An aforadable DIY! A Lovely cute charm or Key Chain from decorated Spoons
■Time used :Around 15 min.(Drying time not included)
■Total cost:About 400 Yen
・Fake whip cream CanDo
・Fruits and sweets for deco Seria or CanDo
・Jump ring
①Put Adhesive glue on to the spoon.
②Put some fake deco whip cream onto the spoon.
③Decorate the rest with sweets and dry them
④Use the jump ring to add the key chain and you are done.
They look just like the real ones! DIY Cute Macaron Key Chain that is perfect for Spring.
【Materials 】
・Paper Clay
・Acrylic Paint
・Paint Pallete
・Key Chain…with rotating jump ring.
・Jump Rings
・Silicone Sealant
・Wood Glue
①Include some acrylic paint into the paper clay to get a color.
②Push the paper clay into the paint palette.
④Use 3 toothpicks to create some designs or patterns.
⑤Put the Silicone Sealant as if it is a cream
⑥Put the other dried clay on top of each other
⑦Glue the 3 macarons to stack
⑧Add eyepins, jump rings and key chain for a finished look!
・デコホイップ キャンドゥ
・デコ用スイーツ セリア・キャンドゥ