🧘♀️This too shall pass 這同樣也會過去
這首November Rain *註1 講的就是無常, 這首歌雖然講的是一個黑暗的故事, 但是歌詞裡面也暗喻了隧道中的一盞光:
‘Cause nothing lasts forever
Even cold November rain
This too shall pass 這同樣也會過去(蘇菲教派古老的故事):
幾個星期以後,智者回來,交給國王一個裝飾精美的玉雕盒子。國王打開它,看到裡面有一隻很簡單的金戒指。戒指上刻了一句話:「這個同樣也會過去。This too shall pass」
◆ 這個金戒指的故事指出了「無常」的事實,當我們能認識到「無常」時,就能夠做到「不執著」。不抗拒、不評斷、不執著,就是真正自由和開悟生活的三個面相。
◆ 刻在戒指上的字,不是說,不應該享受生活中美好的一切,也不是僅僅在你受苦的時候給你一些安慰而已。它們還有更深一層的任務:讓你覺知到,不管是好是壞,由於一切事物的無常本質,所有的事物都是稍縱即逝的。當你覺知到事物的無常之後,你對它們的執著就會減少,同時你對它們的認同程度也會減低。
◆ 不執著,並不表示你不能享受這個世界所提供的美好事物,事實上你可以更加地享受它們。因為,一旦你看清並接納萬物的無常和不斷變化的必然性之後,你可以在它們存在的時候好好享受其中的樂趣,而不會擔心或焦慮將來會失去它們。
◆ 領悟到「這個同樣也會過去」能夠為你帶來不執著,而不執著會讓你進入生命中另外一個向度:內在空間。經由不執著,還有不評斷、內在不抗拒,你獲得了進入那個向度的途徑。
◆ 「這個同樣也會過去」,這句話是一個真相的指標。在指出有形世界的無常時,它也暗喻了永恆。只有你內在的永恆,才能夠辨識出無常。
~摘自《一個新世界-喚醒內在的力量》/ 艾克哈特˙托勒 著
Corey 線上課網址:
November Rain 是Guns N’ Roses最有名的歌曲之一*註1,也是史上最貴的一支MV之一。這首歌的MV是根據Del James的短篇小說Without You改編的。原本預計要拍成三部曲,分別是三首歌:November Rain, Don’t Cry, This I Love,第一首November Rain是主唱Axl和女友Stephanie演出,不過拍完二部曲後兩人就分手了。
Without You小說內容敘述一個曾紅極一時的明星,後來卻過時,每天嗑藥酗酒,和女友也是分分合合,有一次打電話給女友,卻毫無回應,他到女友家破門而入,才發現女友聽著她的歌,已舉槍自盡。雖然November Rain 的MV裡最後女主角Stephanie死了,不過卻沒有交代她是怎麼死的,算是很含蓄地表達這一部分。
雖然他領悟到,沒有什麼是永恆的,事事都會改變,不過仍抱有一絲希望,希望透過時間來緩和一切,希望兩人只要給彼此時間空間靜一靜,就一定能解決問題。歌詞不斷重複need some time all alone/ need some time on your own,不過到歌詞最後面,卻又點出,雖然獨處很重要,但Everybody needs somebody,每個人都需要陪伴,所以在獨處之後,希望能與愛人再次相愛,再次陪伴彼此。
最後一句You’re not the only one真的意味深遠,一方面指的是妳絕不孤單,我會永遠陪在你身邊,但另一方面也是說妳並不是唯一受傷的人,我也在感情中跌跌撞撞,我們倆都是受這份情所苦,但我卻甘心為你愛得死去活來。
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過39萬的網紅May Fit,也在其Youtube影片中提到,迎戰蓋伊的14天真實訓練紀錄+飲食VLOG來了!! *此影片無商業合作 *影片剪輯 Edited by May . May Fit instagram ▶ https://www.instagram.com/may8572fit/ May Fit居家訓練 ▶ https://www.youtube...
axl one 在 Phyu Phyu Kyaw Thein Facebook 的精選貼文
Artist Spotlight: Phyu Phyu Kyaw Thein
Making waves with her audaciously bold persona, Phyuphyukyawthein has established her credentials within the industry, having already achieved commercial success for her previous albums- all six to be exact. She has shown a willingness to take on surprisingly daring risks as a young woman in the industry, especially in a country that is usually reluctant to accept unconventional concepts of art, music and the identity. There is not one set genre in what Phyu Phyu puts out and she makes it a point to not be categorized. This can be seen with her crossover from rock albums to more EDM/Dance albums at this point in her career. Her inspiration comes from artists who are globally renowned for their avant-garde theatrics, like Bon Jovi, Axl Rose and Aerosmith, which evidently contributes to Phyu Phyu’s potent mix of outrageous performances and unparalleled flair. She has been a constant presence in the top charts with numerous hits that confounded expectations within the world of postmillennial contemporary music, and her newest mini-album “Storm” will be no different. This album came into fruition over six months; she worked with artist Lancifer who has been in the industry for over ten years. He first came from the US to Myanmar to teach English to Burmese kids at the border and fell in love with the culture. He is now a full-time musician here and the rapport between him and Phyu Phyu is the root of their remarkable collaborations. Be sure to get Storm in stores and online platforms when it releases on October 14th!
