世界上有兩種人:「給予者」和「接受者」。而你,是給予者❤️ #漢斯 #給予時不期望回饋 #啟發
- There are givers and there are takers. And you my friend, are a giver ❤️ #hans #giveanddontexpect #englishbelow⬇️
我們認識的時候,他第一天就送了我一個客製化的手工製品,那時候我們是陌生人。他送我禮物並沒有任何理由。當下我很驚訝並感動,因為他甚至對我的朋友做了同樣的事情!🎁 後來我發現,他對好多陌生人都這麼好!無論年齡,國籍,性別,甚至對貓狗,他很勇於付出他自己的時間跟心🤲🏽⌚️❤️
這兩年相處下來我從他的細心行為感受到「給予的美」。這個時代有多少人願意為陌生人放慢腳步,甚至停下來關心他人?這種完全不期待回饋的給予其實是非常開心的,因為當你有辦法在幫助他人中得到快樂時,人生會變的更豐裕。我被他啟發了很多次,也希望我人生中可以跟他一樣,對陌生人付出而完全不期待結果。因為當一個你以後可能再也不會遇到的陌生人被你感動的時候,他可能也會再把你的心意傳給下一個陌生人🌈 #讓愛傳下去 #其實人人都是兄弟姐妹
Ps:漢斯製作非常時尚的手工作品 HANS'HAND works,如手環,鑰匙扣和各種男女小配件。週末跟假日他都在駁二的手工市集擺攤。我很喜歡他設計的獨特性和個性 - 甚至我們家小狗麻吉的牽繩也是他手工編的🐺🖤💕 有機會去逛市集的時候可以跟害羞不給我拍臉的漢斯打個招呼🙋🏻🤣
Hans is a talented friend of mine who has always taken time to support me, to help me with detailed handwork in my shop, read every single one of my posts, and send me honest “chin-up” , “you-are-good-enough” and “go-for-it” messages when I felt like shit and my confidence was buried in the ground💩
The first day we met he gave me a handmade gift, for NO reason. I was so surprised, because he did the same to my friends, and other strangers! No matter how old or young the people are, where they’re from, boy or girl, even dogs, he is one of the few persons I know, who takes time to make gifts for STRANGERS. And the adorable thing about it is - he NEVER EXPECTS SOMETHING BACK! ❤️
Throughout the two years I’ve got to know him, he has inspired me to do the same, to just give a little more love, care and time to people who don’t even ask for it, just because... no reason. Because it makes you feel good, it makes you happy! And because maybe, just maybe, these strangers that you treated kind will do the same to other strangers too - because they were inspired by YOU.
#spreadLOVE #weareone 🔥
Btw: Hans makes really stylish hand work like bracelets, key holders, and all kinds of accessories for guys and girls. He always has a stand on the weekend at the Pier 2 handcraft market. I love the uniqueness and character of his designs - even my pupp Maji has a leash made by him 🐺🖤💕 @ 駁二藝術特區 The Pier-2 Art Center