最新的彈子跳棋甲💅🏻💈💖哦😱😱😱😱😱😱😱太美了😍😍 E nail又有新款式,全用上最好的日本不致癌Shinygel 產品,你們的美甲店進了嗎🤔??還是在用含酸度極高的工業有害物質??賣家告訴你產品成分,還是自己進行深入了解、測試,甚至化驗???給化學品客人用就要有責任做好安全檢定,不要人雲亦雲,做個好商家🤗
E nail 地址:銅鑼灣渣甸坊28號,京華中心2座,26樓A(MTR F出口)
開店時段: 星期二至日12:30pm-9:00pm(星期一休息)
預約電話:+852 21470200
Email: [email protected]
New New New!!!!! marble nails available at E nail now💖💖💖💖💖💈💈💈💈💈💈come and try the newest nail arts at E nail 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
address : 26A Capitol Centre Tower II, No. 28 Jardine's Crescent,Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Appointment telephone no.: 21470200
Opening hours: Tuesday~Sunday,12:30pm~9:00pm(closed on Monday)