Artist Spotlight: Phyu Phyu Kyaw Thein
Making waves with her audaciously bold persona, Phyuphyukyawthein has established her credentials within the industry, having already achieved commercial success for her previous albums- all six to be exact. She has shown a willingness to take on surprisingly daring risks as a young woman in the industry, especially in a country that is usually reluctant to accept unconventional concepts of art, music and the identity. There is not one set genre in what Phyu Phyu puts out and she makes it a point to not be categorized. This can be seen with her crossover from rock albums to more EDM/Dance albums at this point in her career. Her inspiration comes from artists who are globally renowned for their avant-garde theatrics, like Bon Jovi, Axl Rose and Aerosmith, which evidently contributes to Phyu Phyu’s potent mix of outrageous performances and unparalleled flair. She has been a constant presence in the top charts with numerous hits that confounded expectations within the world of postmillennial contemporary music, and her newest mini-album “Storm” will be no different. This album came into fruition over six months; she worked with artist Lancifer who has been in the industry for over ten years. He first came from the US to Myanmar to teach English to Burmese kids at the border and fell in love with the culture. He is now a full-time musician here and the rapport between him and Phyu Phyu is the root of their remarkable collaborations. Be sure to get Storm in stores and online platforms when it releases on October 14th!
axl one 在 Head x Lover Facebook 的最佳貼文
有至少兩百年以上歷史的Bandana,在北美洲最早的紀錄可追溯到1775年,美國國父George Washington的夫人Martha委託版畫家John Hewson繪製而成,這在當時受英國印花棉布禁令限制的時期格外具挑戰意味,方巾上騎馬的英姿相當符合開國先驅無畏的形象,儘管Washington本人對肖像臉部的寫實程度不置可否,但仍是凝聚追隨者熱情的宣傳利器。
Bandana常見的顏色是Indigo(靛藍)和Turkey Red(土耳其紅)。
作為歐美工裝最普遍的顏色,indigo在當時並不足為奇;Turkey Red(土耳其紅)則是在18、19世紀時廣受歡迎的染劑顏色,在法文中則被稱為rouge d'Andrinople(來自哈德良堡的胭脂紅),使用茜草屬植物的根為著色劑,製程繁複費時,最初的起源是印度或土耳其,在1940年代開始被廣泛地使用在英國、法國的印花棉紡織物上,並出口到世界各州。除了用於Bandana之外,美國傳統的民間手藝-百衲被中也常出現Turkey Red的點綴。
口罩尚未普及的年代,工人用Bandana掩住口鼻、過濾空氣,透氣柔軟的棉質也可以用來擦汗,常見於礦工、鐵路工和牛仔,用以形容鄉下大老粗的貶抑用語”red necks”因此得來;它也是被浪漫化的浪跡天涯小布包(bindle),你一定看過動畫或電影中,主角慌亂地收拾必要的物品,將其扔進方巾裡綁起來、用根木棍穿過去,便開始踏上離家出走的旅程。
二戰期間提振士氣的女力畫報中,主角Geraldine Hoff頭上綁著的正是圓點印花的Bandana,鮮明的藍領象徵使其成為搖滾明星的最愛,也是Guns N’ Roses的主唱Axl Rose舞台上的標準配備。
而到了60年代中期,變形蟲圖騰開始在嬉皮文化中露面,是flower child身上常見的迷幻元素。
The Beatles和Prince都曾將變形蟲圖騰納入表演服裝的主題。
從服飾、織品、家具到書籍裝幀,變形蟲圖騰可說是無所不在,本身是變形蟲圖騰愛好者的作家王爾德表示 : "One
should either be a work of art or wear a work of art ." -人們應該從事藝術相關的工作,或把藝術穿在身上。
axl one 在 May Fit Youtube 的最佳貼文
*影片剪輯 Edited by May
May Fit instagram ▶ https://www.instagram.com/may8572fit/
May Fit居家訓練 ▶ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLol39BuP8rM-6l2PNZqXFETC6oCkjnXoi
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axl one 在 SPEISHI Youtube 的精選貼文
Here's a long travel vlog (finally) where I got to go on my VERY FIRST campervan trip in AUSTRALIA!!!!
Catch our adventure from Melbourne to Sydney~
Can't wait for the next one, it was truly a dream come true. xD
Music by ninjoi. - Where Do I Go - https://thmatc.co/?l=78AD5F0
Music by Ashton Edminster - Behind the Wall - https://thmatc.co/?l=AB49A029
Music by Dan and Drum - Lester - https://thmatc.co/?l=D0A731F3
Music by ninjoi. - I Don't Want Your Love - https://thmatc.co/?l=4C881353
Music by ninjoi. - Prayers - https://thmatc.co/?l=D68A8095
Music by ninjoi. - Thank You - https://thmatc.co/?l=C78C0B30
Music by Axl & Arth - Rather Not - https://thmatc.co/?l=A064B6C5
Music by ninjoi. - Dreamy [Thematic Exclusive] - https://thmatc.co/?l=318CA2D2
Snapchat - SPEISHI
Thanks for watching, as always~ :)

axl one 在 bforbritney Youtube 的最佳解答
Welcome back to my channel❤️
但有其他更重要嘅事 更值得香港人關注 所以一直未upload
今集係比較日常同隨心嘅vlog, hope you guys enjoy?
下集BALI VLOG #03 會係今次Bali trip最後一集啦
BGM? :
One Kiss - Calvin Harris, Dua Lipa
Drama Queen - Shavi ft. Beatrich
Way Back Home - Shaun and Sam Feldt
Don’t Blame It on Me - Axl & Arth
Never Really Over - Katy Perry
Subscribe 我個Youtube Channel啦?
Instagram : bforbritney