thermostats do more than let you change the temperature, ... the ambient temperature, and the temperature your system is set to reach, and more.
#90. Measuring the Ambient Storage Temperature in a Transport ...
The following guidance is provided for recipients electing to check the ambient temperature in a transport unit for shell eggs contracted ...
#91. ambient temperature是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋
ambient temperature 是什麼意思、英文翻譯及中文解釋分析:ambienttemperature詞語:ambienttemperature解釋:周圍溫度詞性:名詞詞典:汽車專業英漢 ...
#92. Ambient Temperature and Obesity | SpringerLink
Energy expenditure and energy intake at different ambient temperatures (Tas). The thermoneutral zone (TNZ; box area) is defined as the ...
#93. indoor ambient temperature - Translation and Meaning in All ...
Meaning of indoor ambient temperature, Definition of Word indoor ambient temperature in Almaany Online Dictionary, searched domain is All category, ...
#94. How do we measure air temperature? - American ...
The temperature of the air is a measure of how quickly the molecules are moving. ... high-definition videos, classroom activities, teacher professional ...
#95. air temperature - Encyclopedia Britannica
Less-clearly defined states of matter include plasmas, which are ionized gases at very high temperatures; foams, which combine aspects of liquids and solids; ...
#96. What is Extended Ambient Temperature Support in RBSU?
HPE ProLiant Gen10 Servers - What is Extended Ambient Temperature Support in RBSU ... defined in an effort to support the Fresh Air Data cooling initiative.
#97. Ambient Temperature Monitoring in Industrial Plants - WIKA blog
Ambient temperature monitoring in industrial plants ensures equipment and products stay at appropriate temperatures for reliable and safe ...
#98. ambient conditions - APA Dictionary of Psychology
the physical variables in a particular environment (e.g., temperature, humidity, air quality, noise level, and intensity of light) that, taken as a whole, ...
#99. Room temperature in scientific protocols and experiments ...
RT and/or ambient temperature also depend on season, which varies ... some researchers to define it broadly as 'room-like temperature' [14].
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