拓展運動外交 歡慶美台友誼
傑基·羅賓遜(Jackie Robinson)打破了美國職棒大聯盟的種族藩籬,成為首位黑人球員。那你知道誰是第一位站上職業冰球聯盟的黑人球員嗎?
1958年1月18日,正值美國民權運動的浪尖,威利·奧里(Willie O'Ree)精湛的冰球球技,讓他成為了北美國家冰球聯盟 (NHL) 的首位黑人球員,而他也徹底改變了冰球這項運動。無論是場上還是場下,威利都是個了不起的人物。他在60歲時接下NHL多元化大使的任務,26年過去了,他仍然全心全意推動多元化和包容性發展。
廣受好評的冰球紀錄片《威利》現正全球同步線上特映中,誠摯邀請各位一同觀賞!線上報名期限至2月27日 (星期六) 下午4點截止。報名網址:https://bit.ly/2NLZ6d3。除了觀影之外,今天晚上台灣時間10點,紀錄片主人翁威利將現身線上映後座談會,與製片導演一起討論這部片和他的人生故事。映後座談會詳細資訊請參考報名網址。
*特此感謝Canadian Trade Office in Taipei | 加拿大駐台北貿易辦事處 (CTOT)
Celebrating Sports Diplomacy
Every American knows that Jackie Robinson broke baseball’s color barrier. How about for hockey?
On Jan. 18, 1958 Willie O'Ree changed hockey forever. In the midst of the civil rights movement, Willie became the first Black player in the National Hockey League. His story is remarkable, both on and off the ice. At the age of 60 he became the NHL's diversity ambassador and now, more than 26 years later, he continues pushing for diversity and inclusion.
The acclaimed documentary, Willie, is now available for free viewing online. The registration window extends through Saturday, February 27 at 4pm. https://bit.ly/2NLZ6d3). In addition, this evening at 10 p.m. Taiwan time Willie will join with the filmmakers LIVE to discuss the film and his life story. Information on this exciting panel discussion can also be found through the RSVP link.
This film is about more than hockey – it examines issues of race, equality, inclusion, community, and allyship, and how Willie overcame many barriers through goal setting, hard work and perseverance.
Register right away and join with us in celebrating Willie’s extraordinary life. After registering for the streaming event on Eventbrite, you will receive an automated email containing a link that requires you to complete the final step of registration. Please make sure you click the link and fill in the information in order to successfully secure your spot!
*Special thanks to Canadian Trade Office in Taipei | 加拿大駐台北貿易辦事處 (CTOT)